“In the third volume of the Solitary Tales, the face of evil shows itself. At the book’s core is Chris’s escalating moral crisis (the titular ‘temptation’), well illustrated by a pricey, enticing gift from the very man he most deeply distrusts. So far, the three volumes have sustained an impressive level of suspense and artfulness; the last chapter should be no different. An engrossing, well-plotted third volume that whets the appetite for the series’ finale.”
Kirkus Reviews, Temptation
“Temptation is about a kid who reaches the end of himself—and rightfully so, given what we know of his story—and finds that it’s only then can he make the decision of who he is going to be. Thrasher writes in such a way that Chris’s journey becomes our own and we find ourselves sucked into the story and unable to escape … I wouldn’t want to actually be in Chris Buckley’s shoes, but being able to step into them through Thrasher’s art of story has been an entertaining and thought-provoking experience I won’t soon forget.”
Josh Olds, LifeIsStory.com