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Christian A. Bach to C.L. Bolte, November 18, 1922. RG 120, Historical Section Reports, Box 3, NARA.
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Bach to Bolte, November 18, 1922; Bach to J. Hines, November 19, 1922. RG 120, Historical Section Reports, Box 3, NARA; Bach to Edwin E. Booth, n.d. RG 120, Historical Section Reports, Box 3, NARA.
From Hugh A. Drum Papers
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E.E. Booth to Oliver L. Spaulding, Jr., February 1, 1921. Hugh A. Drum Papers, Box 16, File: 4th Division-Montfaucon, AHEC, p. 1; E.E. Booth to H.A. Drum, 25 March 1921, Hugh A. Drum Papers, Box 16, File: 4th Division-Montfaucon, AHEC, p. 2.
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Oscar Lubchansky to his family, December 5, 1918, author’s personal collection, p. 1.
Oscar Lubchansky to Sadie Lubchansky, February 7, 1919, author’s personal collection, p. 1.
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Oscar Lubchansky to his family, January 6, 1919, author’s personal collection.
Oscar Lubchansky to Dr J.W. Lubchansky, November 24, 1918, author’s personal collection.
Oscar Lubchansky to Dr J.W. Lubchansky, November 24, 1918, author’s personal collection.