Chapter Twenty-Six Image CATCHING A THIEF

Ava and Jas hung back behind the animal trailers as Tom, Jack, Bella and Rav made their way round the front to the pens. They split up, taking a pen each that contained the various animals and their handlers. Jas and Ava watched as each of them got the attention of the park workers and began asking the first of a very long list of questions to distract the Marchant Park team.

‘Go,’ whispered Jas.

Ava and Jas tiptoed along the side of the animal trailer they’d seen the old goat disappear into. Jas paused by the open doors at the back, angling herself so she could see the others deep in their conversations with the animal handlers.

‘Okay,’ whispered Jas. ‘If anyone comes your way before you’ve finished searching the trailer, I’ll give you the signal.’

Ava nodded. ‘A long whistle, starting low and finishing high, right?’

Jas nodded. ‘Right.’

Ava peered round the trailer, making sure the coast was clear. Satisfied no one was looking, she slipped in through the open back. The old goat was inside, lying in the straw and eating hay from a hay net. It paused briefly to look at Ava before continuing to chew again. Something pink caught Ava’s eye behind the goat.

‘Miss Harper’s scarf,’ whispered Ava to herself.