Congratulations! Now that you’ve mastered the first four levels, you’re like a professional athlete who’s moved on from the regular season to the playoffs. You’ve already seen an improvement in all the elements of these exercises: balance, coordination, execution, motion, precision, speed, and strength.
The way to keep Super Body, Super Brain as fresh and potent as possible is simple. All you have to do is create your own circuits by combining different exercise levels.
By now you have internalized and can easily perform the sequence of different exercises. A mere glance at the instructions and you will know what to do. A few tips:
Do the three circuits at least once every day, although at this level you will likely be doing at least thirty minutes of Super Body, Super Brain, either all at once or broken up as suits your schedule.
The time it takes you to do each circuit should not change from earlier levels. Work on perfecting your form.
Your maximum recommended hand-weight upgrade will be from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 4 pounds, for both women and men.
Refer to the Master Circuit, which starts on the next page.
Now that you’ve mastered all the advanced levels, you deserve a round of applause! By now you’re in excellent shape, with increased strength, power, balance and coordination, flexibility, and brainpower.
There are several changes to this routine:
The circuits will take no more than four to five minutes.
This workout is at an advanced level, and you will be sweating hard. Don’t forget to do your breathing, your meditation, and a cooldown afterward.
Visualize the exercises for thirty seconds before you start, just as a professional athlete would—with concentration, intensity, precision, and proper form. Say, “I am going to do my best. I know I can do it.” Breathe deeply.
Stretching not only loosens you up, but sends a signal to your brain that you’re ready to work out.
Standing tall and straight, place your legs more than twice your shoulder width apart, hands resting on your hips.
Bend your left knee, and then bring your torso down until you can place both hands on the floor near your left foot. You should feel the stretch in your extended right leg, which stays straight. Do not lock your knees.
Hold the stretch for fifteen seconds. Breathe deeply.
Return to center and repeat on your right side.
You can do this exercise whenever you feel sluggish during the day, too.
From a semi-squat position, with your arms down at your sides, clap between your legs.
Stand up, and then raise your heels while simultaneously raising your arms to clap overhead. Don’t forget to smile!
Reps: 10
Every count should be coordinated with a loud voice. You can count from one to ten or shout out positive ideas like “Let’s do it,” “We can do it,” and “Come on.”
Do your clapping with as much speed as possible.
STEP 4: Exercise Circuits
1. Opposite Arm and Leg Raise
Stand tall with your feet close together, arms at your sides.
Raise your right arm above your head while simultaneously bending your left knee up at a ninety-degree angle, foot parallel to the floor.
Repeat on the opposite side. This is one rep.
Reps: 12
2a. Leg Kick to the Side with Biceps Curl + Leg Kick Front with Triceps Extension
Stand tall with your feet shoulder width apart, arms down at your sides. Cross your left leg slightly behind your right.
Kick your left leg out to the side while simultaneously doing a biceps curl. Then, without putting your foot down on the floor, do a front kick and a triceps extension. This is one rep.
Reps: 8
Keep your back straight at all times. Your posture needs to be impeccable and your movements smooth, since this is an extremely challenging movement.
2b. Step Back and Forth + Tapping
In the same starting position, step about a foot forward with your left foot, and then bring your right foot up to it and parallel with it.
Move your left leg back to its original position and then follow with the right. These four steps are one rep.
Change legs and repeat on the other side.
Reps: 10
Think of the foot shift almost as a tapping movement, as if you were a basketball player defending your position.
Ideally, these steps should be performed as quickly as possible, without losing the pattern. If you miss a step here and there, you’re going too fast.
3. Semi-Squat Plié with Shoulder Raise
Stand tall in the semi-squat-plié position, arms down between your waist and knees, palms facing each other.
Raise your heels slightly off the floor while simultaneously extending your arms straight out to the sides. This is one rep.
Reps: 8
Be sure to keep your weight shifted back; you do not want to place your body forward over your knees. Your back should remain as straight as possible.
Do not raise your arms higher than your shoulders.
4. Semi-Lunge with Biceps Curl
Stand in the semi-lunge position, arms down between your waist and knees, palms facing each other.
Raise your left leg by pushing it with your toes, keeping your heel slightly off the ground, until your left thigh is parallel to the floor while simultaneously doing a biceps curl. This is one rep.
Reps: 8
Keep your arms as close in to your sides as possible. Your upper arms will barely move as you flex.
5. Semi-Crossed Back Lunge with Upper Back Extension
Stand tall in the semi-lunge position, arms down at your sides, palms facing each other. Cross your right leg behind your left.
Raise your crossed leg behind you, and then bring it forward and to the side while simultaneously doing an upper back extension. This is one rep.
Reps: 8
Make sure your hips are facing front at all times.
For exercises 6, 7, and 8, repeat the sequences of exercises 3, 4, and 5, but change legs for exercises 4 and 5.
9. Semi-Squat Plié with Cross Jab
In the semi-squat-plié position, raise your heels slightly off the floor, arms raised to slightly below shoulder height, elbows bent at a ninety-degree angle.
Extend your left arm across and forward to the right while twisting your waist to the left. Do not move your hips.
Repeat with the right arm. This is one rep.
Reps: 10
Make sure you are perfectly balanced, with your heels raised, during the entire exercise.
Do not raise your heels any higher than two inches off the floor or you might lose your balance.
Because most of the movement comes from your oblique abdominal muscles, you do not want to engage your hips at all.
10. Semi-Squat Plié with Reverse Backhand
In the semi-squat-plié position, raise your heels slightly off the floor, arms raised to slightly higher than hip height, elbows slightly bent, palms close to and facing each other.
Extend your arms forward until the elbows are only slightly bent, and then move both arms to your left side as if you were hitting a tennis backhand shot, slightly past hip level, without moving your head.
Repeat the movement, moving both arms to your right side. This is one rep.
Reps: 10
Your head should be straight at all times—not following the movement of your arms. If you feel it in your lower back, you’re moving your head too much; you should feel the movement only on both sides of your waist.
Make sure you are perfectly balanced, with your heels raised, during the entire exercise.
Do not raise your heels any higher than two inches off the floor or you might lose your balance.
Because most of the movement comes from your oblique abdominal muscles, you do not want to engage your hips at all.
11. External Obliques—Cross Behind Flamingo
Stand tall in the semi-lunge position, with one weight held in both hands above your head. Cross your right leg behind your left.
Raise your right leg to the side with your knee bent while simultaneously bending your waist to the right. This is one rep.
Change legs and repeat, starting with the left leg crossed behind your right.
Reps: 5
12. Eyes Closed—One Leg Up + Biceps Curl
Stand straight with both feet close to each other, arms bent at both sides of your waist, palms facing up. Bend your left knee, and then raise your left leg up off the floor as high as is comfortable.
With eyes closed, do a biceps curl without losing your balance. This is one rep.
Repeat on the other side, raising your right leg up off the floor and following with a biceps curl.
Reps: 5 with your leg stationary, followed by 5 with your leg moving up and down
Remember to keep your eyes closed. Open them only if you are losing your balance.
13. Eyes Closed—Biceps Curl + Upper Back Extension
Stand straight, with both feet close to each other, arms straight at both sides of your waist, palms facing up. Close your eyes. Bend your left knee, and then your left leg up off the floor as high as is comfortable.
Alternate two arm movements: first, do one rep as a biceps curl; then, when your elbows are bent, straighten your arms above your head.
Return to the starting position. This is one rep.
Change legs, and then repeat.
Reps: 4
Try to keep your eyes closed. If this is too difficult, try closing only one eye at first.
Once you lift your foot off the floor, keep it off.
14a. Straight Leg Raise—Floor
Get down on your hands and knees, and then extend your left leg horizontally behind you to lower than hip height. Point your toes toward the floor so that your foot is at a ninety-degree angle to your leg.
Raise your leg straight up no higher than hip height. This is one rep.
Reps: 8
14b. Straight Leg Raise with Push-up—Floor
With your leg still up and extended, bend your upper body down into a half-push-up.
Repeat the entire sequence on your right side.
Reps: 6
When you’re doing the push-up, do not go down farther than a ninety-degree angle with your elbows. You don’t need to do a full push-up.
15a. Crossed Leg—Floor
Get down on your hands and knees on the floor, and then extend your left leg back. Without moving your upper body, cross your extended right leg over your bent left leg, tap it on the floor, and return to the starting position, with both knees on the floor. This is one rep.
Reps: 8
15b. Crossed Leg with Push-up—Floor
With your left leg still extended straight behind you, bend your upper body down into a half push-up.
Repeat the entire sequence on your right side.
Reps: 6
When you’re doing the push-up, do not go down farther than a ninety-degree angle with your elbows. You don’t need to do a full push-up.
16a. Knee to Chest—Floor
Get down on your hands and knees, and then extend your left leg behind you at hip height.
Bend your left knee, and then move your left leg up toward your head, rolling your back and lowering your head. This is one rep.
Reps: 8
16b. Straight Leg Raise with Push-up—Floor
With your leg still extended up, bend your upper body down into a half-push-up.
Repeat the entire sequence on your right side.
Reps: 6
When you’re doing the push-up, do not go down farther than a ninety-degree angle with your elbows. You don’t need to do a full push-up.
17. Open Leg and Chest Press—Floor
Lie on your back with your legs up and your feet pointing toward the ceiling, shoulders and upper arms flat on the floor, elbows bent up at a ninety-degree angle, palms facing forward.
Open your legs while simultaneously extending your arms straight up no more than shoulder width apart. This is one rep.
Reps: 8
18. Bent Leg Sit-up with Flies
Lie on your back with your knees bent up at a ninety-degree angle, elbows bent up at a ninety-degree angle, shoulders and upper arms flat on the floor, palms facing each other. Keep your head flat on the floor.
Lift your upper body off the floor while simultaneously raising your arms straight up, no more than shoulder width apart. This is one rep.
Reps: 8
Do not look forward. Keep your eyes focused on the ceiling at all times.
If you feel a pull in your neck, you are not yet strong enough to raise yourself off the floor. If so, keep your head on the ground at all times until your core muscles become stronger.
19. Legs Spread Apart and Chest Press—Floor
Lie on your back with your legs spread apart to more than shoulder width, shoulders and upper arms flat on the floor, elbows bent up at a ninety-degree angle, palms facing upward. Straighten your arms upward at no more than shoulder width apart.
Bring your upper body off the floor and do a chest press while looking at the ceiling. This is one rep.
Reps: 12
Always keep your eyes focused on the ceiling.
After you have done all the exercises, you will have finished one complete circuit.
Rest for zero to forty-five seconds, and then try to repeat the circuit two more times.
At the end of the third set, finish with a quick meditation cooldown. Ideally, you should aim for two to five minutes of meditation, but if you don’t have time, even one minute will be extremely beneficial. Simply close your eyes, breathe deeply, congratulate yourself on the powerful work you have just done, and appreciate your strength and commitment. (Never judge yourself or be hard on yourself if you missed a movement or your circuit took longer than expected.) Then, mentally prepare yourself for the rest of your day.