
“The saga of young Chris Buckley continues in the second volume of the Solitary Tales series. As in the first book, Thrasher adroitly mixes elements of horror and high school in equally terrifying measures. And thanks to Internet access, Chris can now receive super creepy emails. A solid, suspenseful follow-up to the mesmerizing debut.”

Kirkus Reviews, Gravestone

“If you enjoyed Lost, you’ll enjoy Gravestone and all that is Travis Thrasher’s Solitary Tales series. If you weren’t a fan of meandering through endless mazes of questions without answers, it might not be the ride for you. But still, packed full of endless plot twists, fascinating characters, and engaging dialogue, it’s easy to see how this book will enthrall audiences and keep them coming back to see what Thrasher has to throw at them next.”

Lori Twichell,