Dr. Emily Berthoff was as gorgeous as ever.

Emily raised her eyes and met Kevin’s. Her demure smile seemed to hold a touch of sadness and the air whooshed from his lungs, leaving him with a burning need for oxygen.

He studied her intently, remembering…. Suddenly her hunter-green dress faded to white, a veil covered her face and her smile was full of love…. Kevin furiously blinked the dream away.

“Why didn’t you tell me Emily was coming?” Kevin asked.

His best friend, Bryan, looked unconvincingly baffled. “Did I forget to mention that?”

“Yeah, I’d say you forgot to mention that!” Kevin mocked.

“A lot has changed in seven years.”

Kevin scowled at his friend. “Eight. And yeah, a lot has changed. I’ve just made a bid that will put my entire business at stake, and I don’t need some woman turning my life around to fit her agenda.”

“I wouldn’t exactly call your ex-fiancée some woman.