The 1990s saw video games become the most popular product advertised in comic books, something that continues to this very day (as the audience overlap is quite high). Here are some odd comic book ads from the 1990s.

1 You know the good parts of role-playing games? Let’s just skip that. The best part about playing role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons is interacting with your fellow game players. This bizarre 1990 ad for Castle Mammon took that fun out of the game completely with a phone line that would allow a person to call in to play a role-playing game. The developer, Steven Jackson, created F.I.S.T. (Fantasy Interactive Scenarios by Telephone) and made a ton of money off of it. Just look at the prices being charged! A dollar fifty for the first minute and seventy-five cents per additional minute! As most role-players know, games tend not to be particularly short, so Audio Communications, Inc., made a killing.

2 That looks just like Wolverine! One of the more amusing products that Chef Boyardee has produced is licensed pasta. What makes these products especially amusing is that they would attempt to make the pasta into the shape of the characters being licensed. Sometimes this would be easy, but in the case of Wolverine, it resulted in him looking more like a sumo wrestler than anything else. It makes you wonder—they mention “mystery super villain shaped pasta” within, but if that’s what they think Wolverine looks like, how would anyone guess who the villain is supposed to be?

3 I said Underwar—what is it good for? Absolutely nuthin’. The X-Men have long waged a war for the sake of tolerance and peace between human- and mutantkind. However, when it comes right down to it, what is that compared to the dangers of boring briefs? And thus, the underwar began!

4 Eau de Mario. Like the Rubik’s Cube, Pac-Man, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or pretty much any popular fad, companies were quick to cash in on the popularity of Super Mario Brothers. Here, we discover Super Mario and Princess bubble baths and shampoos. After all, who smells better than a plumber, right?