What people are saying about …
Screen Play
“Fans are going to love Chris Coppernoll’s latest novel. Screen Play is an inspiring tale of friendship and faith set amidst the complexities of Hollywood and cleverly combined with an uplifting love story reminiscent of Sleepless in Seattle.”
“Screen Play brings you front-row seats to Broadway, delivers backstage passes to friendship and ambition, and shouts ‘bravo!’ to the longest-running show on earth—the unexpected love story
“With Screen Play, Coppernoll establishes himself as a man in touch with his time. It’s a poignant love story, beautifully told within the context of an honest relationship with God. The characters will stay with you—and so will the relevant spiritual insights.”
“As I sat back and read this gripping inspirational and emotional story, I saw my own life woven throughout the pages. This isn’t just one woman’s journey of struggles and triumphs. If you’ve ever hit rock bottom, felt worthless, questioned God’s will for your life, and prayed for Him to rescue you, then you will see yourself throughout these pages too. Screen Play made me want to start writing the next chapter of my life today and realize that if we’ll take the limits off of God and release our faith in uncommon ways, then we will begin to see God do uncommon things. What you thought was the end is going to turn out to be a new beginning.”
“This is more than a romance. Chris Coppernoll subtly develops his own deepening themes of community, isolation, and trust. He deftly shows us how God both uses His people right where they are and moves them to places they could have never reached without Him. Screen Play will leave readers satisfied with Harper’s love story—but transformed by God’s love story playing out within the pages of this novel.”
“You will be captured by the characters and story in this book. Chris Coppernoll skillfully composes a symphony full of the elements of life: romance, disappointment, surprise, and ultimately hope.”
“From the curtain’s first rise to the final ovation, Screen Play is a great read! Romance, humor, adventure, drama—this is storytelling to savor!”
“Chris Coppernoll is rapidly becoming the go-to guy for the inspirational fiction genre. In Screen Play, he has created believable, three-dimensional characters and set them in situations that reek of real life. Who says the theater is no place for Christians? Coppernoll convincingly proves them wrong.”