Love and thanks to Meredith, my parents, and my siblings for their love and support.
Thanks to my agent, Rick Broadhead, and my editor at Plume, Kate Napolitano. Thanks to Jonah Weiland and Comic Book Resources (particularly Stephen and Kiel) and the rest of my gang at Comics Should Be Good (the Gregs, Bill, Mark, Scott, Chad, Kelly, Sonia, and Megan), plus Joe, Alex, Tadhg, and the Pauls for starting the whole thing with me!
Gigantic thanks, of course, to all the comic book writers and artists who provided lists for the book. You folks went above and beyond the call of duty and I’m awfully grateful!
Thanks also to the following people who helped with the information provided on some of the lists in the book: Mark Engblom, H, Robby Reed, DSK, Kurt Mitchell, Ed Bosnar, Kris Withak, Mark Evanier, Matchstick, Pat Curley, Steven Thompson, Vinnie Bartilucci, and Len Callo. Plus, general thanks to Wayne Hotu, Rob Williams, and Jeremy Goldstone.
Finally, I wish to give thanks to Mrs. Eleanor Spillett and Ms. Virginia Courtney for being the first teachers to make comic book reading seem more than just tolerated, and thanks to Professor Richard Hamm for demonstrating the fascinating aspect of mixing popular culture with history.