Robin and Andy watched Zelda come flying down into the basement. The old woman was very excited. She curled her ankles around the broomstick and held onto it with one hand. In her other hand she was still carrying the oil lamp. Zelda’s green eyes were shining. She flew in a little circle over the heads of the cats.

“Zelda,” Hester said, “watch what we do. Then you’ll know how to become a witch.” The cat leaped up onto the rim of the pot and dived into the bubbling depths of the brew. A minute later a woman splashed up out of the pot. She had yellow hair and long red fingernails.

“She looked better as a cat,” Andy whispered to Robin.

The scraggly old cat was next. She jumped up on the rim of the pot and tested the brew with one paw before she jumped in.

“Hurry up,” Edna said.

The old cat jumped into the brew. She held both paws over her nose and went under. The next minute up bobbed a scraggly old woman. Hester had to help her climb out of the pot. “Pew! That stuff tastes terrible, Hester. Somebody’s feet must have been dirty last time we used it.”

Hester frowned at her. “Next!” she said. One by one the cats dived into the pot of brew. And each one turned into a woman.

Now it was Zelda’s turn. She was flying round and round right over the steaming pot. “Are you sure I won’t be scalded?”

“Of course, Zelda,” Hester said. “Didn’t you see the rest of us jump into the brew? Now bring your broom over here and put down that lamp. I’ll help you climb into the pot.”

“Don’t do it, Zelda,” Robin screamed. Her voice sounded very small.

Zelda turned her head. She thought she’d heard someone call her name, but she wasn’t sure.

The witches too had heard something. They looked into all the dark corners of the basement.

“Come on, Zelda,” Hester said. “The brew is just hot enough. If you don’t jump in now, it may not work. Don’t you want to be a real witch?”

Zelda looked down into the pot. “Oh, all right.”

“Stop her, Dusty,” Robin said.

The dustpan dived down from its hiding place. It flew right at the little old woman on the broomstick.

“Come away, Zelda,” Robin screamed.

Hester climbed onto the rim of the pot. She reached up and grabbed hold of the dustpan.