General Index

References for images are in bold.

(Page numbers refer to print edition.)

absence, 155, 164, 206, 220, 222, 255, 257, 280n134, 292, 302-4, 331

abstract painting, abstraction, 67n81, 75-76, 81n128, 97, 100-101, 114, 123-24, 160n66, 177-85, 187-90, 192-96, 209-13, 217-21, 223-24, 236n152, 264-74, 277-83, 285-86, 299-307, 331, 337

absurd, absurdity, absurdism, 49, 59, 66-68, 72-73, 78, 80, 98, 112, 182, 321

abyss, 149, 153, 182, 202

academy, academic (modern), 9-10, 18-19, 36-37, 42, 44, 49-50, 68, 71, 77, 86, 227, 327-30, 334

academy, academic (traditional), 30, 90, 92, 119, 151, 157, 175, 189, 219, 221n98, 231, 255, 258-59, 330, 335

Adam and Eve, 185, 194n182, 214, 250

Addams, Jane, 263

advertising, 71, 83, 161, 323-24

African Methodist Episcopal Church, 258

Agamben, Giorgio, 284

agnosticism, agnostic, 134, 256, 278

Albers, Josef, 225n117

Aldea, Leonard, 227, 240

Alley, Ronald, 139

alpha and omega, 147, 173

altar, altarpiece, 22, 32, 136-37, 153n36, 156n51, 185n149, 243, 303

Ames, William, 246

analogia entis (analogy of being), 168n87

anarchy, anarchism, anarchist, 66, 73n100, 226, 228

angel, angels, 94, 99, 100, 104, 192-93, 204, 207-8, 216, 241, 249, 260

Angel of the Lord, 207

archangel, 201-2, 205, 208

Anglican Church, 134, 244, 248

annunciation, 189n169, 233, 260, 311n88

anthropology, anthropological, 34, 290, 308

anthroposophy, Anthroposophical Society, 177n115, 185

apocalypse, apocalyptic, 167n81, 185, 190-96, 202, 205, 207-8, 248, 315n100

apophasis, apophatic theology, 109n66, 149-50, 152-54, 213, 219-23, 225-26, 227n121, 240, 303-5

Apollo, 219, 272

Aquinas, Thomas, Thomism, 93, 121, 123-24, 134, 262, 300n50, 332

Areopagus, 22, 249n174

Arp, Hans, 229, 231

Arthurs, Alberta, 20n13

Arya, Rina, 20n13

asceticism, ascetic, 217n80, 219-20, 228

Ash Can school, 262

Aston, Nigel, 19n8

atheism, atheist, 95n20, 132, 163, 276n123, 330

Audubon, John James, 253

Augustine, Saint, 333

Aurier, G.-Albert, 98, 116

Babylon, 192, 208

Bacon, Francis, 79-80, 133n161

Baigell, Matthew, 244

Bailly, David, 320-22

Self-Portrait with Vanitas Symbols (1651), 320-22, 321

Ball, Hugo, 142, 189, 197, 226-41

Byzantine Christianity (1923), 240

Flight Out of Time (1927), 227n123, 229n127

Krippenspiel (Nativity Play) (1916), 233-34

magic bishop, 234-38, 235

simultaneous poems, 229-30

sound poems (Lautgedichte), 234-39, 235

Bann, Stephen, 45-46

baptism, baptized, 120, 134, 194, 248, 311n88

Barr, Albert H., Jr., 33-36, 271-76, 280

Barringer, Tim, 248n22, 251, 253n57

Basner, Elena, 214n63

Baudelaire, Charles, 61, 89, 93n15, 162

Bauhaus, 182

Bayer, Oswald, 336n10

Bax, M. T., 177n117

beauty, beautiful, 22, 51, 63, 67, 79, 80n123, 81n129, 82-83, 89, 92, 94, 109n66, 111, 113, 121-26, 133-35, 142, 147, 169, 181n133, 182, 183n140, 185n149, 186, 188, 198, 237, 245n13, 248, 250, 252-53, 295, 304-5, 317, 320, 323, 332, 337

Beckmann, Max, 193-94n182, 275n117

Beethoven, Ludvig van, 297

Begbie, Jeremy S., 48, 56n35

Bellows, George, 262-63

Benjamin, Walter, 126, 128, 327

Benois, Alexandre, 210-12, 219

Benton, Thomas Hart, 270, 278

Berger, Peter L., 18, 20

Bergson, Henri, 123, 264

Bernanos, George, 119

Bernard, Émile, 102-3, 105-8, 115-17, 127, 129

Besançon, Alain, 201, 213, 223

Beyond, the, 104, 121, 149-53, 170, 173, 182, 193, 216-20, 222-23, 225, 309n85

Bible, Scripture, 53, 63, 68, 106-7, 110, 139, 159, 175n113, 189n164, 190, 196, 218, 249-50, 257-58, 261, 271n95, 298

biblical criticism, higher, 63, 144, 162

Bierstadt, Albert, 253

Billington, James H., 200n10

Birtwistle, Graham, 53n19, 54n24, 55

Black Mountain College, 298

black (symbolic meaning), 138, 167, 192-93, 195, 209-14, 216, 219-20, 224-25, 307-8, 316

blankness, 26, 148, 210-13, 219-21, 225, 254, 301-5, 317

blasphemy, blasphemous, 31, 203, 206-7

Blaue Reiter (Blue Rider), 192-96, 205, 215n69, 267

Blaue Reiter Almanac (Blue Rider Almanac, 1912), 194-95, 205

Blavatsky, Helena, 256, 269

Blechen, Karl, 155n46

Bloch, Albert, 194

Bloch, Carl, 308

Bloch, Ernest, 267n82

Blotkamp, Carel, 177n115, 177n117, 179, 184, 185n149

Bloy, Léon, 111n75, 120

Böhme, Jakob, 239

Boime, Albert, 341

Bois, Yve-Alain, 130, 184n143

Borchardt-Hume, Achim, 213n59, 213n62, 223n112

Bourdon, David, 312

bourgeois, 52, 67, 84, 98

Bowlt, John E., 199-200

Boyle-Turner, Caroline, 102

Bracke, Sarah, 23n23

Brancusi, Constantin, 209

Braque, Georges, 129

Bratt, James D., 175n112

Broun, Elizabeth, 264, 266n80

Brown, Milton, 264, 266n79

Buchloh, Benjamin H. D., 226n119, 318n112

Buddhism, Buddhist, 46, 168n86, 278, 290, 296, 304n72

Bultmann, Rudolf, 63

Bunyan, John, 106

Butterfield, Andrew, 131

Cabaret Voltaire, 229-37, 240n177

Caffin, Charles, 266

Cage, John, 285, 291-98, 303-8, 318-19, 326

4′33″ (1952), 292-95, 303

Calvin, John, 108, 158-61, 182, 243, 245

Calvinism, Calvinist, neo-Calvinist, 54-55, 72n97, 158-59, 161, 168-69, 174-75, 177, 183-84

Camper, Fred, 300n52

Carlin, John, 315n100

Carrier, David, 131

Castelli, Leo, 304n70

Catholic, Roman, 12, 31-32, 41, 50, 54, 56, 68, 85, 94, 96-97, 101-6, 108-17, 119, 122-24, 128, 130, 133-36, 140, 142, 145-46, 153n35, 163, 166, 198, 213, 218, 225n117, 227-29, 236-37, 241, 256, 262, 269, 281, 311, 322, 323n125, 325, 336

Cézanne, Paul, 41, 65, 98-99, 124-30, 258, 272, 335, 337

Farmhouse and Chestnut Trees at Jas de Bouffan (1884–1885), 125-26, 126

Chagall, Marc, 136

Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon, 314

Chateaubriand, François-René de, 90, 94

Chesterton, G. K., 31n46, 98

Chlenova, Masha, 216, 218n84

Christ, Jesus. See Jesus Christ

Christmas, 167, 171, 231-34, 312

church, the, 24, 29, 31, 50-52, 68, 77, 89, 92, 95-96, 109-13, 115, 123, 130, 134-35, 137, 145, 156, 160, 164, 175, 179, 183, 196, 200-201, 203-4, 214, 222nn102-3, 228n123, 241, 244, 247-49, 263, 276, 291, 296-99, 311, 323-25, 329, 331-32, 334-36

attending, 95n20, 96, 101-2, 103n44, 128, 175, 201, 214, 221, 236, 252, 259n63, 263, 297, 298-99, 312, 325

building, cathedral, 34n52, 47, 94, 96, 116, 137, 151-53, 161, 163-67, 175n110, 176, 178-79, 195n188, 198, 200, 204, 209, 213n61-62, 236, 278, 281, 283, 310, 312, 316

Church, Frederic Edwin, 245, 249-52, 256

Clark, T. J., 17, 25-26, 28-29, 75n107, 90-92, 143n7, 147-48, 223

Claudel, Paul, 119

Cole, Thomas, 243-52, 256

Course of Empire (1833–1836), 245, 248-49

Saint John the Baptist Preaching in the Wilderness (1827), plate 6, 243-44, 248

collage, 272, 299-300, 308

communism, communist, 32, 35n54, 130, 241

connaturality, 122, 137

Constable, John, 133

consumerism, consumerist, 12, 61, 83, 313-15, 232-34

contingency, contingent, 25-29, 81, 148, 322

Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille, 90

cosmology, 34, 62, 146, 290, 295

Courbet, Gustave, 63-64, 90-93, 96-98, 114, 288, 330, 334-35

A Burial at Ornans (1849–1850), 90-93, 91, 97, 288

crisis, 36, 41, 48, 53, 55n30, 59-62, 64, 68, 97, 123n122, 145, 148, 154n39, 162-63, 176

Crone, Rainer, 217n82, 314

cross, 94, 132, 151n32, 153n35-36, 156n51, 164n76, 185, 215, 221, 224-25, 237, 243-44, 249, 258, 310, 312, 325

cross-pressure, 43, 145-46, 199, 241, 326

Crouch, Andy, 34n53

Crow, Thomas, 313-14, 317n105, 322

crucifix, 91, 312

crucifixion, 32, 90, 132, 136-39, 144, 185, 190, 233, 243, 256, 260, 299, 309

Crunden, Robert M., 263

cubism, cubist, 73-75, 78, 80, 96, 123, 126, 129-31, 177, 197, 205, 215, 236, 271-72

analytic, 73-74, 75n107, 272

synthetic, 272

Daab, Zan Schuweiler, 312n92, 322

Dada, 67, 84, 189, 200, 226-41, 271

Dalí, Salvador, 67n81, 78

Danchev, Alex, 126nn133-34

Darwin, Charles, 253, 255-56

David, Jacques-Louis, 92, 111, 147, 148n24

Davidson, Susan, 300, 308n84

Davies, Arthur, 266-67

Davis, John, 251n40

de Duve, Thierry, 68-69, 197, 211n51, 317

De Stijl, 182, 185n149

death, deathly, deadening, 30, 48, 52, 53n21, 60-61, 67, 72, 80n123, 84, 85, 93, 109, 147, 151-54, 159, 163-67, 171, 173, 175n113, 187, 190-96, 204, 208, 211, 213, 230-32, 233n148, 243, 247, 255, 296, 298, 302-3, 313n97, 314-22, 326, 332, 338

dechristianization, dechristianized, 89, 144

declinism, declinist, 9, 55, 62, 155

Deene, Jan van, 185n149

dehumanization, dehumanizing, dehumanized, 30, 59, 61-62, 73, 82, 200

Deicher, Susanne, 184

Delacroix, Eugène, 89, 93-96, 143, 334-35

Christ on the Sea of Galilee (1854), 94-95, 95

Delbanco, Andrew, 254

deluge, flood, 173, 193n177, 194, 231, 237n157, 290-91

demon, demonic, 32n49, 133n158, 190, 195, 202, 208, 229, 255

demythologization, demythologizing, 62-63

Denis, Maurice, 90, 95n20, 111, 112n77, 114, 116-17, 121n114, 123, 124n126, 129

desert, wilderness, 219-21, 224, 243-45, 252, 262

Dewey, John, 263, 271

Dillenberger, Jane Daggett, 33, 49n4, 132, 312n95, 313n96, 323n125

Dionysius the Aeropagite (Pseudo-Dionysius), 116, 223, 240-41, 272

Dixon, John W., Jr., 49n4

Dobychina, Natalia, 207, 209

Doesburg, Theo van, 185n149

Donkey’s Tail, 205-6, 215

Dooyeweerd, Herman, 54-56, 84

Doss, Erika, 20

doubt, 27-29, 31, 39, 59, 62-65, 74, 100, 107, 168n86, 172, 197, 241, 257, 308-9, 337

Douglas, Charlotte, 213n61, 216n74, 217n81

Dove, Arthur, 264, 267

dragon, 190, 191n173, 195, 202, 208

Dreier, Katherine Sophie, 269

Drutt, Matthew, 210n46, 221

Duchamp, Marcel, 66, 227, 269, 294, 335

Duckworth, William, 295

Eakins, Thomas, 256, 258

Easter, 199, 280-81, 312

Ebeling, Gerhard, 336n10

Eckhart, Meister, 265

eclipse, 214n64, 216

Eden, Garden of, 191, 248, 299

Edwards, Jonathan, 246, 263, 304n72

Egbert, Donald D., 93n13

Eggeling, Viking, 229

Eiland, Howard, 327n2

Elderfield, John, 236n152, 237, 240

Eldredge, Charles C., 256n56, 264n71, 265, 267n81

Eliot, T. S., 261-62

Elkins, James, 17, 20, 37-40, 42, 44, 69, 72

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 154n41, 245-47, 251-52, 254, 258, 263, 268, 271, 282

Emmanuel, Lambardos, 226

enchantment, 21n17, 22, 228n124, 238, 278

disenchantment, 21-22, 26-28, 61-62, 164n77

reenchantment, 21n17, 22, 72n99

Enlightenment, Age of Reason, 59, 61, 89-90, 114-15, 144, 150, 328

Episcopal, Episcopalian, 265, 298

epistemology, epistemological, epistemic, 59-65, 73-76, 99n33, 107-8, 121-22, 143n7, 150, 159-60, 166, 182, 183n140, 220, 222-23

Erickson, Kathleen Powers, 103n47, 162n72, 163n73

escapism, escapist, 30, 69, 181-82, 196, 297

eschatology, eschatological, 34, 104, 147, 151, 153n35, 162, 164, 172-73, 184-85, 190-96, 202, 290

esotericism, esoteric, 112, 115, 176, 185, 278

eternity, eternal, 34, 105-6, 118, 127-28, 130, 153, 155n46, 169-71, 193, 242, 246

ethic, ethics, ethical, 30, 51, 62, 73, 80, 82, 145, 184, 230-31, 238, 263, 275, 277, 290, 295-96, 319

Eucharist, 111, 122n115, 311, 323

evangelicalism, evangelical, 9, 36n56, 49, 51-52, 54, 106, 156, 160n66, 168n86, 238, 247, 256, 263, 271, 330-32

Eversole, Finley, 49n4

evil, 34, 61, 67n81, 81, 99, 202, 205, 226, 252, 257, 309, 324, 326

existentialism, existentialist, 32n49, 61, 68, 153

exodus, 189, 194

expressionism, expressionist, 30n44, 65, 174, 206, 265n78, 272, 275n117, 277, 282, 299, 302, 303n69, 337

expulsion, 204n30, 248

Exter, Alexandra, 205, 207n38

Fairbrother, Trevor, 320n117

Farago, Claire, 17

fauvism, fauvist, 65, 272

Feininger, Lyonel, 194

Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas von, 254

Fineberg, Jonathan, 316

Finney, Charles, 247

Fish, Stanley, 19

Florensky, Pavel, 199n9

Fontana, Lucio, 68

formalism, formalist, 78, 139n181, 143, 183, 196, 215n72, 216, 218-19, 271, 279, 283, 306n76

Forster, Leonard, 239

Foster, Hal, 226, 231, 314n99, 318, 324

fragilization, fragilized belief, 27-31, 147, 174, 309, 325

Franciscono, Marcel, 196n192

Fried, Michael, 317, 323

Friedman, B. H., 278n126, 281

Friedrich, Caspar David, 111n74, 137n176, 147-58, 161-62, 165-67, 169, 174-75, 178-79, 182, 244

Abbey in the Oakwood (1809–1810), 151-53, 152, 158, 165-67, 179

Cross in the Mountains (Tetschen Altar) (1807–1808), 153n36, 156n51, 157

Monk by the Sea (1808–1809), plate 3, 147-51, 153, 155, 157-58, 178n120

Winter Landscape with Church (1811), 151, 153n35

Winter (Monk in the Snow) (1807–1808), 153n36, 175n110

fullness, 28, 78-79, 81, 212, 220, 222, 238, 293, 295-96, 301-5

of God, 152, 220, 303

of time, 33n52, 173

futurism, futurist, 123, 205, 209-11, 212n55, 215, 236n152

Gablik, Suzi, 21n17

Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 329

Gambone, Robert L., 270n92

Gamwell, Lynn, 20, 160n66

Gasque, Laurel, 53n19-20, 54n25

Gatrall, Jefferson J. A., 199n7

Gauguin, Paul, 54-55, 65, 89, 94, 98-106, 108-11, 113-17, 126, 139, 213-14, 272

Vision After the Sermon (1888), plate 1, 99-106

Gay, Peter, 184

Geldzahler, Henry, 312, 314n100, 318n110

Gershenzon, Mikhail, 221

Gethsemane, 107, 167

Gheyn, Jacques de, 320n117

Gill, Eric, 133-36, 140

GINKhUK (Russian State Institute of Artistic Culture), 223-24

gift, 55, 115, 159-60, 189n164, 295, 304, 338

givenness, hereness, thisness, 80-81, 147, 150-51, 160-62, 168-70, 181, 186-89, 196, 220, 222-23, 294-97, 304-5, 308

Glackens, William, 262, 266

Gleizes, Albert, 74n104, 96-98, 123-24, 205

glossolalia (speaking in tongues), 216-17

gnosticism, gnostic, 50, 69, 75, 112, 180n124, 196, 226, 232, 297, 326

God, 11, 17, 26n28, 27-29, 41-42, 50-51, 55, 57n39, 60-63, 67, 73n103, 80-82, 84, 89, 92, 94-96, 101, 104-6, 108-10, 118, 121, 127-28, 134, 147, 152-63, 168, 170-71, 174, 184, 189, 190n170, 195n188, 196, 203-5, 208n42, 209, 211n51, 212-13, 220-23, 226, 233, 237, 243-55, 257-58, 261, 263, 277, 281, 300, 302-3, 305, 309-10, 316, 326, 331, 336

death of, 109, 213, 326

glory of, 108, 152, 159, 243, 260

house of, temple of, 156, 161

image of, 62n55, 203, 243, 316

kingdom of, 33n52, 153n35

light of, 239, 249, 307, 316

presence of, 11, 41-42, 94, 96, 106, 128, 130, 155, 160, 171, 244, 251, 253, 255-56, 260, 265, 277, 316, 331

Son of, 110, 322

Word of, 161, 175, 202, 238-40, 256, 261

Godfrey, Tony, 293

Golden Fleece, 202

Golding, John, 20, 268

Golgotha, 174, 225

Goncharova, Natalia, 41, 196, 200-209, 214, 215n69, 241

Elder with Seven Stars (Apocalypse) (1910), 202

Evangelists (1910–1911), 206-7

Mystical Images of War (1914), 207-8

Saint Michael the Archangel (1910), plate 5, 201-2

Vintage of God (1911–1912), 205

Gopnik, Adam, 316

Gorodetsky, Sergei, 202

Gorringe, T. J., 80n123

Gorski, Philip S., 19, 21

gospel, Gospels, 33n52, 69, 161, 190n172, 196, 206, 233, 298, 331

Gottlieb, Adolf, 279

Goya, Francisco, 51, 64

grace, 50, 63, 72n97, 106, 114, 120, 160-61, 337

gratitude, thanksgiving, 160, 187, 294-97, 319

grave, graveyard, cemetery, 91, 151-52, 158, 163-67, 208-9

Gray, Nicolete, 136n175

Great Awakening, 247

Green, Christopher, 129

Greenberg, Clement, 64n65, 139, 272n99, 279, 282-83, 303

Greene, Graham, 119

Greenfield, Douglas, 199n7

Gregory, Brad S., 19n10

Grewe, Cordula, 20

Griffiths, Richard, 119n103

Groen van Prinsterer, Guillaume, 55

Gross, Jennifer R., 269

Grünewald, Matthias, 32, 137, 243

Guardini, Romano, 277

Guggenheim, Peggy, 278

Gunton, Colin, 98-99

Haftmann, Werner, 113, 119n104, 125, 133n158, 277

halo, 105-6, 170-71, 173n105, 214, 299

Halverson, Marvin, 276

happenings, 51, 68, 287-91, 294

Harned, David B., 49n4

Harrison, Charles, 47, 133n160

Hartley, Marsden, 258, 264-65, 267

The Dark Mountain, No. 2 (1909), 264-65, 265

Hausmann, Raoul, 227, 236n152

Hazelton, Roger, 49n4

Heartney, Eleanor, 20

heaven, 116, 128, 155, 214, 249, 257, 287, 310, 324

Heckel, Erich, 196

Hegeman, David Bruce, 53

Heilsbronn, Monk of, 239

hell, 67n81, 89, 117n100, 310, 324

Heller, Ena Giurescu, 20n13

Hello, Ernest, 111n75, 119

Hempton, David, 164

Hennings, Emmy, 229, 239

Henri, Robert, 262-64

Hepworth, Barbara, 133n160

Herbert, Robert, 126n135, 127

hermeneutic, charitable, generous, 47, 86, 283, 329

heterodoxy, heterodox, 31, 241

Heyer, George S., 33n52

Higley, Sarah L., 239n167

Hildegard von Bingen, 239

Hills, Patricia, 35n54

Hilma af Klint, 185

Hodegetria, icon of the, 198, 212, 225, 226

Hodler, Ferdinand, 155n46

Hofmann, Hans, 267n82, 279

Hofmann, Werner, 156, 157n55

Holifield, E. Brooks, 247n19

Holmes, Lewis M., 156n52

holy fool (iurodstvo), 217, 230-32, 312-13

Holy Land, Promised Land, 128, 255, 259

Holy Spirit, 78, 110, 185, 190, 245, 311, 323

Hopkins, David, 269

Hopps, Walter, 306n76, 308n84

horizon, 106, 127, 148-51, 155, 163-65, 173, 222, 255, 265

horizontality, 127, 150, 164, 178-81, 184, 307

Hudson River School, 246, 253n47

Huelsenbeck, Richard, 229, 240n177

Huffington, Arianna, 130n149

Hughes, Robert, 314

Hugo, Victor, 90, 167n85, 168

Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 249-50

Huntington, David C., 250, 252n42

Huysmans, J. K., 111-12, 117-20

hymn, hymnal, 194, 252, 309-10

icon, iconic, iconography, iconographic, 32-33, 54-55, 67, 80, 92, 144-45, 148, 172, 181, 192, 193n178, 195, 197-215, 217, 223-25, 226, 241, 299-300, 307-8, 315-17, 323, 325, 328

iconoclasm, iconoclastic, aniconic, 38n61, 145, 155, 182, 190n170, 196, 210, 223, 311, 301

immanence, immanent, 34, 63, 103, 157, 168, 194, 163, 272-73

impressionism, impressionist, 64-65, 97-99, 114, 129, 186n154, 301n57

immutable, immutability, 174, 180n127, 181, 183

incarnation, incarnate, 104-5, 198, 225, 239-40, 246, 256, 300, 309

industrial, industrialization, 25, 30, 35, 112, 230

infinite, infinity, 103, 148-50, 153-55, 157, 218, 220n96, 222, 251, 301

inhabitable infinite, 162, 169-71, 173-74

inner sound (innerer Klang), 188-89, 193, 234n149

Innes, George, 256

interpretive generosity, charitable hermeneutic, 47, 86, 283, 329

Ivanov, Sergey A., 217n80

Jakobson, Roman, 215n72

James, William, 271

Jameson, Frederic, 29n42, 128

Janco, Marcel, 229

Janecek, Gerald, 216n74, 216n76

Jawlensky, Alexei von, 194, 196, 205, 208

je ne sais quoi (an indefinable something), 105-6, 170-71, 219

Jesus Christ, 26n28, 69, 72, 81, 85, 92-95, 105-7, 109n66, 110-13, 120, 122, 130n149, 132, 136, 159, 163, 167n81, 172, 174-76, 195n188, 198, 202, 204, 206, 208, 212, 224-25, 232-34, 237, 239, 243, 250, 258, 260, 263, 283, 296-97, 308-11, 322-23

Job, 196, 260

John Climacus, 240

John the Baptist, 204n27, 243

Johns, Elizabeth, 257

Johnson, Todd, 13

Johnston, Robert, 13

Jonah, 257-58

Jones, David, 135-36

Jones, Zoë Marie, 123n122

Joseph, Branden W., 300

joy, 35, 82-83, 121, 195n188, 296

Judaism, Jewish, 46, 53n21, 158, 160n66, 201n17, 212, 278, 290

Judas Iscariot, 311

Jüngel, Eberhard, 336n10

justice, just, 31, 52, 92, 134, 162, 184, 261, 263

injustice, unjust, 32, 82, 131, 334

Kandinsky, Vasily, 5, 41, 67, 185-96, 197-99, 205, 213, 215n69, 236n152, 265, 267-69, 272, 286

All Saints Day II (1911), 190, 191

Composition 5 (1911), plate 4, 191-94

Composition 6 (1913), 194

Impression 3 (Concert) (1911), 187

Klänge (1912–1913), 236n152

On the Spiritual in Art (1911), 186, 188-90, 192-94, 198n3, 267, 269

“Reminiscences” (1913), 186-87, 189-90, 193n178, 197n3, 198

Kant, Immanuel, 17, 63

Kantor, Sybil Gordon, 36n56, 272n99

Kaprow, Allan, 285-91, 294-96, 302, 306, 307n80, 318-19

Kaufmann, Eric, 18n6

Kelly, Franklin, 248n23

Kemfert, Beate, 201n15

Kensett, John Frederick, 251

Khlebnikov, Velimir, 215-17, 236n152

Kierkegaard, Søren, 61

Klaric, Arlette, 264

Klee, Paul, 59, 67, 186, 194, 196

Klinger, Max, 155n46

Kliun, Ivan, 215, 224

Knave of Diamonds (Bubnovyi Valet), 204-5, 215n69

Knight, Christopher, 324

Knight, Janice, 246

Koerner, Joseph Leo, 152-55, 156n51, 157n54, 158n57

Kojecky, Roger, 262n71

Kokoschka, Oskar, 196

Konovalov, D. G., 217

Kooning, Willem de, 277

Kosegarten, Ludwig Gotthard, 156-57

Kosky, Jeffrey L., 21-22

Kramer, Cheryl, 201n17

Krasner, Lee, 278, 280n137, 281

Krauss, Rosalind, 36, 43n71

Kruchenykh, Aleksei, 215-17, 218n84

Kubin, Alfred, 192, 196

Kügelgen, Gerhard von, 157

Kuklick, Bruce, 263

Kuspit, Donald B., 76, 322

Kuyper, Abraham, 34n69, 54-55, 175, 183

Lamennais, Hugues-Felicité Robert de, 94

Lamoureux, Johanne, 323n125

Landau, Ellen G., 280n137

Lane, Fitz Hugh, 251

Langhorne, Elizabeth, 278n125

Larionov, Mikhail, 204-5, 215n69, 215n72

Last Judgment, 190, 192, 202, 204n27, 233n148, 322

Last Supper, 110, 112, 190, 311, 323

Léger, Fernand, 129

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 200n13, 223

Leonardo da Vinci, 311, 323

Levin, Sandra Gail, 267n82, 268

Lewer, Debbie, 227, 237n157

Lingua Ignota (unknown language), 239

liturgy, liturgical, 22, 31, 33, 91, 94, 96, 103, 111, 115, 132-33, 156, 197, 199, 214, 218, 232, 234-37, 241, 256, 311

longing, 33-34, 106, 116, 154, 162, 172-73, 184-85, 196, 232, 257, 274, 309, 316

Lord, Douglas, 102n42, 108

Lorrain, Claude de, 251

Lossky, Vladimir, 223n109

love, 63, 80-83, 112, 116, 128-29, 134, 171-72, 182, 191, 211, 231, 251, 275, 296, 316, 338

Lövgren, Sven, 167n81

Luks, George, 263

Luther, Martin, 161

Lutheran, 155-56, 160n66, 161

MacCarthy, Fiona, 135

Macke, August, 194, 195n188, 196

magi, 212, 233

magic, magical, 26n31, 27, 72n99, 131, 133, 234, 236-39, 278

Magritte, René, 67n81, 78

Malevich, Kazimir, 30, 205, 209-25, 226, 241, 272, 301n57

The Artist (Self-Portrait) (1933), 225

Black Square (or Quadrilateral) (1915), 209-13, 210, 216, 218-20, 225

God Is Not Cast Down (1922), 209, 221-23

Head of a Peasant Man (1929–1932), 224, 224-25

Last Futurist Exhibition of Paintings 0.10 (Zero-Ten) (1915–1916), 209-13, 210, 218

Suprematist Mirror (1923), 220-21, 301n57

Victory over the Sun (1913), 215-17

White on White (1918), 220

Mallarmé, Stéphane, 67n79, 111

Manessier, Alfred, 124

Manet, Édouard, 63-64, 97-99, 162, 309, 335

Mann, Philip, 228n123, 234n151, 237, 239, 240n175

Mantel, Aleksandr, 200

Manville, Bill, 321

Marc, Franz, 192, 194-96

Marcadé, Jean-Claude, 223

Maritain, Jacques, 119-24, 134-35, 137, 139, 262, 264n77

Maritain, Raïssa, 119-20

Marquis, Alice Goldfarb, 36n56, 271n95

Martin of Tours, Saint, 195n189

Marx, Karl, 32n47, 93n11

Marxism, Marxist, 75n107, 93n13, 271-72, 274

Mary, Saint, 72, 139, 159, 189n169, 233n146, 258, 260, 299-300

Mary Magdalene, Saint, 32, 309

Mass, the, 32, 94-96, 128, 135, 152, 232, 236, 246, 312, 325

mass media, 12, 83n138, 284, 290, 296, 307, 314n100, 319, 324-26

materialism, materialist, 21, 60, 64n65, 116-17, 144, 176n114, 188, 190n172, 196, 200, 205-6, 223, 254, 264n77, 317n109

Mathews, Marcia M., 258n68, 259n63, 261n69

Matisse, Henri, 39, 80n125, 118, 143, 280, 337

Matiushin, Mikhail, 215, 217

Mauclair, Camille, 98

Maunier, George, 112n77

Mauriac, François, 119

McCosh, James, 250

McNabb, Vincent, 134

mechanical reproduction, mass production, 25, 134, 313-19, 321-26

Mechthild of Magdeburg, 239

Mekkes, J. P. A., 54

Melville, Herman, 242, 254-55, 282, 302

memento mori, 167, 319-21

Menefee, Ellen Avitts, 243

Merswin, Rulman, 239

metaphysics, metaphysical, 51, 64n65, 103-4, 146, 149, 151, 223, 240n177, 279, 327

Methodism, Methodist, 255, 258-59

Metzinger, Jean, 73-74, 78, 96, 98

Michalski, Sergiusz, 161n67

Michelangelo, 142, 334-35

Mikhailova, Klavdiya, 207

Milbank, John, 62n56

Miles, Jonathan, 136

Miller, David C., 328n3

Miller, Perry, 246

Millet, Jean-François, 92, 105, 107-8, 170, 172

The Sower (1850), 92, 105, 172

Milner, John, 177n117, 213n59, 214-15, 216n74

Milton, John, 248

mindfulness, attentiveness, 58, 156, 158, 288, 292, 296, 304n72, 313n97

Miró, Joan, 67n81, 72-73

Misler, Nicoletta, 191

modernism, modernist, 9-10, 13, 17-18, 21, 24, 28-31, 32-47, 48-49, 55, 57, 59-76, 85-86, 99, 133, 135, 142-48, 154-55, 160-62, 174, 185, 196, 199-200, 202, 204n30, 205-8, 213-14, 226, 236n152, 259, 261-74, 277-79, 282-83, 293, 326-29, 335

modernity, 10, 18-19, 21, 23-30, 45, 52, 59-62, 71, 82, 98, 145-47, 164, 188, 195, 200, 230, 275, 309, 326

monastery, monastic, 124, 151n32, 203, 223-24, 309n85

Mondrian, Piet, 41, 174-85, 187n156, 215, 272, 291

Church Façade 1: Church at Domburg (1914), 179

Composition (1921), 181

Composition No. 10: Pier and Ocean (1915), 178

Oostzijdse Mill Along the River Gein by Moonlight (c. 1903), 175, 176

Thy Word Is the Truth (1894), 175-76

Monet, Claude, 64, 98-99, 125-26, 186n154

monk, 103, 147-55, 157-58, 175n111, 178n120, 236n52, 240n74, 309

Monroe, Marilyn, 315-17

Moore, Henry, 68, 133n160, 137

morality, moral imagination, moral activity, 32, 51, 61, 67, 129-30, 140, 219, 232, 243, 247-49, 253, 268, 275, 282, 290-91, 319, 328, 337

Moreau, Gustave, 117-19

Oedipus and the Sphinx (1864), 118, 118-19

Morgan, David, 20, 21n14

Morozov, Ivan, 202

Mosby, Dewey F., 258n62, 259nn64-65, 261n70

Moses, 112, 128, 189n59

Mother of God, Mother and Child, 198, 201n18, 208, 212, 225, 226, 299-301

Motherwell, Robert, 276, 282-83

Muggeridge, Malcolm, 56

Muller-Westermann, Iris, 185n150

Munch, Edvard, 118, 173-74

Münter, Gabriele, 192, 205

Murch, Walter Tandy, 299

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), 34, 271-78

mysticism, mystic, mystical, 27, 50-51, 67, 72, 99, 101-2, 109, 112, 115-16, 120, 124, 168n86, 176, 177n115, 207-8, 217, 219-25, 238-40, 256-61, 265, 267-68, 278

Nabis, 117

Naifeh, Steven, 164

Nakov, Andréi, 210n45, 213n58, 215n70, 218, 221

Napoleon, Napoleonic, 92, 150n31, 156n51, 180

Nash, Paul, 133n160

National Council of Churches, 275-76

nativity, 201n18, 233-34

naturalism, naturalist, naturalistic, 54-55, 61-62, 65, 78-79, 81n130, 101, 114, 160, 168n86, 179-80

Nazism, Nazi, 35n54, 53, 55, 271

negation, 56, 59, 75, 84, 157n54, 187n156, 195, 210-11, 213, 219-20, 301-5

negative theology, via negativa, 109n66, 149-50, 152-54, 213, 219-23, 225-26, 227n121, 240, 301-5

Nelson, Robert, 45n73

Newman, Barnett, 39, 268, 283, 299, 303n65

Newton, Eric, 139

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 46, 109, 228, 240

nihilism, nihilist, 31, 59, 61-62, 66-70, 197, 212, 222-23, 226-28, 231-32, 241, 318, 324, 326, 329, 330, 338

Nizamutdinova, Alfia, 225

Noble, Louis L., 247-49

Nochlin, Linda, 92n9

Nolde, Emil, 39

nonobjectivity, nonobjective abstraction, 177, 187, 209, 219-22, 226, 274

norms, normal, normative, 29, 31, 37, 62, 66, 67n81, 78-85, 145, 165, 246, 287-90, 294, 306-7, 324

nothing, no-thing, nothingness, 34, 67-68, 72, 74n104, 76, 80, 80n123, 148-50, 161, 169-70, 193, 219-20, 222-23, 232, 285n6, 301-3, 305

Novak, Barbara, 244, 251

Novalis, 157

objectlessness (bespredmentnost), 219-21, 222-24

occult, 111, 112n77, 113, 115, 117, 278

O’Connor, John, 134-35

O’Doherty, Brian, 284

O’Keeffe, Georgia, 267

Old Believers, 214-15

Olmsted, Frederick Law, 247, 252-53

Oneness, 154

ontology, ontological, ontic, 71-75, 146, 151, 180, 213, 222, 238, 296

orthodoxy, orthodox, 26n31, 31, 43n70, 46, 105, 112n77, 143, 146, 154n41, 168n86, 240n175, 261n69

unorthodox, 105, 176n114, 217, 261n69

Orthodoxy, Orthodox Church (Russian, Byzantine), 12, 31, 41, 85, 146, 198-203, 206, 209-12, 214-15, 217, 221, 224-25, 241, 269, 311, 336

Oversoul, 247

Ovid, 131

Palmer, Samuel, 155n46, 136-37

Panofsky, Erwin, 161n67

pantheism, pantheist, pantheistic, 146, 154-55, 162, 168n86, 173n105, 196

parable of the soils/sower, 105, 172-73

Parsons, Betty, 280, 299, 301-2, 303n65

Parton, Anthony, 201n15, 202n19, 204n30, 206n34

Paul, Apostle, 22-23, 77, 240n174, 300n50, 332

peasants, 91-92, 101, 103-8, 160, 163-65, 172, 202n19, 214-15, 224-25

Péguy, Charles, 119, 262n71

Pentecost, 311

Perlman, Bernard B., 262n72

Perlmutter, Dawn, 21n17

Petrov-Vodkin, Kuzma, 208

Petrova, Yevgenia, 206n37, 225n116

Pevsner, Nikolaus, 96

photography, photograph, photographic, 30, 71, 74, 83, 99n33, 137, 161, 196, 209-10, 259, 315-17, 320-22, 324

Picabia, Francis, 227

Picasso, Pablo, 32-33, 41, 59, 66, 73-75, 77-78, 80, 124, 129-33, 139, 143, 236n152, 280-81, 335

Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907), 131-33

Drawing V: La Corrida (1959), 132, 132-33

Guernica (1937), 32-33, 77, 131, 252

Pichard, Joseph, 113, 117, 124n125

Pietism, Pietist, 153n35, 156-58, 161, 163n73, 204

Pissarro, Camille, 102, 105, 125

Plato, Platonism, Platonist, Neoplatonism, 112, 114, 115n89, 116-17, 197, 240n173

Plotinus, 272

Poe, Edgar Allan, 257

poetry, poetic, poesis, 26n31, 55n30, 63, 76n113, 89, 109, 111, 115, 121n114, 137, 139, 142, 156, 167n83, 170, 187, 215-17, 219, 228-40, 255, 257, 265, 299, 324

Poggioli, Renato, 328

Polistena, Joyce Carol, 93n15, 94n19, 95

Pollock, Jackson, 68, 270, 278-83, 285-86, 288, 291, 299, 306, 335

Easter and the Totem (1953), 280-81, 281

post-Christian, 60, 69n89, 144, 146, 226, 327

postimpressionism, postimpressionist, 65-66, 135, 139, 273-74

postmodernity, postmodernism, 28, 40, 45-46, 69n89, 99, 310, 333

postsecularity, postsecular, 23-24, 24-28, 34, 43

Poussin, Nicolas, 125, 129

Prange, J. M., 77

prayer, 100, 109n66, 115, 184, 189, 195, 208n42, 209, 214, 225, 233n146, 237, 239, 256-57, 261, 308, 309

prayer book, prayer card, 91, 249, 308, 312

Pre-Raphaelites, 116, 133

Presbyterian, 34, 252, 271, 274, 278

Preziosi, Donald, 17, 20

priest, priesthood, 32, 91, 92, 100-102, 115n89, 119, 128, 136, 201, 213, 234-37, 309, 312

primitivism, primitivist, 116, 133, 200-202

privatization of religion, 27-28, 146

Promey, Sally M., 10, 20-21, 35n56, 276-77

prophet, prophetic, 32n49, 80n126, 117, 204n27, 206, 233, 244, 257

Protestantism, Protestant, 12, 27, 32n49, 33, 36n56, 38, 41, 44, 68, 69n90, 71n96, 85, 103-5, 140, 143-47, 153n35, 155, 156-162, 164, 166, 168nn86-87, 174-76, 177n118, 183, 196, 228, 242-47, 251, 259n63, 296-98, 301, 336

Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 92-93

Provence, M., 129n145

providence, divine, 251-55

Prud’hon, Pierre-Paul, 90, 94

Puritan, 50, 245-46, 262-63

Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre, 116, 118

Puy, Michel, 120

Quistorp, Johann Gottfried, 156

Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 31

Ratcliff, Carter, 314

Rauschenberg, Robert, 41, 68, 298-310, 326

Automobile Tire Print (1953), 308

Collection (1954), 306-7

Elemental Paintings (c. 1953), 307

Erased de Kooning (1953), 307-8

Hymnal (1955), 309-10

Mother of God (c. 1950), 299-301

Untitled (black painting with funnel) (c. 1955), 308-9

White Paintings (1951), 301-6

Raverty, Dennis, 270-71

Ray, Man, 269

Read, Herbert, 139

realism, realist, 62, 74, 93, 96-97, 111, 116-17, 129, 160n66, 169, 175, 182, 209, 213, 218, 239, 253, 256, 258, 264-67, 270, 314n99, 315n100, 330, 334

red corner (krásnyi ugol), 198, 209-10, 212-13

redemption, 69, 107n58, 147, 174, 193, 196, 249, 252, 257, 277, 263, 310n86

Redon, Odilon, 117-18

Reformation, Protestant, 27n33, 34n52, 50, 60n48, 151, 161n67, 242, 245

Reformed Church, Dutch, 106, 162, 175-76

Reformed theology, tradition, 38n61, 50, 54-55, 62, 70, 71n96, 84, 106, 108, 145-46, 156, 158-62, 168n86, 169, 172, 175-77, 243-50, 252, 263, 276, 310

Reinhardt, Ad, 276, 299

Rembrandt van Rijn, 72, 169n88

Renaissance, 38n60, 60n48, 118, 131, 225, 248, 271, 280, 300, 310, 322, 330

Renoir, Pierre-August, 126

resurrection, 112, 140, 144, 164, 190-93, 194n182, 243, 252, 258, 259-60, 308-9

return of religion, 18-23, 92, 221

revelation, revelatory, 60, 91, 100, 104, 122, 125, 129, 183, 190, 242, 250, 263, 275, 283, 292

Revelation, book of, 190, 196, 202n19

Revill, David, 293n25, 293n29

revival, revivalist, 35, 90, 101, 112-13, 115-19, 123, 124, 133, 199, 247, 252, 254, 255, 262, 263, 279

revolution, revolutionary, 30, 52, 55-56, 60-61, 66-67, 97, 112, 114, 126, 134, 182n134, 233n148,

French (1789), 89-90, 94, 97, 116, 119, 148

French (1848), 93

Russian (1905), 213

Russian (1917–1923), 221

Rewald, John, 98, 102n41, 103, 116n94, 124n127, 125

Reynolds, David S., 246

Ribera, Jusepe de, 309

Richards, Elizabeth, 298-99

Richardson, John, 32, 130, 298n45, 312-13

Richardson, Robert, Jr., 247n18

Richter, Hans, 229

Robbins, Bruce, 26n31

Robbins, Daniel, 124n125

Roberts, Sarah, 301n58, 304n70

Rodchenko, Aleksandr, 306n76

Romaine, James, 20, 70, 168n86, 169n88

romanticism, romantic, 12, 62, 67, 90, 93-95, 115, 137n176, 139, 142-62, 175, 244, 246

Rookmaaker, H. R., 9-12, 44, 48-86, 89, 92, 99, 100n35, 101n40, 114-15, 117, 125, 129, 130n147, 132, 133n161, 142, 143n6, 147, 153-56, 181-82, 187, 196, 200n13, 211, 226, 274, 277, 280, 293n25, 297-98, 310, 326, 327-28, 330, 332, 338

rosary, 312

Rose, Barbara, 299n49

Rosen, Aaron, 20

Rosenberg, Harold, 242, 282, 285-86, 302

Rosenblum, Robert, 12, 103, 111n74, 137n176, 143-49, 153n36, 154-56, 158, 160n66, 161, 173n105, 244

Röthel, Hans Konrad, 193n178

Rothenstein, Elizabeth, 140

Rothko, Mark, 39, 147, 242, 277, 279, 299, 337

Rouault, Georges, 31, 68, 79, 114, 118-21, 275n117

Christ in the Suburbs (1920), 120

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 97, 272

ruins, 33, 60n48, 151-53, 163-65, 175, 179, 211

Ruisdael, Jacob van, 158, 159n61, 169n88

Runge, Philipp Otto, 142, 155n46, 156n51

Ruscha, Ed, 324-25

Ruskin, John, 245, 249-52, 253n45, 257

Rybczynski, Witold, 252

Ryder, Albert Pinkham, 247, 254-58, 261, 264-67, 279

Jonah (1885), plate 7, 257-58

sacrament, sacramental, 22, 41, 45n73, 95n20, 96, 110-11, 113-14, 119-22, 128, 133, 135, 139-40, 244, 311, 323

saint, 23, 26n28, 159, 160, 171, 190-91, 193, 195, 198, 201-2, 204-6, 208-9, 213-14, 221, 239, 241, 243-44, 300n50-51, 309, 316

Saint-Martin, Isabelle, 327

Saint-Simon, Claude Henri de, 93

Sallman, Warner, 276

salon, Salon, 64, 90, 92, 98, 118, 125, 202, 206, 259, 334

salvation, 81, 95n20, 138, 163, 191, 247n18, 273, 299n49, 307n80

Sanouillet, Michel, 227n122

Schaeffer, Francis, 54, 338

Schapiro, Meyer, 167n81, 272-74, 283, 291

Schiller, Friedrich, 26

Schleiermacher, Friedrich Daniel Ernst, 90, 157-58, 163

Schloesser, Stephen, 119n103, 120-22

Schmidt, Otto, 151n32

Schmidt, Paul, 216

Schmied, Wieland, 148n26, 151-52

Schuré, Édouard, 112-13, 118

Schwain, Kristin, 256n55, 259n66, 260

scientism, scientistic, 60-62, 109n66

Scott, Gail R., 266n78

sea, 94-95, 97, 147-51, 155, 156-58, 161, 164-65, 169, 175-76, 178, 216, 218, 242, 245, 254, 257, 282, 302

secularism, secularist, 23, 55, 56n31, 90, 96, 119, 142, 211n51, 246, 253, 283

secularity, secular, 17, 21-23, 24-34, 36, 45-47, 51, 86, 114, 145-46, 148, 158, 160, 173n105, 184, 241, 257n57, 262, 264-66, 282, 329

secularization, 10, 18-20, 26-27, 38, 51, 116, 144-46

desecularization, 18

secularization theory, 18-20, 23-24, 26, 36, 38, 60n47, 61, 68, 327

Sedlmayr, Hans, 56, 75, 77n116, 277

Seerveld, Calvin, 49, 57n39

seminary, seminarian, 101, 162-63, 199, 329-30, 332

seriality, 301n58, 314-19, 321-24

sermon, 99-100, 147, 156-57, 171, 260, 290

Sermon on the Mount, 107, 296

Sérusier, Paul, 109, 113, 116

Seryi, Grigory, 223-24

Seurat, Georges, 65, 126

Severini, Gino, 123

Shakespeare, William, 33

Sharp, Jane Ashton, 201n16, 202n19, 204n24, 206n35

Shatskikh, Aleksandra, 207n38, 211n52, 218, 301n57

Shchukin, Sergei, 202

Sheehan, Jonathan, 19n8

Sheppard, Richard, 228n125, 239n169

Shiel, Derek, 136

Shklovsky, Viktor, 215n72, 216

shroud, 214, 302n64, 309n85

Sibbes, Richard, 246-47

Sickert, Walter, 133n160

Siedell, Daniel A., 13, 20, 22-23, 42, 47, 48, 70-71, 73n101, 330-38

silence, 193, 292-97, 302-5, 325-26

Silverman, Debora, 20, 101, 103, 105n52, 106, 108-9, 116n93, 162-63, 169, 173n102

Simeon the Stylite, 240

Simmel, Georg, 25n27

Simon, Walter Augustus, 259n64

simultaneous poem, 229-30, 232-33

Sloan, John, 262-63

Smith, Gregory White, 164

Smith, James K. A., 28n39

Smith, Terry, 333

Smith, Tony, 281

socialism, socialist, 93n11, 134, 228, 263

Société Anonyme, 269

Society for the Arts, Religion and Contemporary Culture (ARC), 276

something on high (quelque chose là-haut), 106, 167-70, 219

Sontag, Susan, 320

Sorgh, Hendrick Martenszoon, 72

Sorkin, David, 19n8, 60n47

soul, souls, 51, 69, 72, 89, 94, 109n66, 111-13, 117, 120-22, 131, 174, 186, 188, 194, 229, 234n149, 259, 270, 298, 302n64, 308

sound poems (Lautgedichte), 234-39, 235

Spencer, Stanley, 139-40

Spira, Andrew, 20, 198n5, 202, 209

spiritual, spirituality, 20n13, 21n17, 22, 23n22, 33, 36-41, 46-47, 50-51, 55-57, 59, 61-62, 72n99, 76-78, 83, 90, 93-94, 99, 102-3, 105-17, 123, 134, 140, 144-45, 155, 176, 182, 185-89, 190n172, 194-95, 197, 200, 205-8, 221-22, 232, 236n152, 244, 247, 256-58, 268-69, 274, 278-83, 291, 296n37, 297-302, 308-9, 312-13, 322, 324, 330

Spretnak, Charlene, 20, 72n99, 324n128, 325

Stark, Rodney, 18n4

Steen, Jan, 76, 79

Steinberg, Leo, 74-75, 78, 306-7

Steiner, Rudolf, 177, 185, 190n172

Stieglitz, Alfred, 264, 266-67, 269-70

Stiles, Kristine, 288

Still, Clyfford, 299

Stoker, Wessel, 150n30, 155

Stratford, Linda, 20n13

Stray Dog (Brodiachaia Sobaka), 215

Stricker, Johannes Paulus, 162n72

Stuck, Franz von, 155n46

sublime, sublimity, 27, 148-55, 248, 283n, 302n, 323, 324

sun, sunset, 106, 120, 151, 152, 163, 169, 172-74, 178, 186, 193, 214-16, 252

Sund, Judy, 100-101, 104-5

Sunday school, 252, 297, 298

suprematism, suprematist, 209, 212n52, 218-21, 223-25, 301n57

surrealism, 67-68, 78, 329

Sutherland, Graham, 136-39

Crucifixion (1946), 137-39, 138

Deposition (1946), 139

Sutton, Denys, 103

Swedenborg, Emanuel, 116-17, 256, 268

symbolism, symbolist, 98, 100, 103, 106, 108, 111-21, 139n181, 199n9, 208, 210, 213-14, 256, 259

synthetism, synthetist, 54n26, 259

Taeuber, Sophie, 229

Tanguy, Père, 125

Tanner, Henry Ossawa, 258-61

Annunciation (1898), 260

Tauler, John, 265

Taylor, Charles, 19n8, 23, 25, 27-29, 43, 47, 146-47, 328

Taylor, Mark C., 20, 21n17

Teilhet-Fisk, Jehanne, 110

television, 83, 290, 307n79, 315, 318, 331

temple, 112, 156, 156, 185, 195n188, 204

Thanksgiving, 287, 312

theater, 131, 160, 190n171, 228, 231, 243, 245, 251, 287, 293

theosophy, Theosophical Society, 111-13, 116, 176-77, 185, 190n172, 256, 269, 278

Theotokos, 300

Thomas à Kempis, 90, 106

Tieck, Ludwig, 157

Tillich, Paul, 32n49, 39n62, 276, 276n122

Toussaint, Hélène, 92-93

transcendence, transcendent, 23, 27, 29, 34, 61, 63, 94, 96, 103, 105, 122, 144, 157, 167n83, 168-70, 182, 222, 245, 253, 257, 263, 265, 268, 277, 280, 307, 309n85, 316

transcendentalism, transcendentalist, 247, 251, 254, 265, 268

Trapp, Frank Anderson, 94n17, 95n20

tree of life, 185, 214, 309

Trinity, trinitarian, 202n18, 252n42, 299

Tudor, David, 292

Turner, Joseph M. W., 133, 137, 155n46

Twombly, Cy, 304n70

Tzara, Tristan, 229

van Gogh, Theo, 105-6, 108, 165n78, 167, 170

van Gogh, Theodorus, 164

van Gogh, Vincent, 41, 65, 81n130, 99, 100n34, 102, 103-9, 115, 125-26, 162-74, 179, 182, 186

Eugène Boch (The Poet) (1888), 170-71

Joseph-Étienne Roulin (1888), 171

Old Cemetery Tower in Nuenen (The Peasants’ Churchyard) (1885), 163-67, 165, 179

Parsonage Garden in Nuenen (1885), 163-64

Reaper (1889), 173

Sower (1888), plate 2, 103-6

Sower with Setting Sun (1888), 172-73

Starry Night (1889), 166, 166-68

Van Prooyen, Kristina, 149

vanitas painting, 159-62, 174, 317n109, 319-24, 321

Vantongerloo, Georges, 185n149

Varnedoe, Kirk, 144n9, 285

Vaux, Calvert, 252

Vaux, Kenneth L., 162n71, 168n86

veil, veiled, veiling, 74, 116, 155n46, 179-80, 251, 307n78, 309n85

Velázquez, Diego, 73n100, 79, 80n123

Venus, 63-64, 219

Verkade, Jan, 102, 112n77, 113

Verlaine, Paul, 111

Vermeer, Johannes, 72, 75

Veronese, Paolo, 125

verticality, 151-53, 164-67, 178-81, 184

violence, 52, 68, 73n101, 80, 132, 222, 230, 233, 317, 335

vitalism, 123, 264

void, 57n37, 72, 153, 193, 213, 220, 239, 301, 304-5

Wagner, Richard, 186n154

Wainwright, Lisa, 299n48

Walford, E. John, 159n61

Wallach, Amei, 325n130

Wallach, Glenn, 20n13

war, 30, 35, 52, 89, 124, 134, 137, 195, 207-8, 229-33, 275n120, 277

American Civil War, 252-53, 255

Cold War, 200n13, 211n48

Napoleonic wars, 156n51

Russian Civil War, 208

Russo-Japanese War, 199

Thirty Years’ War, 151n32

World War I, 84, 177, 185, 191, 192n176, 194n182, 196, 199, 207, 208, 227, 230-33, 241, 267

World War II, 35-36, 53-55, 137, 140, 267, 275, 279, 325

Vietnam War, 52

Warhol, Andy, 41, 310-25, 326

Campbell’s Soup Cans (1961–1962), 314-15

Christ 112 Times (1986), 322-23

Five Deaths Eleven Times in Orange (1963), 321-22

Gold Marilyn Monroe (1962), 315-16

Last Supper (Dove) (1986), plate 8, 311, 323

Last Supper (The Big C) (1985–1986), 323

Marilyn Diptych (1962), 316-17

Watts, George Frederic, 155n46

Weber, Max, 21n17, 26-27, 61

Weber, Nicholas Fox, 225n117

Welsh, Robert P., 177n117

Werefkin, Marianne von, 194, 196

Wessels, Anton, 168n83, 171n98

West, Benjamin, 248

Whistler, James Abbott McNeill, 155n46

white (symbolic meaning), 138, 195, 210, 219-21, 225, 234, 242, 282, 299-307, 316

White, Erdmute Wenzel, 228n123, 232, 234n149, 237

Whitman, Walt, 246, 263, 282

Wilde, Oscar, 336

Williams, Rowan, 121n111

Wilmerding, John, 242, 249

Wilton, Andrew, 247n20

Wolterstorff, Nicholas, 20n13, 60n49, 289n17

Wood, Grant, 270

Wood, Paul, 218n87

Worley, Taylor, 13, 56n35, 133n161

Wormser, Johan Adam, 175

zaum, 216-18, 235n152

Zola, Émile, 111, 117, 127, 128