

Role in Story: Centre of government in Perlyn. Arc 1 climax goes down here.


Related Characters: Cal, Kay, Marv, Holt


Unique Features: Hidden in the top floors is a secret room which holds a device connecting inter-dimensionally to parts unknown.


Description: “It was a spire, reaching hundreds of feet into the sky. Most of the spire was office space…As you go higher up the… offices [get] fancier, and the view better. Then, right at the top, perches the Aviary, inaccessible to anybody without wings… The spire ended, and then the Aviary sat on top, with no connecting walkways or elevators or stairs.”


Sights: Enormous tower. Surrounded by gardens.

Sounds: Business. Government. Efficiency.

Smells: Beautiful garden smells outside, clinical offices inside.


Notes: Kind of a big deal.