W. G. Arnott, Menander, Plautus, Terence (Greece & Rome, New Surveys in the Classics no. 9, 1975).
W. G. Arnott, Menander (Loeb Classical Library, vol. I, 1979).
David Bain, Actors and Audience (Oxford, 1977).
D.M. Bain, Menander, Samia (Aris & Phillips, 1983).
S. M. Goldberg, The Making of Menander’s Comedy (Athlone, 1980).
A. W. Gomme and F. H. Sandbach, Menander, A Commentary (Oxford, 1973).
E. W. Handley, ‘Comedy’ in The Cambridge History of Classical Literature, vol. I (Cambridge, 1985), pp. 355–425 and 779–83.
E. W. Handley, The Dyskolos of Menander (Methuen, 1965).
R. L. Hunter, The New Comedy of Greece and Rome (Cambridge, 1985).
F. H. Sandbach, The Comic Theatre of Greece and Rome (Chatto & Windus, 1977).
All these books also contain useful bibliographies.