Thank you …
Sharon, for asking me to be your partner in a high school play and never turning back.
Kylie, Mackenzie, and Brianna, for making every day shine brighter than the last.
Don Pape, for believing in me and in this series.
L. B. Norton, for being a wonderful editor and encourager.
Claudia Cross, for continuing to partner with me as we pursue writing dreams.
Amy Konyndyk, for producing four amazing covers.
Alex Field, Karen Stoller, Ginia Hairston, Caitlyn Carlson, and the rest of the fine folks at David C Cook.
Anne Goldsmith, who liked this idea enough to ask for a proposal years ago.
Jake Chism, Josh Olds, and Lori Twichell, for your enthusiastic support of this series from the very beginning.
My parents, Bill and Mary Thrasher, who moved my sister and me to the top of a mountain in North Carolina where an imagination could roam free.
My in-laws, Warren and Willamae Noorlag, for helping me continue to remain in this writing canoe of mine.
My family and friends, who continue to encourage and support me as I see which doors continue to open.
And last but definitely not least, thank you to my fans and readers, who continue to remind me all these hours of solitary confinement are worth it.
Without all of these people, The Solitary Tales would never have seen light of day. So thank you.