

I want to thank the many talented writers at Moraine Writers Guild. They’ve helped me transition from first-person to third-person writing. I survived every informative critique without a single bruise. I hope this novel reflects how much I’ve gained from their knowledge. A special thank you to Bob Chesney, Lisa J. Lickel, Jane Osypowski, and David J. Rank.


To Amber Barry, who has to make sure I actually switched from first to third, thank you! You’re so good I know you’ll catch all of the slip-ups, plus the horrendous hacks I inflict on the English language.


Judy Hanson. What can I say? You’re my mom, and I always give you a deadline worse than my own. You’re stuck with me and my demands. Thank you for not trying to ground me or cut me out of the will. I value your opinions and your help. Thank you!


And, most importantly, to my readers! Thank you for taking a chance on me.