Dear Seraphina,

You must think I’m terrible! I hope you won’t hold it against me, what I said. Sometimes I think there’s something wrong with my head. It’s just, well, for some reason I feel comfortable talking to you, like really opening myself up, but then . . . there are some things we need to keep to ourselves, don’t we? No matter how much we might trust other people, we always have to keep some secrets to ourselves.

So anyway, I was there on the stockroom guy’s lap and basically told him no, but part of me wanted him to force things. Because I am broken, Seraphina. I am sick. I don’t think I can ever be in an intimate relationship, not like . . . well, before, when I was with guys I really cared for and even loved.

He was a gentleman, just like I said, and he drove me home. Since then he has not asked me out again, though I did see him in the breakroom the other day and he smiled at me, but that was it. I think he is seeing somebody from the prepared-foods department now. Well, there I go rambling again. I just really needed you to know why I said what I said, and that I’m sorry if it upset you.

I also wanted to let you know again that the US Weekly cover really is fantastic. And I read the article inside and it says that you are dating your co-star from Her Last Move. He is so handsome! You make such a cute couple. Oh, and I’ve saved up enough money so I can buy a ticket for the superhero movie. Can’t wait!