People often overlook Aquaman’s powers, but let’s be honest: the ability to get a whole army of sea life to do stuff for you is pretty darn cool. Here are just six ways (among many hundreds) that Aquaman’s finny friends have helped him out over the years. (Thanks to my pal H at the Comic Treadmill for spotlighting finny friend stories for years.)
1 An octopus serving as umpire. In Adventure Comics #206, a group of kids get stranded on a deserted island. Aquaman stops by and decides to entertain them by playing baseball with them in the water, during which an octopus friend serves as home plate umpire.
2 A whole group of fish performing surgery on Aquaman. In Adventure Comics #262, Aquaman constructs a fish hospital underwater. The fish repay his generosity when he is shot later in the issue. They team up to perform surgery on him (talented swordfish do the actual surgery—lantern fish provide the light).
3 An octopus searching eight pockets at once. In Adventure Comics #264, a U.S. city becomes partially submerged and becomes “New Venice.” Aquaman and his finny friends become the police force in town. When someone has his pocket picked, an octopus searches the pockets of eight nearby people to see who stole the man’s wallet. Eight civil rights violations at once! A new record!
4 Topo the octopus rocking out. In Adventure Comics #266, Aquaman’s pet/sidekick, Topo the octopus, helps save a birthday party on a boat from being a disaster by rocking out as a one-octopus five-man band!
5 Whales forming a runway. In Adventure Comics #271, a plane is about to crash into the ocean, so Aquaman commands a group of whales to form a runway for the plane. But wait, Brian, you might say…wouldn’t the plane just tear the whales apart? Of course not; the plane would just land safely on them! Perfectly plausible!
6 Various fish helping Aqualad cheat. In Adventure Comics #278, Aqualad is trying to get accepted into a local school. He’s quite bright, but right before his big test, he gets hit in the head and can’t remember what he learned. Aquaman does not think this is fair, so he gathers a bunch of fish outside the window of Aqualad’s school to basically help Aqualad cheat his way through the test. Aquaman’s plan works and Aqualad passes with flying colors. That’s some judicious usage of your powers, Aquaman!