Abe, Shinobu 106, 109

ability: connection to knowing-how 121

ableism 306

abnormality 304

Abrahams, Harold 301

absence: and causation 280

absurdity 1501

acceptance: movement of 186

acknowledgement 291

acrobatism 156

Acromegaly 87

activity limitations 3045, 306, 307

ACTN3 (alfa-actinin 3 polymorphism) 81, 82

Adams, Jeff 310

Addams, Jane: immigrant populations 214

additive drugs 321

adjudication 255; principles of 266, 267, 269

Adorno, Theodore W. 220

advantage: competitive 86, 87, 3423, 371; and penalties 343; performance 87, 88; positional 353, 358; property 878; unearned 3289; unfair 86, 87, 311

aesthetics: art and sport 748; artistic vs. aesthetic 74; athletes’ movement 70; beauty see beauty; conservatism 73; and disinterestedness 72; judgement 72, 73; narrow and conservative approach 71; pleasure 70, 71, 74; possibilities linked to hierarchy of games 70; qualities of sport 70; realm 152; rejection of 72; spectators 73; sport as life enhancing 71; sporting drama 71; and taste 712, 73; theodicy 154; and winning/professionalism 74

After Virtue (MacIntyre) 135

Agassi, Andre 149

agon 1545, 333

agreements: and conventions 38; social 38, 44

alfa-actinin 3 (ACTN3) polymorphism 81, 82

alienation: of athletes 225; concept of 225; possibilities of disalienation 226; of sport 225; turning away from reality 225

Allen-Collinson, J.: woman’s running body 2023

Althusser, Louis 224

Alzheimer’s disease 85

amateurism 40; anti-commercial ideals 416; conventional norms 40; correcting bad calls 48; ethos of sport 401; hybrid construction 45; intelligible conception of sport 46; opposed to playing for money 40, 51n7; opposite view to professionalism 412; purpose of sport 412; rational reconciliation with professionalism 456; selectively borrowing from professionalism 46; sportsmanship 301, 36; use of strategy 478

amputee athletes 3034; amputation surgery 312; competing at Olympic Games 90, 92; recategorization of Olympic events for 92; see also Pistorius, Oscar

anabolic steroids 320

analytical philosophy 55, 137

Anarchy, State and Utopia (Nozick) 41213, 422

anatman 101

Ancient Greek Athletics (Miller) 23940

Ancient Greeks 370; competitive advantage at Olympic Games 371; cultivating excellence through sport and philosophy 372; excellence of body and mind 372

Ancient Greek sport 239

ancient Olympic Games: educational function of athletes 373; equality of opportunity 333; exclusion of women 378, 380n17; influence on Olympism 368, 370, 372, 373; larger community 380n15; statues of winners 373; victory odes 373; see also Olympic Games

ancient world: and religion 2423

Anderson, Douglas: growth through endurance sport 210

Anderson, Elizabeth 413, 417

androgens 86

androgen-suppressive therapy 86

androgyny 164

anitya 1012

anomalous monism 194

anorexia 187

Anscombe, Elizabeth 55

antagonistic reciprocity 150

anti-doping: athlete biological passport 318; banning drugs 341; burden of proof 320; conceptual ambiguities 3212; cost and effectiveness 318; expense and practical difficulties of programs 318; harm prevention as goal 3201; injustices 31920; line drawing 3212; preserving meaning 32830; privacy 319; promoting fairness 327, 341; protecting health 3278; strategies 430; war on drugs 363

anti-intellectualism 120

anxiety 148

apodictic truth 180

apolipoprotein epsilon 4 allele (ApoE4) 85

Apollonia: artistic power 154

appearances see phenomenology

appropriation 150

Aquinas, Thomas 241

arbitrary conventions 42, 423

archery: and Zen 249

Arendt, Hannah 1423, 143

arete 372, 373

argumentative discourse 47

Aristotle 3, 132, 135, 185, 210, 275; causation 278; concept of beauty 375; definition of formal justice 336; human flourishing 435; human happiness 372; rational activities 357; rationality 3567

Arjuna 100

Armstrong, David: on driving automatism 1245; mind-brain identity theory 196

Armstrong, Lance 31516; lifetime sanction 320; medals achieved through cheating 374

Arnold, Thomas 235n8

arrivistes 407

art: definition 745; differences with sport 756; expression 75; imaginary quality 75; institutional theory of 53, 54, 55, 567, 57; and sport 748; worldmaking 76

artificial intelligence (AI) 196, 3934

artistic theodicy 154

Asad, Talal: pre-modern religious writing 244

asceticism 155

áskēsis 1556, 157

Asociación Latina de Filosofía del Deporte (ALFiD; Latin Association for Philosophy of Sport) 5

Aspin, D. N.: aesthetic qualities of sport 70

athlete biological passport 318

athletes: alienated robots 225, 227; amputation surgery 312; amputee 92, 3034; androgen thresholds 88; anorexia 187; bionic 354, 356; body movement and capitalism 223; brain injuries 391; and commercialisation 416; and communities 21213; competing at Olympic Games 90, 92; consciousness of 199; creativity of 78; deaf 300; disabled 3024, 306; discrimination against females 88; doping 934, 174; educational function 373; eligibility criteria of female athletes 86; endurance 87; enhancement see enhancement; equity of access 91; facticity and transcendence 149; fulfilling the poetic task of life 151; genetic engineering 428, 429; guinea pigs 93; IAAF regulations for female athletes 86; importance of bodily differences 162; instrumental view of athletes’ bodies 432; language of 416; market value 170; movement of 70, 182, 223; mutual manifestation 2801; out-of-competition testing for drugs 319; preceding conscious processes 203; pressure to return to play 84; professionalization of 418; recategorization of Olympic Games for 92; relevant inequality in performance 33941; role models 3734; rules, challenge and acceptance 87, 187; strict liability condition 310; striving to improve 358; technology and 432, 433; testosterone levels 867; training for women 214; transcending technology 432, 433; unfair advantage 867; use of potions 315; wheelchair 307; women outperforming men 16970; see also performance

athletic competition 27

athletic enterprise: amateur and professional approaches 412

Atlas Sports Genetics 81, 82

atman 99

Atry, Ashkan: on responsibility for doping 94

Augustine 241

Aurelius, Marcus 380n15

Austin, J. L. 59; verdictives 256

authenticity 148, 184

automatism 1245

autonomic dysreflexia 310

autonomy 1667

avidya 101

Awa, Kenzo 107

awareness: reflective 123, 126; in-zone 1234; zoned-out 1245

bad faith 1489

Baker, William J. 240

Bale, John: technology and sport 427

banned substances 310

Bargh, John 395

Barron, Robert: on play 247

baseball 16; electronic aids 263; interference 26; perfect games 261; questions about formalism 26; strike zone 263

beauty: bringing disparate elements into a harmonious whole 71; concept of 375; and justice 375; and pleasure 71; as private ecstasy 71; sport as life enhancing 71

Beauvoir, Simon de 143

Beck, Simon: legal positivism 2667

behaviorism 194, 3912

Beijing Games (2008) 301, 375

Being and Nothingness (Sartre) 147

Beller, Jennifer 132

Bell, Melina Constantine Bell: emancipatory potential of women’s bodybuilding 174

Belmont Report 362

benchwarmers 3878

Berenson, Bernard 70; imaginary quality of art 75

Berger, Peter 242; play 246

Bergson, Henri 143

Berkeley, George: idealism 194, 195

Berlin Olympic Games (1936) 229, 231

Berlin Sports Club for the Deaf 300

Berman, Mitchell N.: defence and revision of formalism 267, 268; technological aids 2612; temporal variance 2645

Berra, Yogi 391

Best, David 5; aesthetic and purposive sports 73; aesthetic definition of art 75; difference between sport and art 75; Indian dance 76; sport and the subject 756

Best, Steven: megaspectacle 228

betting 4012

Beyond a Boundary (James) 70

Bhagavad Gita 100

bio-Amazons 170, 171

bioethics: biotechnology and the categorization of sport 912; concussions and return to play issues 846; conflict of interest 836; conflict of interest dilemmas 924; direct-to-consumer genetics for talent identification 813; future directions 914; gender issues 869; Hastings Center 325; responsibility for doping 934; role of biotechnology in the Paralympics 8991; top-down 325

biological absolutes 339

biological naturalism 196

biomedical enhancements 323, 329

bionic athletes 354, 356

biotechnology: performance-enhancing in sport 901; role in the Paralympics 8991; running style of Oscar Pistorius 912

Birch, Jens 125

blades (prosthetic limbs) 8990, 311

Bloch, Ernst 2245

blocked exchanges 422

bodily differences 162

body: lived 183; and soul 241; and sport 2301

body and mind: holistic approach 371, 372; separation 371, 372

bodybuilding 1734, 325

body dysmorphic disorder 312

body modification 1734

bog-snorkelling 60

Bok, Derek 379n11

Boorse, Christopher: definition of health 303

boosting 310

Bordner, Seth: unrestricted use of technological aids 262, 263

Borg, Bjorn 78

Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne 218

Boulmerka, Hassiba 378

bounding 91, 92

‘bounty’ scandal 295

boxing 61, 435; dementia pugilistica 85

BPSA (British Philosophy of Sport Association) 5

Bradbury, Steven 374

Brahman 99, 100


brain injuries 391

Brandes, Georg 143

breaking records 23, 47

breathing (Japanese philosophy) 107

Breivik, Gunnar: bodily existence related to sport 183; challenges Heidegger’s concrete human body 201; consciousness of athletes 199; on Heidegger’s equipmentality 200, 201; on reflective deliberations 1256

Brett, George 37, 489, 389

A Brief Theology of Sport (Harvey) 245

British Philosophy of Sport Association (BPSA) 5

British Society of One-Armed Golfers 300

broad internalism 258, 30, 241, 266, 389

Brockport 3, 4

Brohm, Jean-Marie: alienation in sport 225; athletes as alienated robots 227; attacks sport ideology 223; background 2212; on Baron Pierre de Coubertin 233; commercialisation of sport 412; false consciousness of sport 223; ideological mechanisms of capitalist society 224; massification of conscience 227; on spectacular sport 229; on sport and fascism 231; sport as embodiment of global capitalism 229; on sport as opium 2312; sport slavery 227; on stupefied crowds 227

Brown, Albert 3

Brüggemann, Professor Gert-Peter 89, 90; on Oscar Pistorius’s running style 912

brute reality 13

Bryant, Kobe 84

Buber, Martin 143

Buchanan, Allen 355, 362

Buckley, Anthony D.: sport as drama 78

Buddhism 243; accepts some Hindu views 101; anatman 101; anitya 1012; avidya 101; dharma 101; dukkha 101; magga 101; metaphysical elements 1012; Middle Way 101; nirvana 101; noble truths 101; origin 2512n7; role of the body 1056; samudhaya 101; Zen 1069

Bugbee, Henry: nature of embodiment and meaning-making 211

bull run 1567

Burghardt, Gordon M.: on play 11819

Burke, Michael: segregation in sport 168

Burkett, B.: biotechnology and athletic performance 91; technology in sport 90

Butryn, T.: dehumanization of sport 429

Butt, Salman 402

Cagigal, José María 5

calls: in baseball 263; deception 257; genuine 2567; made facts by umpires 256; make-up 2634; open to review and revision 257; replays 2578; technological aids 2579, 260, 2612; umpires’ mistakes 261

Calvin and Hobbes 24

Calvinball 24

Campos, Daniel 212

Camus, Albert 143; existential experience of resistance and struggle 150; overcoming absurdity 1501

capitalism: conflicts 219; false consciousness of sport 2234; ideological mechanisms 224; pacifying the masses through sport 227; shambles post-First World War 221; sport as embodiment of 229

Carr, David 121

Carter, Robert 108

Cartesianism: clear and distinct ideas 193

The Case Against Perfection (Sandel) 353

Cassidy, Josh 307

Caulfield, T.: genetic tests 82

causation: by absence 280; doctrine of 193; empowered agency 27880; mutual manifestation 2801; powers 2823; in sport 2778

Cavanaugh, William 243; definition of religion 244

Center for Philosophic Exchange 4

Chalmers, David 394

Chamberlain, Wilt 15

Chan Buddhism 105

Chariots of Fire 301

Charlton, Bobby 281

cheating 12, 295, 3434, 345

chess: versions 589

children: purpose and meaning of sport 83

China: Chan Buddhism 105; Confucianism 1023; Daoism 1035; patriarchal society 102

Chisholm, Roderick 117

Christianity: and ancient sport 23940; and dualism 193; and embodiment 24950

On Christian Teaching (Augustine) 241

chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) 845

Chuang Tzu 103, 104

Ciomaga, Bogdan 44

Clark, K.: on cognition 197

clinical research 35962; adults 35960; benefits 363; children 3601; equal distribution of benefits 363; germ line research 3612; risks 360

Clough, Brian 2812

coaching: behaviorism 3912; benchwarmers 3878; brain injuries suffered by athletes 391; coaching philosophy 383; enlightened generalists 3867; epistemic virtues 3867; ethical theory 38790; ethical treatment of coaches 386; fast and slow thinking 3967; functionalism 3923; good coach 3847; hidden brain 397; identity theory 392; Kantian approach 388; mental causation 391; panpsychism 394; philosophy of coaching 383; philosophy of the mind 3904; situated 396; strong artificial intelligence 3934; trustworthiness 386, 388; unconscious mind 395; and winning 3845

cocaine 310

cognition: embodied 181; parity principle 1978

cognitivism 1234, 196, 2034

Collected Papers (Peirce) 208

Collins, Harry: conceptualizing umpires’ performance 258; justice 25960

commercialisation: access to the goods of sport 41316; and amateur ideals 416; availability of sport entertainment 41314; blocked exchanges 422; contracts 418, 419; corporate boxes 413, 415; desperate exchanges 419; dignity 420; economic literature 413; exclusion of minorities 41516; exploitation 41819; improved facilities and resources 415; incentive structure 414; increased ticket prices 413; language of athletes 416; losing touch with local communities 41415; loss of the class-mixing experience 415; market systems of distribution 414; meanings of sport 41718; moral education 422; objectification 41921; philosophical literature 41213; principle of respect for persons 420; and pursuit of excellence 41617; regulating the market 422; role of the state 4213; salary caps 422

Common Rule 361

communication: natural 1314

community: athletes and 21213; larger 380n15; losing touch with 41415; and pragmatism 21213; theory of world community 3778; under Confucianism 103

competition: athletic 27; categories and their psychologies 2934; distinction between tests and contests 28990; domestications of war 288; institutional varieties 287, 288; mutual quest for excellence 297; nature of 289; non-competitive activities of sport 289; non-competitive and competitive characteristics 290; opponents 2901, 292; paradox of 291, 2912; as relationship 2903; self-competition approach 2923; sport paradigm 288; theory of the dialectic 2912; virtues and vices 2947; zero-sum logic 294, 297, 298

competitive advantage 86, 87, 3423, 371

competitiveness 225

concentrated spectacle 228

concept game 56

The Concept of Law (Hart) 25

The Concept of Mind (Ryle) 120, 131

concern for excellence 20910

concrete appearances 179

concussion 846

confidentiality 834

conflict 150

conflict of interest 835

Confucianism 1023, 105, 243; ren 1023; and sport 103; yi 103

Connor, Steven: changed meaning of sport 289; competitive paradox 2912

Conolly, Maureen: education-based embedded curriculum 146

conquistadors 116

consciousness 395, 397; false 223; false consciousness of sport 2234; preceding conscious processes 203; social and historical 195; in sport performance 199200; transcendental 197; whole person 195

consent, informed 360

consequentialism 134

conservatism: judging aesthetic qualities 73

constant conjunction 277, 278

constitutive rules: and conventional agreements 13; and games 11; importance of 24; integral to knowledge of sport 11920; levels of violation 1819; meaning of 308, 335; normative support of deep conventions 39; and play 119; tools used by gamerights 15; total adherence to 18

contests 1545; comparison with tests 118, 28990

contextualism 26970

contingent identity 194

contracts 418, 419

A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right (Marx) 231

conventionalism 25; and agreements 38; arbitrary nature 423; compliance of directives 41; coordination 378, 38; criticisms of 357; deep 29, 30; features 402; and internalism 2932; multiform character 37; normative principles 356, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45; subject to moral scrutiny 29; surface 29; ubiquitous nature 37

conventionalists 25

Convention (Lewis) 37

Cooper, Adam: on corporeality 250

coordinating conventions 38, 41

coordination problems 37, 38

co-participation 307, 346

Cordner, C. D.: creativity of athletes 78

corporate boxes 413, 415

corporeality 196, 250

corruption 376

cosmopolitanism 377

Coubertin, Baron Pierre de 6, 132, 301, 368; critique by Simonovic 223; Olympism 152, 156, 184, 369; reactionary ideology 223, 233; viewed as reactionary reformer 233

Council of Europe’s Bioethics Convention Article 12 82

Cranston, Toller 75

cricket: aesthetic pleasure 70; consciousness of batsmen 199200

criterion/criteria: and play 11718, 118; problem of 117; and sports 120

critical theory 21920

critique: notion of 21920 Crouch, Brent: Royce’s conception of loyalty 212

Culbertson, Leon: bad faith 149

Curry, Wesley 26

cycling: doping scandals 93

DaCosta, Lamartine: Olympism 369

D’Agostino, F.: constitutive rules 18; on ethos 62

Daly, John 402

dangerous sports 1567

danza de los voladores (dance of the flyers) 116

Daoism 1035; self-cultivation 104; shen 104; wuwei 104; xing 104

darshanas 98, 99

Dasein 197

Davidson, Donald 30; anomalous monism 194

Davis, P.: vices of partisan fans 408

Dawkins, Richard 251n1

Debord, D.: media spectacle 227

Debord, Guy: occult controlling centre 228; spectacle critique 228

declarative knowledge 120

deep conventions 29, 30; arbitrary nature 423; evolving 39; normative responses 39; practice-dependent, internal purpose 41; of sport 389

defence: movement of 186

definitional deception 343

DeKosky, S.T.: screening for ApoE4 85

Delattre, Edwin J.: essence of sport 294, 298

dementia 84; pugilistica 85

Democritus 194

de novo review 262

depression 195

Descartes, Rene 193; clear and distinct ideas 193; method of radical doubt 193; separation of body and mind 371, 372, 390

descriptive ethics 139

desperate exchanges 419

dharma 99, 101; in Buddhism 101; in Hinduism 100

dialectical theory 2912

Dickie, George 54

diffuse spectacle 228

dignity 420

Diogenes 380n15

Dionysian: artistic power 154

direct-to-consumer (DTC) companies 812

disability sport: amputation surgery 312; athletes’ rejection of disability label 306; body parts and whole persons 302, 303; co-participation 307; deaf athletes 300; differences between the ICF and the ICIDH 3068; disabled athletes 3024; and disease 303, 304; doping and TUEs 310; environmental factors 305; ICF definition of disability 3045; ICIDH definition of disability 302, 303, 304; intellectual disability 309; origins of Paralympic movement 3001; permanence of impairment 307; taxonomy of disablement 302; vital goals 306; see also Paralympic Games; Paralympic sports

disabled sportspersons 198

disclosure 834

discourse approach 36

discourse perspective 48; normative theory 45

discovery approach 367

discretion 269

discrimination: equality and non-discrimination 162; against women in sport 168, 16970

Discus Thrower (Myron) 372

disease: and disability 303, 304

disinterestedness 72

dismissive judgements 257

disqualifications 18

distributive norms 3367

diversity: and Olympism 3778

diving 25, 32n4, 3445

Dixon, Nicholas 257; fans’ loyalty 4046; patriotism in sport 408; winning and losing 295

do (Japanese philosophy) 107, 108; application to sport 108

doping 934, 134, 137; anti-doping see anti-doping; definitions 316; effect of ban on female athletes 174; and horseracing 315; libertarianism 322, 41213; and Olympism 376; potions 315; pro-doping 317, 3224; scholarship 3256; therapeutic use exemption (TUE) certificates 310; transhumanism 3223;WADA Code 316

Doris, John 396

double-aspect theory 1956

double horizon 183

Dowey, John: concept of growth 210

Downcast Eyes (Jay) 230

Dreyfus, Hubert: expert performance 1223; on language skills 203; skilful coping 123, 182; on tennis swings 123

driving: side of road chosen by drivers 378

drugs: additive 321; banning 341; EPO (erythropoietin) 316, 320, 322; and genetics 3523; out-of-competition testing 319; performance enhancement in sport 3412; restorative 321; safe 3278; war on 363; see also anti-doping; doping; enhancement

dualism 2, 1923, 211, 390

dukkha 101

Durant, Will: on habit formation 210

du Toit, Natalie 90

Dworkin, Ronald: characterization of law 26; conservatism of 17; legal precedent 16; precedent 19; predictability 17; principles of law 26; respect for games’ rules 17

Eagleman, David 397

Eastern philosophy: Buddhism 1012, 1056; Chan Buddhism 105; Confucianism 1023, 105; Daoism 1035; do 107, 108; environmental studies 110; gender studies 109; genetic enhancement 110; Hinduism 101; Japanese sport philosophy 10910; philosophies and sciences of the mind 10910; Zen Buddhism 1069

Edgar, A.: narrow and conservative approach of aesthetics 71

education: theory of 3735

Edwards, Lisa: challenging masculine ideology of sport 1712; relational approach to sport 172

Edwards, Robert G. 428

Edwards, Steven: on Oscar Pistorius’s running style 91

effects: causation and 2778

eidetic universals 180

Einstein, Albert 49

Either - Or (Kierkegaard) 152

Eitzen, D. Stanley 294

Elcombe, Tim L. 78, 212

elective amputation 312

Elias, N.: betting 402

Elliott, R. K.: aesthetic qualities of sport 70

Ellis, Robert 245

Ellul, Jacques 432

emancipation: human 219; mainstream 230; political 219; sexual 230

embedded cognition (HEMC) 198

embodied cognition 181

embodiment 183; and Christianity 24950; in human nature 2489; and pragmatism 21011; in sport 173; and Zen 249

Emerson, Ralph Waldo 209

emotion: in sport 1989

emotional integrity 199

empowered agency 27880

encumbered competitions 293

endurance athletes 87

endurance sport: growth through 210

Engels, Friedrich: on phantasmagorical and ideological rule 2323

English, Jane 162; basic benefits 163; on equality of access to sports 163; on new sports for women’s distinctive abilities 164; skill classes 1634

enhancement 323; benefits of clinical research 363; biomedical research 354, 355; case for 3545; distinguishing between biomedical and medical treatments 355; and drugs 3523, 354; mastery 3578; nature, human nature and the natural 356; nature of 3556; positional advantages 353; psychological risks of 3579; restriction on technologies 3634; risks of clinical research 35962; tactics to counter drugs and genetic engineering 364; war on drugs 363

enhancements 329

enlightened generalists 3867

Enlightenment 106, 219; source of modern philosophical critique 233

Epic period 100

epistemic virtues 3867

epistemology: cognitivism 1234; expert performance 1236; knowing sports 11619; methodists 117; particularists 117, 119; problem of the criterion 117; ways of knowing in sports 11922

EPO (erythropoietin) 316, 320, 322

equality: access to sport 1613; bodily differences in sport 162; equal opportunity to perform 3379; and non-discrimination 162; system inequalities 339; treatment of individuals 308

equipmentality 200

equity of access 91

erythropoietin (EPO) 316, 320

Escobar, Andrés 402

essences: phenomena 180

essentialism 276; gender 21314

ethical realm 152

ethicists 1357

ethics: authority and expertise 1358; Baron Pierre de Coubertin 132; conceptual and normative analysis 132; consequentialism 134; corruption of external goods 135; in-depth collections focused on single sports 138; descriptive 139; empirical data 137; ethicist 1357; facts and data 139; future prospects 1389; history and philosophical influences 1313; and Paralympic sports 30812; and phenomenology 1867; policy critique 1389; scholarship 1323; scope of 1335; sport and law 138; system of duties 132; utilitarianism 134;Victorian Britain 132; virtue 135

Ethics and Sport (McNamee and Parry) 1323

Ethics (Keating) 334

Ethics, Money and Sport: This Sporting Mammon (Walsh and Giulianotti) 412

The Ethics of Sports Coaching (Hardman and Jones) 387

ethos 62

etiquette: sporting 31

Eudemian Ethics (Aristotle) 375

Eurocentrism 377

European Association for the Philosophy of Sport (EAPS) 5

European Rationalism 37980n12

European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) 82

events: double-aspect theory 195

excellence: and commercialisation 41617; concern for 20910; pursuit of 176n10; quest for 278, 301, 297; theory of 3713

existence see existential philosophy

existential freedom 148

Existentialism is Humanism (Sartre) 147

existential phenomenology 197; on existential phenomenology 201

existential philosophy: absence and nothingness 147; alternative to objectifying tendencies 143; becoming 144; being for the subject 144; choice and anxiety 1479; condemned freedom 1478; condemned to meaning 1456; conflict and resistance 14952; experience related to existence 1434; heightening of human existence 1537; history of 1423; human existence 1435; motor meaning 147; perceptual faith 1467; primordial faith 146; primordial relation 1456; rebuttal of intellectualism and rationalism 144; stages towards transcendent aspects of existence 1523; struggle and resistance in relation to necessary obstacles 1502; synthesis of possibility and necessity 144; see also Kierkegaard, Søren A.; Nietzsche, Friedrich; Sartre, Jean-Paul

Expert Medical Panel 86

expert performance: heightened reflective awareness 126; information processing 123; modes of 1246; ongoing and nonreflective 123; tennis 123; in-zone awareness 1234

exploitation 41819

expression: in art 75

externalism: distinction from internalism 223

external purposes: sport 734

Eyser, George 90

facticity 144, 148, 149

failure: intrinsic ingredient of sport 78

Fairhall, Neroli 90, 309

fair play: anti-doping 327; background and interpretations 3335; and cheating 3434, 345; distributive norms 3367; fairness in sport 3356; formal 345; formal justice see formal justice; informal 345; justice in sport 33645; moral obligation 335, 336; normative rationale of fairness 3356; opportunity and 30910; and play tradition 3457; spirit of sport 341

Fair Play: Ethics in Sport and Education (McIntosh) 334

Fair Play: Historical anachronism or topical ideal? (Loland) 433

Fair Play in Sport: A Moral Norm System 334, 412

Fair Play. Journal of Sport: Philosophy, Ethics and Law 5, 133

Fair Play (Lumpkin, Stoll & Beller) 132

Fair Play: Sport, Values, and Society (Simon) 334

Fair Play: The Ethics of Sport (Simon) 334

false consciousness 223; of sport 2234

false reality 223

family: under Confucianism 103

fans: blind to sports negative features 227; concern for victory of individual or team 403; loyalty 4046; partisan 4036; purist 4067; purist and partisan 294

fascism: and sport 231

Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects 362

femininity: concept of 164, 165; male and female bodybuilders 1734; value of women-only sport 168

feminism: androgyny 1645; autonomy 1667; basic benefits 163; bio-Amazons 170, 171; bodies and practices 1715; bodily differences in sport 162; comparison of men and women in sport 21314; control of sport 169; definition of woman in sport context 167; difference and integration 1636; equality of access to sport 1613; gynocentric 1712; humanist 1712; identifying and valuing traits 172; integration-segregation debate 169; male standards 1701; masculinity of sports 1623; new sports for women 164; paternalism 166; performance of women compared to men 16970; pressure to exhibit male determined ideals of femininity 164; relational approach to sport 172; separation in sport 168; social facts mistaken as natural facts 166; withdrawing from masculine sports 1656

fencing 435

Fever Pitch (Hornby) 58

fiduciary commitment 242

first philosophy 275

fishing 13

fit 278

Flanagan, Owen: dualistic view of the mind 390

football (UK) see soccer

formal fair play 335, 345

formalism: and aesthetics 76; approach to adjudication 269; bad name 11; content of sport 77; criticisms of 245; critique of 1517; defence and revision of 1719, 267; definition 1112; foundations of 1215; and internalism 245

formal justice 336; cheating 3434, 345; competitive advantage 3423; equality in external conditions 338; equality in personal characteristics 3389; equality in system strength 339; equal opportunity to perform 3379; penalties and reduction of advantage 343; performance-enhancing drugs 3412; play-acting 3445; professional fouls 344; relevant inequality in athletic performance 33941; unequal treatment 3425

forms, theory of 193

Fosbury flop 61

Foucault, Michel 143, 224, 230, 430

fouling 27; strategic 29

Foust, Mat: Royce’s conception of loyalty 212

Fraleigh, Warren 3, 132; fair play 334; installs philosophy of sport in new curriculum 3; opponents 2901; proposed Weiss–Schacht exchange 4

Frankfurt school 21920

freedom: condemned 1478

free will 278

Frege, G.: on concepts 61

French Royal Academy 21819

Freud, Sigmund 224

Frisbee 55

Fromm, Erich 220

From Ritual to Record (Guttmann) 238

Fry, J.: cognitivist view of emotion 198; emotional integrity 199; emotions of self-assessment 199

functionalism 23, 196, 3923

functionalist definition of religion 243

Galarraga, Armand 261

Gallagher, Shaun: embodied cognition 181

gamblers 334, 4012

gamerighting 15, 20n8

games: penalties 14, 16; philosophical implications 56; rulebooks 1516; rules see rules; synthesis between necessity and possibility 151; turning into sport 2756; see also play

The Games People Play: Theology, religion, and sport (Ellis) 245

Gandy, S.: screening for ApoE4 85

Gasset, José Ortega y 143

Gautama, Siddhartha 101

The Gay Science (Nietzsche) 153

Geist 225

gender: essentialism 21314; issues in sport 869; sport as historically gendered activity 21314, 351

Geneffect 81

genetically modified organisms (GMO) 429

genetic engineering 428, 429

genetic modifications 170, 324

genetics: enhancement see enhancement; gene testing 318; legacy 3514; performance-enhancing drugs 3523; research 82; sport segregated by sex 351; variations 352

genetic testing 812; consent for 823; false negatives 82; predictive ability of 82

gentleman-amateur concept 301, 36, 40; anti-commercial ideals 416; conventional norms 40; correcting bad calls 48; ethos of sport 401; hybrid construction 45; intelligible conception of sport 46; opposed to playing for money 40, 51n7; opposite view to professionalism 412; purpose of sport 412; rational reconciliation with professionalism 456; selectively borrowing from professionalism 46; sportsmanship 301, 36; use of strategy 478

Gerber, Ellen 4, 145

The German Ideology (Marx and Engels) 2323

German International Tennis Championship 296

germ line research 3612

Ghose, Z.: beauty as private ecstasy 71

Gigerenzer, Gerd 396

Giordana, Simona 171

Gipp, George 199

Giulianotti, Richard 412

Gladwell, Malcolm 316

globalization: and Olympism 377

goal-line technology 260, 436

goals 2812; lusory 24, 26

God in the Stadium (Higgs) 240

golf: British Society of One-Armed Golfers 300; etiquette 31, 33n11, 268; meticulous application of rules 2689; self-officiating 2689

Good Game (Hoffman) 240

Goodman, Nelson 76

Grassbaugh Forry, Joan: habits 214

The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia (Suits) 24, 151

gratuitous logic 23, 118

Green, Ronald 362

Greig, Tony 56

Grey-Thompson, Dame Tanni 306

Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (Kant) 420

growth: and pragmatism 20910

Guardini, Romano: distinction between purpose and meaning 247; on play 246

Guernica (Picasso) 75

Gulyas, Istvan 296

Guttmann, Allen 240; modern sport 238, 244

Guttmann, Dr Ludwig: spearhead of the Paralympic movement 301

gymnastics 73

gynocentric feminism 1712

Habermas, Jürgen 12

habit formation 182, 21011

Hämäläinenm, M.: on competitive advantage 87

Hamilton, Mark: make-up calls 2634

handicaps 302, 303

happiness 372

harm: prevention 3201; and segregation 168; to women in sport 166, 167

Harman, Gilbert 396

Harris, Bucky 268

Harris, John 171

Hartel, Liz 309

Hart, H. L.A.: characterization of law 25; primary roads 24

Hartshorne, Charles 208

Harvey, Lincoln 245

Hastings Center 325

Hawk-Eye technology 258

health: definition 303; protection 320, 3278; sport ideology 225, 2256

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 40, 49; alienation 225; idealism 1945; paradox of competition 291; recognition 291; theory of the dialectic 291

Hegelian left 219

hegemony 377

Heggie, Vanessa: on androgen thresholds for athletes 88

Heidegger, Martin 3, 1223, 143; account of existence 143; and art 432; authenticity 184; conception of being in the world 200; concrete human body 201; Dasein 197; equipmentality 200; inauthenticity 184; Oblivion of Being 432; skilful coping 182; technology 431, 432; thrownness 144; understanding of human existence 17980

heightening 1537

Heinilä, K.: totalization process of modern sport 339

Hellenes 370

hemoglobin 352

hermeneutic phenomenology 197

Herr, Hugh 89

Herrigel, Eugen 107; Zen and archery 249

heteronormative gender 173, 174

heteronormativity 168

Higgs, Robert J. 240

high-jumping 61

high-velocity bounding 92

high-velocity branding 91

Hinduism: atman 99; Bhagavad Gita 100; Brahman 99, 100; darshanas 98, 99; detachment from ego and results 100; dharma 99, 100; Epic period 100; fundamental reality 99; Karma 99; maya 99; moksha 99; prajna 99; samadhi 101; sruti 98; Sutra period 100; Upanishads 99; Vedic period 98; Yoga 1001

historical epochs 1945

history, sport 23940

Hobbes, Thomas 194; natural state of humankind 290

Hoberman, John 428; Human Genome Project 428; instrumental view of athletes’ bodies 432

Hoch, Paul 412

Hochstetler, Douglas: Dowey’s concept of growth 210; truth is in the making 209

Hoffman, Shirl 240

Hogeveen, B.: skilful coping 182

Hohler, V.: athletes’ movement 70

holism 281

Holm, S. R.: conflicts of interest 84

Homer 154

homogenization 377

Homo Ludens (Huizinga) 99, 242

homophobia 2301

Hopsicker, Peter Matthew: Dowey’s concept of growth 210

Horkheimer, Max 220

Hornby, Nick 58

horseracing: and doping 315

Howard, Dwight 84

Howe, Leslie A. 214; risk in remote sports 157

Hsu, Leo 109

Hughson, J.: contrast of movement between males and females when heading footballs 202; on soccer and socioeconomic power 202

Huizinga, Johan 99, 117, 242; on play 2456

human emancipation 219

human existence 1435

human experience: measuring truth against 180; understanding of 179; universal-personal 179; see also phenomenology

human flourishing 435

Human Genome Project 428

human happiness 372

humanist feminism 1712

humanistic image 390

human nature 2489

Hume, David 137; constant conjunction 277, 278; doctrine of causation 193

Hunter, Nick 412

Husserl, Edmund 143; phenomenological conception of time 185; phenomenological method 178, 197

hydrodynamic swimsuits 3756

Hyland, Drew A. 109, 148

Hyman, Flo 87

hyperandrogenism 869; advantages bestowed 86, 87; androgen limits 86, 87; discrimination against female athletes 88

hypothesis of extended cognition (HEC) 198

hypoxic chambers 322, 326

IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations): androgen limits 86, 87, 88; ban of stimulants 315; bars Oscar Pistorius from competing 89; eligibility criteria of female athletes 86; equity of access 91

ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health): definition of disability 3045; differences with the ICIDH 3068

ICIDH (The International Classification of Impairment, Disability and Handicap): definition of disability 302, 303, 304; differences with the ICF 3068

idealisation 58

idealism 1945

ideals: relativity of 289

identity theory 392

ideology: capitalist mechanisms 224; contemporary usage 223; contradictory field of false ideas 2245; false consciousness 2234; origins of 223; reactionary ideology of Olympism 223; sport 224

Ilundáin-Agurruza, Jesus: dangerous sports 1567

immaterial soul 193

impairments 302, 303, 307

imperfect procedural justice 337, 338

inauthenticity 148, 184

Incognito: The secret lives of the brain (Eagleman) 397

Indian dance 76

indisputable visual evidence (IVE) 262

informal fair play 335, 345

informed consent 360

Inglis, David 151; on soccer and socioeconomic power 202

inquiry: philosophical approach 208

institutional theory of art: authoritative body 55; characterization 55; definition 53, 54, 567; training 57

institutional theory of sport: completeness 58; constraints 601; context 59; defective instances 60; definitions not required 545, 578; different levels and statuses 57, 58; differing versions 60; normativity of institutions 624; real institutions 556; real sport 5761; rule-related character 55, 56, 623

institutions: language 13; normativity of 624; stipulations and agreements 12

instrumental goodness 3856, 398n3

integrated spectacle 228

integration: refusal of, positive potential 169

intellectual disability 309

intentionality 197; motor 201

intentional rule violations 343, 3445

interference: baseball 26

internal goods 1723

internalism: broad 258, 30; and conventionalism 2932; criticisms 2832; definition 23; formalist approaches 245; internalism-externalism distinction 223; relativity of ideals 289

International Association for the Philosophy of Sport (IAPS) 4, 208

International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) see IAAF

International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) see ICF

The International Classification of Impairment, Disability and Handicap (ICIDH) see ICIDH

International Fair Play Committee 334

International Journal of Religion and Sport 245

International Judo Federation 378

International Olympic Committee (IOC) 63

International Paralympic Committee (IPC): eligibility to compete in Paralympic sports 302

International Silent Games 300

international sports competitions 229

International Swimming Federation 3756

interpretivism 267

intersubjectivity 187

invisible hand 227

in-zone awareness 1234

IOC (International Olympic Committee): androgen limits 86, 87, 88; introduction of testing 315; Olympic Solidarity 371; sex verification tests 352

IPC (International Paralympic Committee) 306; activity limitations 305, 307; fundamental principles 329

IVF (in vitro fertilisation) 4278

Jacklin, Tony 31

Jackson, Phil 245, 398n2

Jaksche, Jörg: on responsibility for doping 93

James, C. L. R. 70; aesthetic pleasure 71; sport as life enhancing 71

James, Lebron 329

James, William 288; pragmatic maxim 207, 209; process of habituation 211

Japan: Buddhism 1056; Confucianism 105; do 107, 108; Kami 105; popularity of Olympic Games in philosophy 109; sport philosophy 10910; Zen Buddhism 1069

Japan Society for the Study of Sport 4

Jaspers, Karl 143

Jay, Martin 230

Jirásek, Ivo: authenticity 184

John of Damascus 242

Johnson, Ben 376

Jones, Carwyn: challenging masculine ideology of sport 1712; relational approach to sport 172

Jones, Marion 374

Jordan, Michael 226, 229, 416, 417

Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 4

Journal of the Philosophy of Sport (JPS) 4, 69, 145

Joyce, Jim 261

The Joy of Sports (Novak) 243

judgement 72, 73

justice 25960;Ancient Greek philosophy 375; anti-doping 31920; and beauty 375; definition of formal justice 336; distributive norms 3367; formal see formal justice; norms and procedures 337; procedural 337; serving the common interests 376; theory of 3757; transparency 376

justice (yi) 103

Juvenal 372

kabbadi 63

Kahneman, Daniel 396

kalarippayattu 100

Kami 105

Kant, Immanuel 49; approach to coaching 388; disinterestedness 72; notion of critique 219; pleasure and agreeableness 71; on price and dignity 420; treating people as ends not means 420

Karma 99

Karolyi, Bela 1989, 199

Kass, Leon 353

Keating, Justin: sportsmanship as a moral category 334

Kellner, Douglas 222; alienation 226; ideology as contradictory field of false ideas 2245; manipulation 2278; media spectacle 227, 22930; megaspectacle 228; on Michael Jordan and alienation 226; religious significance of sport 232

Kena Upanishad 99

Kiefer, Howard 4

Kierkegaard, Søren A. 143; aesthetic realm 152; becoming 144; ethical realm 152; internalising the infinite 1523; leap of faith 153; opposed to Hegel 143; passionate interest 153; religious realm 1523

Kihlstrom, John 395

Kipsang, Wilson 3067

Klein, Gary 396

Klem, Bill 256

Knight, Bob 391

knowing-how 115; amounting to knowing-that 121; connection to skills 121; football 120; parallel with knowing-that 121; in-zone awareness 1234; zoned-out awareness 1245; see also expert performance

knowing-now: and performance 1212

knowing-that 115; football 120; parallel with knowing-now 121

knowledge see epistemology

Koller, John 99

Kongzi (Confucius) 1023

Körper 183

Kovich, M.: on aesthetic aspects of sport 72

Kram, Rodger 89

Kreft, Lev 5; whereabouts systems 319

Kretchmar, Scott 117, 412; distinction between tests and contests 118, 289; human nature 248; knowing how to win 312; moral dimension of coaching 388; sports ethics 132; transcending winning/losing 209

Kripke, S.: contingent identity 194

Krishna 100

Kuhn, Thomas 49

Kukai 106

Kukal, Jan 296

Kupfer, J. H.: hierarchy of games 70; lack of external purposes in sport 734, 77; sporting drama 71; winning and professionalism 74

Kyle, Don 240

Lally, Richard 109; sport and inquiry 208

language: and conventions 38; institutions 13; proto- 14

language game 56

Laozi 103, 104

Lavine, Thelma 207

law: characterization 256; principles 26

law of nature 274

Lazzeri, Tony 268

Lefort, Claude: empty places of power 228, 235n6

Leftist Theories of Sport: A critique and reconstruction (Morgan) 412

legal positivism 2667

legal precedent 16

legal principles 26

legal system see sport as a legal system

Leib 183

leisure: philosophical views 242

Leisure, The Basis of Culture (Pieper) 242

Lenk, Hans 4; formal and informal fair play 3345

Lenta, Patrick: legal positivism 2667

level playing field 279

Leviathan (Hobbes) 290

Lewis, David 378

libertarianism 322

Liezi 103, 1045

lifestyle sports 198

lived body 183

Lock, Rebecca Ann: effect of doping ban 174

logical behaviorism 391, 392

logic, gratuitous 23, 118

Loland, Sigmund 133, 412; coaches as enlightened generalists 3867; definition of sports technology 89; definition of technology 433; fair play 334; Olympism 369; thick theory of sport 433, 434, 436; thin theory of sport 433, 434, 435, 436; winning for internal reasons 433

London Games (2012): disqualification of badminton players 376; pressure on Saudi Arabia to include female athletes 378

London Marathon 307

London Paralympics (2012) 308

Louis the Great 21819

Löwenthal, Leo 220

loyalty: fans’ 4046; philosophy of 212

luck 279

Lumpkin, Angela 132

Lund Svindal, Aksel 1256

lusory goals 24, 26

Luther, Martin: on God becoming man 250

MacArthur, Ellen 1089

MacIntyre, Alasdair 135; practice 65n4

Mack, Reddy 26

Magdalinski, Tara 42930; on anti-doping strategies 430

magga 101

Mahabharata 100

managerial ingenuity 49

manipulation: concept of 2268; natural state of affairs 227; in sport 227

Man, Sport and Existence (Slusher) 2, 145, 181

Mäntyranta, Eero 87, 88

Maradona, Diego 58, 126, 343

Marcel, Gabriel 143

Marcuse, Herbert 220, 230

Marfan syndrome 87

market standards 171

market value 170

Marmor, A. 38

martial arts 107; comparison with western sports 108

Martin, Andy: existential consciousness in sport 14950

Martin, Billy 49, 389

Martin, Casey 30910

Marx, Karl: exploitation 41819; false consciousness 223; human emancipation 219; opium of the people 2313; on phantasmagorical and ideological rule 2323; political emancipation 219

masculinisation: in sport 1623, 164

masculinity: concept of 164, 165; male and female bodybuilders 1734

master-slave relationship 150

mastery 3578

match fixing 402

materialism 194

maya 99

McDermott, John J. 207

McFee, Graham: contextualist view 26970; judging aesthetic sports 265

McGee, Glenn 131

McGowan, Bill 256

McIntosh, P.: fair play 334

McNamee, Mike 5, 55, 1323, 412; on bog-snorkelling 60; epistemic searches 386; on Olympism 377; players’ self-officiating 272n11; sportspersonship 198; strong evaluation 198; youth coaching 388

McPhail, Lee 389

Mead, George Herbert 212

measuring truth against experience: phenomenology 180

media spectacle 227

Media Spectacle (Kellner) 229

media technology 427

medical treatments 355

megaspectacle 228

Mehlman, Maxwell: reproductive freedom 362

Meier, Klaus: on existential phenomenology 201; on the philosophy of sport 200

Meier, KlausV. 57; embodiment 183

meliorism 20910

mental causation 391

mental events 195

mental phenomena 194

mental set: philosophy of the mind 1923

mental state: and functionalism 196

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 143; double horizon 183; ‘the Flesh’ 183; intentionality of the body 197; motor intentionality 201; motor meaning 147; primordial faith 146; primordial relation 1456; understanding of existence 143

metaphysics: causal powers 2823; causation in sport 2778; definition 274; empowered agents 27880; essence of sport 276; essentialism 276; games and sport 2756; law of nature 274; meaning of sport 275; mutual manifestation 2801, 2812; parts, wholes and goals 2812

Metaphysics (Aristotle) 275

Metheny, Eleanor 2

methodists 117

methodological behaviorism 391, 392

Miah, A.: transhumanism 3223

Middle Way 101

Millar, David 326

Miller, Stephen 23940; connection between equal opportunity and the birth of democracy 371

Mill, John Stuart 134; subjection of women 166

mind: philosophy of 3904

mind-body dualism 2, 211, 390

mind-brain identity theory 194, 196

Mitchell, Stephen 248

mixed martial arts (MMA) 435

modernism 21819

modernity 21819; and radicalism 2201

modern sport: secularity of 238

Moe, Vegard F.: classical cognitivism in sport 203; skill acquisition 182

moksha 99

Money in Sport (Hunter) 412

monism 1945

Moore, G. E. 137

moral education 422

moral harm 166

moral ideals 433

Morality Play: Sports, Virtues and Vices (McNamee) 412

Morgan, William J. 19n2, 145, 412; on cheating 1112; conventionalism 2932; conventionalist approach to coaching 389; conventional theory of sport 44; gratuitous logic of sport 23; training and sport 185

Morris, S.T.: partisan fans 404

Mortal Engines – The Science of Performance and the Dehumanization of Sport (Hoberman) 428

motor intentionality 201

motor meaning 147

Moussambani, Eric “The Eel” 374

movement: of acceptance 186; of defence 186; everyday coping skills 182; and phenomenology 1856; skills of athletes 182; of truth 186

Movement and Meaning (Metheny) 2

Müller, A.: heightened consciousness in high-risk sports 433

Mullins, Aimee 3023

Mumford, Stephen 116; contrast between purist and partisan fans 294; purist fans 406, 407

Muscular Christianity 372

mushin 1078

Muslims 242

mutualism 278

mutual manifestation 2801; parts, wholes and goals 2812

Myers, Gerald: truth is in the making 209

The Myth of Sisyphus (Camus) 150

Nagel, T.: on philosophy 192

Nallin, Dick 268

National Academy of Sciences 361, 362

National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioural Research 361

National Football League (NFL): bounty scandal 295; lawsuits against 85

National Institutes of Health 362

national Olympic committees 374, 379n9

National Socialism 223

natural bodies 42930

natural facts 166

nature: concept of 356

Nesti, Mark: anxiety 148

Neuhaus, Richard John: Christian idea of prolepsis 2467

neutral monism 195

New Left: origins 223

new media spectacle: international competitions 229; rise of television 228

New York Times 315

Nicklaus, Jack 31, 33n11

Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle) 336, 375

Nietzsche, Friedrich 3, 143; aesthetic and artistic theodicy 154; agon 1545; asceticism 155; askēsis 1556, 157; on contests 1545; heightening of human existence 1537; natural world 153; Olympian gods 154; ostrakismos 154; self-overcoming 156; understanding of existence 143

Nike 226, 229

nirvana 101

Nishida, Kitaro 106

Nlandu, Tamba 210; opposition to goal-line technology 436; opposition to technological aids 260

Nongbri, Brent: modern ideas about religion 242

Nordenfeldt, L.: theory of disability 306

normative principles and theory 356; and conventionalism 357, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45; discourse version 45

normativity 278; institutions 624

Novak, Michael 243

Nozick, Robert: free market 422; libertarianism 41213

Oakland Athletics 397

objectification 41921

objective spirit 40

objective time 185

objects: quality of 200

objects of comparison 56

observed voiding 319

obstacles: overcoming 1502

occasionalism 391

officials see umpires

Oliveira, Alan 91, 311

Olympia 370

Olympian gods 154

Olympic Charter 369, 378

Olympic Games: amputees competing at 90, 92; Ancient Greeks 371; Beijing (2008) 301, 375; Berlin (1936) 229, 231; criteria for inclusion of sports 370; focus on results 374; Japanese philosophy 109; London (2012) 376, 378; motto 370, 373; national committees 374, 379n9; pacifying conflicts of capitalist society 233; Paralympic Games 3001; religious aspect of sport 152;Tokyo (1964) 109; see also ancient Olympic Games

Olympic Solidarity 371

Olympism: body, will and mind 371; complexity of non-discrimination policies 378; Coubertin’s failure to define 369; and diversity 3778; ethical imperialism 375; exclusion of participants from expensive sports 3701; foundational qualities 370; free from economic disparities 371; fundamental principles 369, 377; and globalization 377; good examples 373, 374; ideals of equal opportunity 370, 371; inclusion of women 378; invisible problems of doping and corruption 376; Olympic Charter 369; Olympic motto and creed 370, 373, 374, 379n10; philosophical tradition from ancient Olympic Games 368, 370, 371, 372; philosophy of 36870; political vision 369; reactionary ideology 223; rules and regulations of sport 375; social and political philosophy of sport 370; sound mind in sound body 372; sport as a human right 377; theory of education through sport 3735; theory of human excellence through sport 3713; theory of justice through sport 3756; theory of world community 3778; transparency 376; universal philosophy 377; Western heritage 3701

opium of the people: religious significance in the sport spectacle 232; sport and the industry of death 231; sport as 2312

opponents 2901, 292


Ortega y Gasset, J. 151

Orwell, George 288, 408

Ossur 89

Osterhoudt, Robert 4

ostracism 155

ostrakismos 154

outdoor sports 338

out-of-competition testing 319

Paglia, Camilla: competitiveness 225; natural power of sex 225, 235n4

Palmeiras 408

Palmer, Arnold 78

panpsychism 394

parallelism 391

Paralympic Games: origins of Paralympic movement 3001; see also disability sport

Paralympics: role of biotechnology in 8991; and technology 90

Paralympic sports: amputee athletes 3034; contrast with Olympic sports 301; eligibility to compete in 302; equality, fair opportunity and fair play 30810; ethics, fairness and technology 31112; see also disability sport

parity principle 1978

Parry, Jim 1323; criteria for inclusion of sports in Olympic program 379n1; risk of globalization to Olympism 377

participation restriction 305

particularists 117, 118

partisan fans 294; allegiance 4034; differing demonstrations of allegiance 4034; good partisan fans 4046; randomness of allegiance 403; vices 408

parts 2812

passionate interest 153

paternalism 1667, 167, 327

Patočka, Jan: movement 1856; referents 186

patriotism 408

patriots 4078

Pawlenka, Claudia 376

Peirce, C. S. 208; pragmatic maxim 207

Pelletier, David 257

penalties 14, 16; appropriateness 19; and reduction of advantage 343

People of Prowess (Struna) 240

perceptual faith 1467

perfect procedural justice 337, 338

performance: consciousness in 199200; drugs and genetics 3523; genetic testing on predisposition 82; and knowing-how 122; physical-mathematical measurements 342; relevant inequality 33941; sport-specific measurements 342, 343; see also drugs; expert performance

performance advantage 87, 88

performance-enhancing polymorphisms (PEPs) 812

Personal Knowledge (Polayni) 242

personhood 196

Phelps, Michael 87, 376

Phenomenological Approaches to Sport 1812

phenomenology: apodictic truth 180; authenticity 184; classical cognitivism in sport 2034; contribution of 179; differences with empirical science 188; eidetic universals 180; embodiment 183; essences of phenomena 180, 197; ethics 1867; examination of own being 179; existential 197, 201; explanation of phenomenon 179; hermeneutic 197; intentionality 197; meaning 178; measuring truth against experience 180; method 178; movement 1856; in the philosophy of sport 2002; research 179; skilful coping 182; sociologically inflected 2023; and sport sciences 1878; time 185; truth 180; understanding the being of entities 180; universal-personal experiences 179

Phenomenology of Spirit (Hegel) 291

phenomenon: explanation of 179

phenotypes: sports segregated by 3512

Philosophic Inquiry in Sport 183

Philosophic Society for the Study of Sport (PSSS) 4

Philosophy and Human Movement (Best) 5

philosophy of physical education 2

philosophy of the mind: classical cognitivism in sport 2034; cognitivism 1234, 196; consciousness in sport performance 199200; double-aspect theory 1956; dualism 1923, 211; emotion and strong evaluation in sport 1989; functionalism 196; idealism 1945; materialism 194; mental set 1923; personhood 196; phenomenology 197; phenomenology in the philosophy of sport 2002; physical set 1923; sociologically inflected phenomenology 2023; supersized mind 1978

physical education: philosophy of 2

physical harm 166

physicalism 194

physical set: philosophy of the mind 1923

physicians: differing roles in sports medicine 83

Picasso, Pablo 75

Pieper, Josef 242

Pindar 373

pine tar incident 37, 489, 268, 389

Pistorius, Oscar: appeal to Supreme Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) 8990; barred from IAAF competition 89; biomechanical studies of running style 912; challenges Paralympic category T43 302; competing in Paralympics and Olympic Games 90; performing against able-bodied athletes 89; refusal to use disabled parking spaces 306; unfair advantage concern 311

Plato 3, 132, 193, 372, 375; recollection argument 193; theory of forms 193

play: aim of continuation 11819; children 117; Christian idea of prolepsis 2467, 248; constitutive rules 119; criterion/criteria 11718, 118, 119; crucial features for 118; experience of 246; non-human animals 117; philosophical views 242; preceding sport 117; profundity of 2456; sacral aspects 248; signal of transcendence 246, 247; social 11819; social space 118; spirit of 246; and sport 2458; turning into sport 119; uselessness of 245, 246; and worship 247; see also games

play-acting 3445

Playing with God (Baker) 240

pleasure: aesthetic 70, 71, 74; principle 224; reality differences for men and women 225; sexual 230

pluralism 213

Polayni, Michael 242

political economy 219, 220

Politics (Aristotle) 375

positional advantage 353, 358

Postow, Betsy: on masculinity in sports 1623; segregationist stance 1656

potions 315

power: causal 283

practical knowledge 120

Practical Philosophy of Sport (Kretchmar) 412

practical reason 12

practice: definition 65n4; social 172; sport 211; value of 172

pragmatic contextualism 213

pragmatic meliorism 209

pragmatism: anti-essentialism 21314; basic tenets 207; feminism 21314; habit formation and embodiment 21011; history of 207; meliorism and growth 20910; pluralism 21314; self and community 21213; strenuous progress 210; as theoretical intervention 21416

Pragmatism and the Philosophy of Sport 208

Pragmatism (James) 209

prajna 99

precedent 16, 19

predictability 17

President’s Council on Bioethics 353

price money: in sport 170

Priest, Stephen: philosophy of the mind 192

primary familial and congenital polycythaemia 87

primary rules 24, 25

primary skills 27

principle of redress 324

principles: of adjudication 266, 267, 269; embedded in sport 266; of law 26; vs. rules 26

Principles of Psychology (James) 211

privacy 319

private language 195

procedural knowledge 120

professional fouls 344

professionalism: concept 301; contemporary sport 39; conventional norms 40, 41; golf 31; hybrid construction 45; intelligible conception of sport 46; purpose of sport, opposite view to amateurism 412; rational reconciliation with amateurism 456; selectively borrow from amateurism 46; serious occupation 41; use of strategy 478; winning and aesthetics 74; see also winning

professionalization 418

prolepsis 2467, 248

property advantage 878

propositional knowledge 120

proprioception 283

prosthetic limbs 8990, 311

Protestant Reformation 244

proto-language 14

psychē 372

psychoanalysis 224

psychological harm 166

pure procedural justice 337

purist fans 294, 4067

Puritans 240

purposive sports 73

putative harms 166

Pythagoras 372

quest for excellence 278, 301, 297

The Question Concerning Technology (Heidegger) 431

Quine, W.V. 38

Quinton, Lord Anthony 23

radical critique of sport: alienation 2256; body and sport 2301; critique and critical theory 21920; ideology 2235; manipulation 2268; modernity and modernism 21819; new media spectacle 22830; Olympic Games 233; opium of the people 2313; origins 2223; radicalism 2202; weak points 234

radical doubt 193

radicalism 2202

Rahner, Karl 394

Randall, Derek 56

Rasmussen, Michael 319

rational dialogue 45, 46

rational self-determination 167

Ratjen, Herman 365n1

Rawls, John 28; practice 65n4; principle of redress 324

realists: and causation 278

realist-subjectivist debate 215

reality 195; and alienation 225; false 223

real sport 5761

reason: philosophical approach 233

The Rebel (Camus) 150

recognition 291

recollection argument 193

Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee 362

records: breaking 23, 427; quest for 427

redress, principle of 324

reductionism 281

referees see umpires

reflective awareness 123, 126

reflective equilibrium 28, 389

regularity theory 277, 278

regulative rules 13; meaning of 308, 335

relativity of ideals 289

religio 242

religion: criticism of 232; functionalist definition 243; meaning in antiquity 242; pre-modern 244; private/public 244; religious aspect of sport 152; and sport see sport and religion; substantive definition 243; transcendence 243; understanding 2425; universals 244

religious harm 166

remote sports 157

ren 1023

Renaissance 45

replays: literature on 258; use of 2578

reproductive freedom 362

Republic of Art 55

Republic (Plato) 372, 375

Research in Philosophy and Technology Handbook 429

resistance 1501

respect: games rules 17

restorative drugs 321

restorative skills 27

return to play 846

revolutions: post-war failures 220, 221

Ricoeur, Paul 143

Riggs v. Palmer 26

Right Actions in Sport: Ethics for Contestants (Fraleigh) 132, 334

righteousness (yi) 103

Ring, “Doc” 315

Rip Off the Big Game: The Exploitation of Sport by the Power Elite (Hoch) 412

robots: athletes alienated as 225, 227

Rockne, Knute 199

Romans: cultivating excellence through sport and philosophy 372; excellence of body and mind 372

Roman Stoics 372

Rorty, Richard 2078; criticisms of work 215

Roth, S. M. 82

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 49

Royce, Josiah: philosophy of loyalty 212; pragmatism 212

RTDs (reconstructed track devices): technology of 258

Rudnik-Schoeneborn, S.: on consent for genetic testing 83

rules: application of 26570; challenge for athletes 77; constitutive see constitutive rules; freely accepted by athletes 187; game rulebooks 1516; and games 11, 1415; honouring 17; interpretation of 15; lawyering 268; primary 24, 25; vs. principles 26; regulative 13; respect for 17; secondary 24, 25; violations 3435

A Rumor of Angels (Berger) 242, 246

Rumsfeld, Donald 387

Runyan, Marla 90

Russell, Bertrand: events 195

Russell, John 26; adjudication in sport 255; challenges the notion of rules as sole source of decision-making for umpires 2656; discovery approach 367; internal principle of sport 26; interpretivist approach to coaching 389; principle of adjudication 266; responsibility of coaches to correct bad calls 31; sporting allegiances 404; trivial infringencies 489; umpires’ reviewing calls 257

Ryall, E.: defends use of goal-line technology 436

Ryan, Joan 1989, 199

Ryder Cup 31

Ryle, Gilbert 1201, 131; behaviorism 194

Sacred Hoops (Jackson) 245

Sailors, Pam R.: control of sport 169

salary caps 422

Salé, Jamie 257

Saltman, Ken 173, 174

samadhi 101

samudhaya 101

Sandel, Michael 353, 413; bionic athletes 354; loss of shared experience 415; rejection of enhancement 3556

Sartre, Jean-Paul 3, 143; absence and nothingness 147; anxiety 148; appropriation 150; bad faith 1489; choosing actions 148; choosing projects 147; condemned freedom 1478; conflict 150; ethics 187; existence precedes essence 143; facticity of existence 144; human relation to the field 150; social roles 149

satellites 427

Satz, Debra 413

Schacht, Richard 4

Schmitz, K. L.: sport and play 245

Schneider, Angela: on definition of woman in sport context 167

Schwartz, Meredith: on male standards 1701; market standards 171; winning in sport 170

scienceploitation 82

scientific image 390

scoring 1415; external purposes of sport 734

Searle, J.: Chinese room experiment 196; constitutive rules of language 18; regulative rules 13

Searle, John: computer functionalism 393; institutional concepts 55

secondary rules 24, 25

secularization theory: criticisms of 2389

segregation: and harm 168; phenotypes 3512; positive potential of 169; sex 169, 351; in sport 168

Sein und Zeit (Heidegger) 182

self: and pragmatism 21213

self-assessment: emotions of 199

self-competition 2923

self-consciousness 291

self-determination: rational 167

self-overcoming 156

Semenya, Caster 86, 365n2

separation: in sport 168

sex see gender

sex discrimination: in sport 168, 16970

Sex Equality in Sports (English) 162

sexuality: sport’s role in defining 1745

sex verification 352

Shahrkhani, Wojdan 374

Sheehan, George 1089

shen 104

Sherwin, Susan: on male standards 1701; market standards 171; winning in sport 170

Shestov, Lev 143

Shilling, Chris: the body as a social construct 430

signposts 623

Simonovic, Ljubodrag: athletes’ body movement and capitalism 223; background 221; on Baron Pierre de Coubertin 233; homophobic views 2301; London Olympics (2012): The Death Games 229; manipulation in sport 227; spectacles 2289; sport spectacles and Roman spectacles 231

Simon, Robert: broad internalism 266, 389; conceptual and normative analysis 132; discourse approach 36; discourse version of normative theory 45; fair play 334; historical understanding of athletic endeavour 456; intelligible conception of sport 46; moral dimension of coaching 387; mutual quest for excellence 297; practical wisdom and good judgement of coaches 3889; rational dialogue 45, 46; responsibility of coaches to correct bad calls 36, 48

Simpson, Robert L.: on measuring improvement 2923

Sisyphus 1501

skating 73

skilful coping 182; philosophy of 123

skills 120; classes 1634; and knowing-how 121; primary 27; restorative 27

Skultety, Steven: sports categories and psychologies 2934

skydiving 184

Sloterdijk, Peter: vertical tension 1556

Slusher, Howard 2, 181

Smith, Adam: invisible hand 227

Smith, John 207

soccer: analagous to capitalist development 202; goal-line technology 260; knowing and identifying 11920; versions 58

social agreements 38, 44

social constructivism 429

social conventions 25

social democracy 220

social facts 166

social harm 166

Social Philosophy of Athletics (Lenk) 4

social practice 1723; understanding 223

social roles 149; of sport 23

Society of the Spectacle (Debord) 228

Socrates 372, 3734

Sokolowski, Robert: on phenomenology 179

Solo, Hope 212

s ma 372

Sorrell, T.: innocent Cartesianism 193

soul: and body 241

spectacle: new media 22830

Spectacles of Death in Ancient Rome (Kyle) 240

spectators: and aesthetics 73; blind to sport’s negative features 227; fans 4037; gamblers 334, 4012; partisan fans 4036; patriots 4078; purist fans 4067

Spheres of Justice (Walzer) 413

Spiel als Weltsymbol (Fink) 187

Spinoza, Baruch: double-aspect theory 195

spirituality 2401

sport: and art 748; conventions 39; definition 6; essence of 275; etymology 289; gratuitous logic 118; lack of external purposes 767; metaphysical view 2756; references to the non-sporting world 767; risk of failure 78; segregation by sex and phenotypes 3512; social role 23; see also games; play

sport and religion: Marx and the opium of the people 2312; philosophy 242; sport history 23940; theology and spirituality 2401

Sport and the Body (Gerber and Morgan) 145

Sport and Work 2345n1

Sport: A Philosophic Inquiry (Weiss) 2, 208

Sport: A prison of measured time (Brohm) 412

sport as a legal system: adjudication 255; applying the rules 26570; consequences of umpires’ mistakes 261; corrupt umpires 257; deception of umpires 257; de novo review 262; desert and entitlement 262; embedded principle 266; genuine calls 2567; judging aesthetic sports 265; and justice 25960; legal positivism 2667; literature on replays 258; make-up calls 2634; meticulous application of rules in golf 2689; opposition to technological aids 260; players self-officiating 264, 272n11; players sharing responsibility for officiating 260; principle of adjudication 266; RTDs (reconstructed track devices) 258; rules as sole source of decision-making 2656; rules lawyering 268; technological aids 2579, 260, 2612; temporal variance 2645; umpires’ calls make facts 256; umpires’ reviewing and revising calls 257; unrestricted use of technological aids 262, 263; use of replays 2578; see also umpires

Sport, Culture and Advertising: Identities, Commodities and the Politics of Representation 226

Sport, Ethics and Philosophy (SEP) 5, 133, 145

sport history 23940

sport medicine: and biotechnology 912; conflict of interest dilemmas 924; disclosure and confidentiality 834; roles of different physicians 83

sport medicine professionals: preserving meaning 32830

sport psychology 203

Sports and Christianity: Historical and contemporary perspectives (Watson and Parker) 245

Sports and Social Values (Simon) 132

sports doctors 834

sports ethics see ethics

Sports, Ethics and Philosophy 69

Sports in the Western World (Baker) 240

sportsmanship 301, 295

sportspersons see athletes

sportspersonship 198

Sport Technologies – A Moral View (Loland) 433

Sport, Technology and the Body – The Nature of Performance (Magdalinski) 429

Sport: The First Five Millennia (Guttmann) 240

spot fixing 402

sruti 98

Staal, Frits 100

Standal, Øyvind F.: skill acquisition 182

standardized, encumbered competitions 293, 294

standardized, unencumbered competitions 293, 294

Standish, Paul: authenticity 184

Stanley, Jason 121; knowing-how and performance 1212

state, the: and commercialisation of sport 4213

stimulants 315

Stoke Mandeville Games 301

Stoll, Sharon 132

Strawson, Galen 394

Strawson, P.: depression 195; double-aspect theory 195

strict liability condition 310

strike zones 263

strong evaluation 1989

Stroud, Scott 209

struggle 1501

Struna, Nancy 240

The Subjection of Women (Mill) 166

subjective approaches 179

subjects: and sport 76

substantive definition of religion 243

suicides: college footballers 845

Suits, Bernard 20n4; definition of sport 57; game playing 151, 2756; importance of constitutive rules 24; unnecessary obstacles 29; worship and play 247

Sullivan, Claire: on genetic variations 86; on level playing fields in athletics 87

Supreme Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) 8990

surface conventions 29

Sutra period 100

Sutton, J.: consciousness in cricket batsmen 199200

Suzuki, Daisetz 107, 108

Takuan, Soho 1078

Tamburrini, Claudio 134; genetic modifications 170, 324; male standards 1701; market value of athletes 170; meaning of sport 323; sex segregation 169; total integration of sport 169

Tännsjö, Torbjörn 134; genetic modification 170; level playing field 3234; male standards 1701; market value of athletes 170; sex segregation 169; total integration of sport 169

Tao Te Ching (Tzu) 248

taste 712, 73

Taylor, Charles 40; corporeal person 196

teams 2812

technical goodness 385

technological aids 2579, 260, 2612

technology: concept of 4313; fear of 4289; genetic engineering 428, 429; goal-line 260, 436; Human Genome Project 428; influence on sport 427; media 427; normative assessments 4336; satellites 427; social constructivist perspective 429; transcended by athletes 432, 433; in vitro fertilisation (IVF) 4278

television: rise of 228

temporal variance 2645

tennis: expert performance 123

testosterone 867

tests: comparison with contests 118, 28990

theology 2401; and sport 245

Theology, Ethics and Transcendence in Sports 245

theoretical knowledge 120

theory of forms 193

A Theory of Justice (Rawls) 28

therapeutic use exemption (TUE) certificates 310

thick theory of sport 433, 434, 436

thin theory of sport 433, 434, 435, 436

Thompson, John 287

Throwing Like a Girl (Young) 173, 214

Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Nietzsche) 153

ticket prices 413

time: and phenomenology 185

Title IX 161; support for pragmatist-feminist commitments 214

token identity theory 392

Tokyo Olympic Games (1964) 109

Torres, Cesar 27, 374

totalitarianism 220

totalized social fact: sport 225

Tracey, Jill: progress 210

Tracy, Destutt de 223

training: and sport 185; women athletes 214

traits: valuing 172

transcendence 148, 149, 152, 243; signals of 246

transcendental consciousness 197

transcendentalism: growth through endurance sport 210

transcendent perspective 44, 45, 48

transfer system 41920

transhumanism 308, 3223

Trebilcot, Joyce: statistical differences between men and women performers 170

Trevino, Lee 342

truth: movement of 186; and phenomenology 180

Turing, Alan 196, 393

Turkle, Sherry 3934

Tversky, Amost 396

type identity theory 392

Umminger, W.: cultural history of sport 427; quest for records 427

umpires: calls make facts 256; conceptualizing performance 258; consequences of mistakes 261; corrupt 257; deceived 257; discretion 269; formalist approach 267; Frisbee playing 55; genuine calls 2567; indisputable visual evidence (IVE) 262; and justice 25960; make-up calls 2634; reviewing calls 257; rules as sole source of decision-making 2656; scapegoating 261; technological aids 2579, 260; traditional roles 25960; use of principles 266; use of replays 2578; witnesses to events 256; zones of uncertainty 259

unconscious mind 395

understanding: characteristic of humanity 17980

unearned advantage 3289

unencumbered competitions 293

unfair advantage 86, 87, 311

unintentional rule violations 343, 3434

United States Professional Golf Association (USPGA) 30910

universalism 30

universals: eidetic 180; and religion 244

University of Notre Dame 199

Unnatural Doubts (Williams) 215

unnecessary obstacles 29

Upanishads 99

USADA (United States Anti-Doping Agency) 318, 320

utilitarian goodness 386

utilitarianism 134, 41516

Utopia 151

Value on Ethics and Economics (Anderson) 413, 417

The Varieties of Goodness (von Wright) 384

vaulting 73

Vedas 98

Vedic period 98

verdictives 256

vertical tension 1556, 157

Vetterling-Braggin, Mary: on withdrawing from masculine sports 166

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Wollstonecraft) 166

violations: levels of 1819

violence: sanctioned in sports 227

virtue 135

vis-à-vis, encumbered competitions 293, 2934

vis-à-vis, unencumbered competitions 293, 2934

vital goals 306

in vitro fertilisation (IVF) 4278

Vivas, Eliseo: disinterestedness 72

Vodeb, Roman: background 222; competitiveness 225; manipulation 227; on sport ideology 224; theory of alienation 225

von Wright, Georg Henrik 384; instrumental goodness 3856; utilitarian goodness 386

WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) 310; appeal to the spirit of sport 3645; Code 316, 341; equity of access 91

Walsh, Adrian 412

Walzer, Michael 413

Warrior Roots 81

Watsuji, Tetsuro 105

Weiss, Paul 2, 207; concern for excellence 209; contribution to pragmatism 208; habit formation 21011; inquiry 208; on pragmatic contextualism 213; on sport practice 211; stature of 3; team play 212; women in sport 21314

Welsch, W. 78

Wertz, Spencer 109

Weyand, P. G.: on running style of Oscar Pistorius 92

What Is Existential Philosophy? (Arendt) 1423

What Money Can’t Buy (Sandel) 413

wheelchair athletes 307

whereabouts programs 319

White, Cindy 153

Whitehead, Alfred North 208

wholes 2812

Why Some Things Should Not Be for Sale: The Moral Limits of Markets (Satz) 413

Williams, Michael 215

Williamson, Timothy 121; knowing-how and performance 1212

Wilson, Timothy: consciousness 395

winning: and aesthetics 73; attributes of 312; external purposes of sport 734; fleeting nature of 2478; and good coaching 3845; overemphasis on 295; purpose in sport 170, 2478, 434; significance 27, 33n8; and technological aids 2601; see also professionalism

Wittgenstein, Ludwig 3, 48; on completeness 64; concept game 56; language game 56; private language argument 195, 292; say what you choose 59; signposts 623

Wolbring, Gregor 91; ableism 306; recategorization of Olympic events for double amputees 92

Wollstonecraft, Mary 166; on women’s autonomy 167

women: equal access in sport see feminism

World Anti-Doping Agency see WADA

world community: theory of 3778

World Health Organization (WHO): differences between the ICF and the ICIDH 3068; ICF definition of disability 3045; ICIDH definition of disability 302, 303, 304

worldmaking 76

worship 247

wuwei 104

X Factor Sports Training 81

xing 104

yi 103

yoga 1001

Young, Iris Marion 173; body movements and gendered power 202, 214

youth sport: purpose and meaning of 83

Zahavi, Dan: on the differences between phenomenology and empirical science 188

Zaner, Richard 4

Zanetti, Allessandro 309

Zen: and archery 249; and embodiment 249

Zen Buddhism 1069; mushin 1078

Zen in the Art of Archery (Herrigel) 249

zero-sum logic: competition 294, 297, 298

Ziff, P.: rejects aesthetics of sports 72

zoned-out awareness 1245

zones of uncertainty 259

Zuelle, Alex: on doping 93