Kaysaleen ‘Kay’ Rodata


Role in Story: Protagonist/hero


Occupation: High school student



Physical Description: Squamata, so scaled skin, forked tongue. She’s relatively short, with dark, long hair, black diamond eyes.


Personality: Free spirited, independent, anti-authoritarian, rebellious. Doesn’t take shit from anyone, including her abusive dad.


Habits/Mannerisms: Likes to be informed. Socially conscious, though not particularly active.



Background: Comes from lower-middle-class background. Dad is physically abusive. He works in local government. Mum alcoholic and useless. Kay avoids going home and can’t wait to get out on her own.


Internal Conflicts: Hates hierarchy and social structures, but desperately just wants to get out of where she lives and have no cares in the world. Rebel without a cause.


External Conflicts: Father abusive to mother, if not Kay. Squamata are generally distrusted and considered unpredictable and dangerous.



Notes: Squamata, poison tongue (incapacitates), fast reactions.