Thanks must go first to the producers of Joy Division, Tom Astor and Tom Atencio of Brown Owl Films, for allowing use of their copyright material. Then to my publisher Lee Brackstone. I would also like to thank the following for their help and support during the book’s preparation: Rebecca Boulton, Grant Gee, C. P. Lee, Mark Reeder, Alan Hempsall, Bob Dickinson, Lesley Gilbert, Linder Sterling, Jon Wozencroft, Mary Harron, Daniel Meadows and Dylan Jones. Thanks also to Marc Issue Robinson for tape transcription. For their friendship and support: Paul Savill, Johnny Marr, Neil Spencer, Chris Jennings, Ian Davies, Ben Thompson and Paul Fletcher.
A special mention must go to Mark Price at Joy Division Central – – who has been unfailingly helpful in answering enquiries, whether obvious or arcane. Please visit the site for a comprehensive overview of Joy Division’s activities between 1977 and 1980.
Finally, thanks to Joy Division, who were and will always be:
Ian Curtis
Peter Hook
Stephen Morris