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Agent Orange in Vietnam; Operation Ranch Hand; 5-T, a teratogenic compound; use of defoliants and herbicides

Agro-imperialism; cash-rich nation; “private good” aspects of food


Al Gore (Former U.S. Vice-President, Climate Change Activist)

Al Qaeda

Al-Saud monarchy

Al Shabaab

“American atmosphere,”

Antarctic Treaty, 1959


Arab Spring

Arctic: Arctic Thaw; (high latitude land masses; mass of sea ice lost; projected winter surface temperature increase; Arctic Transit; (Arctic Transit Routes; Canada and Russia plans; increase in civilian ship and container traffic; less sea ice cover;; loss of summer sea ice; Northern Sea Route to commercial shipping; permanent Arctic base by U.S. Coast Guard; sonar characteristics useful for submarines; sonar signature, changes in; commercial ships transporting goods; lack of legal regime; legal status of; (circumpolar nations, benefits for; North Atlantic Ice Patrol; Northwest Passage, control claimed by Canada; principle of mare liberum (free seas); Russia's claim of seabed; snow and ice melt; UNCLOS, 1982; loss of sea ice; mineral resources; security impact of oil/gas exploration; (strategic minerals; threat of militancy and in-country sabotage; U.S. Arctic Research Commission

Asylum and non-refoulement, legal concepts of

Auxiliary force in war, disease as

Biofuels, production of; fossil-based fuels for transportation; World Annual Production

BRICS countries

Brown, Lester (President, Earth Policy Institute)

“Buy one, get one free” deal

Byrd-Hagel Resolution

Carbon dioxide removal (CDR)

Carter Doctrine

Cash-rich nation

Center for Naval Analyses (CNA)

Center for Security and International Studies and the Brookings Institution

Cetaceans, protecting

Chemical Weapons Convention, 1993

Chronic hunger; famine and

Civil violence

Civil war

Climate change; The Arctic; changes in temperature, effects; CO2 fertilization effect; disease and public health; (climatic aspects of disease; future issues; security aspects of disease; effects of greenhouse warming; (on extreme temperatures; in extreme weather and climate events; extreme weather events; future issues; (prevention-based approach to global health; technological capabilities for medical analysis; virgin-soil pandemic; global decline in production; global warming; migration; (climatic push factors for refugees; determinants of; and international security; timescale mismatch and nonlinearity; precipitation; security studies; virgin-soil pandemic; warming Arctic: (Arctic thaw; legal status of Arctic; security impact of oil/gas exploration; security impacts of increased Arctic transit; warming temperatures across oceans; and water stress; (blocking river flows; damming rivers; declining water availability; decreased precipitation; effects on water quality; global hydrological cycle; increased water stress; pumping groundwater; trade-offs

“Climate refugees,”

Climate warming See Ecological thinking

Climatic push factors for refugees: extreme events; (cyclone Nargis; droughts and drying of soils; flood devastation; hurricanes and storms; “Pakistan's Katrina,”; sea level rise: (coastal inundation; island nations; megadeltas, effect on; relative vulnerability of coastal deltas; saline intrusion into freshwater aquifers; vulnerability of island nations; vulnerability of low-lying countries

Climatic “tipping elements,”

Cloud whitening

Coastal inundation

CO2 fertilization effect

Collateral damage; advancements in lethality of military technology; to environment; environment as a weapon of war; ethical consideration toward the environment; (current world affairs; “deep ecology” philosophy; land ethics; maintaining security/spreading values; examples of environmental collateral damage: (Agent Orange in Vietnam; depleted uranium (DU) weapons; ecological effects of Nuclear War; Oil Fires in Operation Desert Storm; future issues; global ramifications of environmental problem; increase in; international legal instruments; legal status of the environment during war: (Environmental Modification Convention; “Fifth Geneva Convention,”; other international agreements; Protocol I to the Geneva Convention; negative ecological effects of war and conflict; preparation for war: (Live-Fire Training and Surveillance; military-controlled areas as habitat; weapons testing and manufacturing; unprecedented environmental degradation

Colonial-era land distribution policies

Complex interdependence theory; definition; pillars of

“Convention on the Protection of the Environment in Time of Armed Conflict,”

Cyclone Nargis

“Deep ecology” philosophy

Defoliants, use of



Depleted uranium (DU) weapons; in Operation Desert Storm in 1991; U.K. Royal Society's assessment

Diamonds/timber/minerals; African nations, lack of democracy; conflict diamonds; (collateral damage, increase in; funds for civil conflict and corruption; illicit diamond wealth; trauma to populations; conflict due to resource abundance; lootable resources; minerals and timber; (attributes of a conflict commodity; Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act; ongoing conflicts; “state property,”; type I conflict, harvest and sale; type II conflict, competition; UN peacekeepers; resource curse; (colonies; demand for lithium carbonate for batteries; Dutch disease; effect on international security; factors; Global Witness (NGO), recommendations; insurgents and rebel groups; kleptocracy; United Nations–mandated Kimberley Process; “warlord economy,”

Discrimination, principle of

Disease and public health: climatic aspects of disease; (affected by changed vectors; changes in malaria distribution; ENSO events; extreme events; Hurricane Katrina; spread of infectious disease; vector-borne diseases; effect on nation's armed forces; future issues; infectious diseases, effect on security; links between climate change and infectious disease; resurgence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria; security aspects of disease; (case of the 2002–2003 SARS; disease as auxiliary force in war; effects of infectious disease on conflict; effects of Spanish Flu (H1N1), World War I; endemicity due to climate change; public health budgets, effect on; reduction of military capabilities/readiness; social order, effect on; spread of HIV/AIDS

Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act

Draft Convention on the Prohibition of Hostile Military Activities in Protected Areas


Drying of soils

Dutch disease

“Ecocide,” or the killing of the earth; Saddam Hussein's committing

E. coli,

Ecological degradation

Ecological thinking; complex interdependence; ecological security is environmental security; ecosystems; geo-engineering; growing population and continued consumption; North-South inequity; “value,”; zero-sum vision of international security

Ecosystem services; irreversible loss of

El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO)

Endangered Species Act

Endemicity due to climate change

Energy independence

Energy weapon

Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesizes

Environmental Modification Convention; comprehensive prohibition; ENMOD definition to

Environmental security thinking, history of; breaking the mold; (overpopulation, resources, and war, connection; redefinition of national security; systemic environmental issues; countervailing arguments: (eco-colonialism; environmental security in academic framework; traditional security thinking; security through trees/tanks; (Cold War definition of national security; environmental degradation, effects; environmental security; environmental security theory; gap between the North and the South; link between environmental conditions and security threats; protection from organized violence; realist perspective in international relations; state's borders

Eruption of Mount Pinatubo

Eruption of Mount Tambora, 1815

Event-driven price shocks

Exxon Mobil Canada

Famine; and chronic hunger; (“1,000-day window,”; developmental deficiencies; FAO Hunger Map 2011; Global Hunger Index; HIV/AIDS rates, raise in; International Food Policy Research Institute; malnutrition; Millennium Development Goals; undernourishment; as tool for destabilizing rebellious populations

“Faminogenic” behavior

FAO Hunger Map 2011

Farm-to-fork chart

“Fifth Geneva Convention,”

Fisheries; factors affecting: (climate change; inland fisheries and aquaculture; fishing industry and processing; legal and security concerns: (Canada and Spain clash; migratory stock; 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone; straddling stock; Tragedy of the Commons; UN Fish Stock Agreement


Food aid; global food aid; issues of hunger: case of North Korea; (agriculture in North Korea; scope and length of food insecurity; ways to improve food security; lifeboat ethic; (food aid in the short term; food capacity building in the long term

Food-borne diseases

Food chain

Food price volatility

Food production and availability, factors affecting; distributional factors; (food waste; global markets; increasing global wealth; environmental factors: (climate change; production of biofuels; soil degradation; health factors; (E. coli,; food-borne diseases; political factors; (collateral damage; Oil-for-Food Program; outright declaration of war; social factors; (legal and social restrictions for women; low caste or low status segments

Food riots; famine; food as weapon; “rules of war,”; subsidizing food purchases; World Food Program

Food security; ability to produce food; agro-Imperialism; collective achievement; effects of famine and chronic hunger; factors affecting food production and availability; “faminogenic” behavior; fisheries; fluctuations in temperature and precipitation; food aid; future issues; global food prices; lack of food; pillars of; ramifications for national and international security

Food waste; “buy one, get one free” deal; farm-to-fork chart; loss of food energy between farm and end user; per capita food losses and waste

Fossil-based fuels for transportation

Fresh water; lack access to safe drinking water; variable quantity; water barrier; water scarcity; Water Scarcity Index; water stress

Geneva Conventions, 1949

Geo-engineering; CDR; climate crisis; SRM; technology for

Global food stocks

Global Hunger Index

Global markets; event-driven price shocks; food price volatility; global food stocks; right to food; World Food Program

Global warming See Climate change

Global wealth, increasing: eating higher on the food chain; rising global affluence

Global Witness (NGO), recommendations

Greenhouse effect

Greenhouse gases (GHG); carbon dioxide (CO2); emissions; methane (CH4)

Greenhouse warming, effects of

Green Revolution

Gulf War, 1991

Hague Convention, 1907

Herbicides, use of

HIV/AIDS: rates, raise in; spread of

Hubbert's peak, or peak oil

Human rights violations

Hurricane Katrina


Imperial Oil

Imports and Exports of Oil in 2010

Infectious disease

Insurgents and rebel groups

Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Internally displaced persons (IDPs)

International Food Policy Research Institute

IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report

Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

Just War Theory

Kimberley Process


Kuwaiti Oil Fires See Operation Desert Storm, Oil Fires in

Kyoto-type global climate change mitigation treaty

Land degradation, vicious cycle of

Land ethic

Liberalism, theory of

Lithium carbonate for batteries

Live-Fire Training and Surveillance; on Farallon de Medinilla; in island of Vieques; mid-frequency active sonar; peacetime military operations

Lootable resources

Maathai, Wangari (Kenyan Tree Planter, Founder of the Greenbelt Movement)

Malaria distribution, changes in

Malnutrition; consequences of

Marine Mammal Protection Act

Megadeltas, effect on


Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC)

Migration; climatic push factors for refugees; (extreme events; sea level rise; determinants of; (civil war; “climate refugees,”; colonial-era land distribution policies; ecological degradation; migration-induced conflict (India-Bangladesh border); population growth; push factors; regular flooding; environmental refugees; and international security; (enforcement of a truce; influx of refugees; legal concepts of asylum and non-refoulement; political or cultural reasons; power imbalance; non-refoulement, concept of; political or social unrest; refugees or IDPs; timescale mismatch and nonlinearity; (Atlantic MOC; climatic “tipping elements,”; irreversible loss of ecosystem services; UN definition

Migratory Bird Treaty Act

Military-controlled areas as habitat; Korean Demilitarized Zone; U.S. Marine Corps

“Military necessity” argument

Military power and food; food as means to finance conflict; food insecurity

Millennium Development Goals

Minerals and timber; attributes of a conflict commodity; Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act; ongoing conflicts; “state property,”; type I conflict, harvest and sale; type II conflict, competition; UN peacekeepers

Modern environmental security; Byrd-Hagel Resolution; confounding problems: (complex environmental security issues; environmental drivers and security outcomes, connection; ecosystem services; (dollar value of; methods of attaining security; (“American atmosphere,”; OOTW; security dilemma; stability operations; role of climate change

Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND)

National and international security; food as a weapon; food riots; (famine; food as weapon; “rules of war,”; subsidizing food purchases; World Food Program; military power and food; (food as means to finance conflict; food insecurity; power shifts between food-producing regions; (climate change–induced shifts in production; global grain stocks; price rise; strategic reserves; trends driving food scarcity; world grain production and stock to use ratio; world grain exporters and importers

“National food security,”

National security, traditional views of; high politics vs. low politics; (ecological health; ethnic cleansing, examples; modern military forces; state capabilities; zero-sum realism: (exogenous threat to security; morality; national values; security, derivative value; theory of liberalism

Natural resources; cause of resource scarcity; diamonds/timber/minerals; environmental resource shortage; famine; future issues; petroleum; resource scarcity; water resources


Net primary productivity (NPP)

Nikitin, Alexander (Retired Soviet Naval Officer, Bellona Researcher)

North Atlantic Ice Patrol

Northern Sea Route to commercial shipping

North-South inequity

Northwest Passage, control claimed by Canada

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)

Nuclear War, ecological effects of; climate model, by atmospheric scientists; studies of nuclear winter; volcanic eruptions

Nuremberg trials

Ocean policy See Ecological thinking


Oil-for-Food Program

Oil/gas exploration, security impact of; strategic minerals; threat of militancy and in-country sabotage; U.S. Arctic Research Commission

Oil production per country

Operation Desert Storm, Oil Fires in

Operation Ranch Hand

Operations other than war (OOTW)

Outer Space Treaty, 1967

“Pakistan's Katrina,”

Petroleum; choke points for global petroleum transit; developed nations, energy security; distribution of proved oil reserves; functioning of modern economy; imports and exports of oil in 2010; infrastructure, sabotage of; morality in the search for resources; network of terminals, shippers, and routes; oil-related conflicts; own security issues; (Carter Doctrine; energy independence; energy weapon; factors that shape energy security; future trends to be followed; high oil prices; Hubbert's peak, or peak oil; morality in international relations; OECD; oil consumption per country; relationships with oil-rich countries; support the governments of petro-states; transportation fuel; piracy and the threat of terror attack; proved reserves per country; security issues in oil-exporting nations; transport system; unique security issues; (Al-Saud monarchy; Angola and Venezuela; case of Ken Saro-Wiwa (Nigeria); civil violence; lack of transparency and democratic tradition; MEND; Nigeria; oil production per country; petro-states, characteristics; rentier states; top oil producing countries

Petro-states; characteristics

PHL or postharvest losses

The Population Bomb,

Power shifts between food-producing regions; climate change–induced shifts in production; global grain stocks; price rise; strategic reserves; trends driving food scarcity; world grain production and stock to use ratio

Principle of mare liberum (free seas)

Principle VI of the Nuremburg Code

“Private good” aspects of food

Proportionality, principle of

Protocol I to the Geneva Convention; ENMOD and

Public health budgets, effect on

Pull factors

Push factors

Refugees; climatic push factors for See Climatic push factors for refugees;; influx of

Rentier states

Resource curse; colonies; demand for lithium carbonate for batteries; Dutch disease; effect on international security; factors; Global Witness (NGO), recommendations; insurgents and rebel groups; kleptocracy; United Nations–mandated Kimberley Process; “warlord economy,”

Resource scarcity

Rich nations

Rio Declaration, 1992

“Rules of war,”


Saline intrusion; into freshwater aquifers

Saro-Wiwa, Ken (Nigerian Writer, Ogoni Activist)

SARS, case of the 2002–2003

“Scorched earth” policies

Security dilemma

Shiva, Vandana (Indian Antiglobalization Activist, Founder of Navdanya)

The Skeptical Environmentalist,

Snow and ice melt

Soccer War, 1969

Social order, effect on

Soil degradation; compaction of soil; salination; topsoil erosion; vicious cycle of land degradation; Virgin Lands Program

Solar radiation management (SRM)

Sonar signature, changes in

Sources of International Obligations Concerning Protection of the Environment in Times of Armed Conflict

Space-based reflectors

Spanish Flu (H1N1)

“State property,”


Topsoil erosion

Tragedy of the Commons

Transportation fuel

Transport system

Treaty of Bangkok, 1995

Treaty of Pelindaba, 1996

Treaty of Rarotonga, 1985

Treaty of Semipalatinsk, 2006

Treaty of Tlatelolco, 1968

Treaty of Westphalia, 1648

UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), 1982

Undernourishment; consequences of

UN Fish Stock Agreement

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, 1992

UN High Commission for Refugees


United Nations–mandated Kimberley Process

UN peacekeepers

UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights

U.S. Arctic Research Commission

U.S. Civil War

U.S. Department of Energy nuclear weapons development site at Hanford

U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science and Technology

Vector-borne diseases

Virgin Lands Program


Volcanic eruptions

War: and conflict, negative ecological effects of; crimes, definition; future issues; legal status of the environment: (Environmental Modification Convention; “Fifth Geneva Convention,”; other international agreements; Protocol I to the Geneva Convention; outright declaration of; preparation for: (Live-Fire Training and Surveillance; military-controlled areas as habitat; weapons testing and manufacturing

Warfare ecology

“Warlord economy,”

Water barrier

Water resources; climate change and water stress; (blocking river flows; damming rivers; declining water availability; decreased precipitation; effects on water quality; global hydrological cycle; increased water stress; pumping groundwater; trade-offs; fresh water; (effect on national security; lack access to safe drinking water; variable quantity; water barrier; water scarcity; Water Scarcity Index; water stress; water withdrawals; ground water; importance of; population; surface water; water cooperation; (institution for negotiating water issues; technology for water extraction; transboundary water governance; water privatization, characteristics; watershed boundaries; “water wars,”; (delineate a border between nations; international river basins; local conflicts; potential for conflict over water; sharing river basins; war to vital national interests; Water Conflict Chronology; water-sharing agreements

Water scarcity

Water Scarcity Index

Water stress

Water Withdrawals

Weapons testing and manufacturing; nuclear test site on Novaya Zemlya; Semipalatinsk site; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; U.S. Navy test

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

World Annual Production

World Food Program

World Food Summit on Food Security

World grain exporters and importers