Chapter Two
I'm in English class right now and I'm about to kill myself. Ha, funny right? My teacher, Ms. Verna, is trying to make everybody write about how life would be like without humans, and I'm stuck. Like dead on stuck. Honestly, I have no problem with writing how humans are not really needed in this sad, old life, but I can't just write that. Ms. Vern would just tell Mr. Tompelson on what I wrote and he's gonna tell my parents, and their gonna take me to some other therapist that's gonna tell me the same words every other therapist has told me. "She's just depressed." F them. Like whenever people tell me that I'm just depressed it makes me so mad, hell I could just punch the crap out of them. But I won't because it's so not worth punching the crap out of someone. I grab a pen from my pencil case and I draw some fake tats on my arm. I write "death is life" on my wrist and I blow on it so it doesn't smudge off. As I blow it off I hear a voice behind me that breaks me out of my zone. Oh crap, it's a boy. This boy. Matthew Brown, the boy who everyone admires and somehow thinks he's the God of this school. Pff, give me a break. This dude doesn't even know how to add simple numbers, yet he's the God of the school? I groan and turn around to hear what he has to say.
"What?" I say with a harsh tone. A tone he deserves so I can't be blamed for this. He gives me a smirk that makes the girls faint of course. But for me? Uh hell no. This stupid idiot can't even make me smile. Only make me sadden for his parents and his life. Matthew comes closer and gives another one of his "handsome" smiles. Great..
"You know Genesis, death is not the answer for everything. Death is not life." Matthew winks at me and I give a disgusted look at him. I flip him off and that makes him laugh.
"You know Matthew, life is not all filled happiness. Life is honestly filled with crap and shitty people just like you. No wonder my life is feeling like crap because people like you make it like that. Point one for me, point zero for you." I say, and I turn around to continue writing on my damn hand. That boy can shut up and continue admiring himself if he wants. I just won, and he just lost. What I didn't know was that everyone is somehow staring at me. Like full on staring at me. Some pervs. I stand up and open my stupid ass mouth while Ms. Vern is outside of the classroom.
"What? If you guys think I'm somehow hitting on your stupid popular kid here, I'm not. I rather honestly kiss a dog. Also, you people can all suck it!" And I leave the classroom with my head held high, and my middle fingers up in the air like I own this damn school. Well, stupid people zero, Genesis one. I walk out of the classroom and honestly, I leave the school. I leave it like there's no need for me to come back, and also I don't think people will even care that I left. It's not like they care about me. Hell, my parents don't even care for me. I know for sure that Ms. Vern will notice that I'm gone, or maybe someone will tell her that "crazy girl" just left the classroom. Who cares. I open the doors of the school and walk out into the cold air. I know I don't want to leave, leave the school, but I just want to leave it. I honestly have nowhere to go, so I just go to the school and sit down on the cold ground against the brick wall. I open my bag and find a pack of cigarettes.
"Score! Thank you, Hades." I grab the pack and open it and grab one cigarette. Yeah, I'm seventeen years old and I smoke. Big deal. We're all gonna die someday, so why not now? I started smoking about a year ago and honestly, it's disgusting, but somehow a relief when you're stressed and confused about this shitty life. I did though quit for about a week, and that didn't work since I'm smoking now. I grab a lighter from my bag and I light the cigarette. I put the cigarette in my mouth and I suck it until I can't breathe. I blow out the smoke and cough. Disgusting stuff, but somewhat good. I continue smoking the cigarette until I hear a voice that makes me jump.
"You know, smoking is not good for you. Didn't your parents warn you about it?" Matthew says as he walks closer to me and now I'm getting pissed. His hands are in his pockets and of course, he looks good. He always looks good.
"Hardee har har. Give me a break. You smoke. I've seen you." I take the cigarette out of my mouth and throw it on the ground and step on it. I stand up and I take a big stretch because somehow I feel like this cigarette just made me tired as hell. I look at Matthew and I see him with a face that makes me roll my eyes. This kid is staring at me, and I know where he's staring at.
"Hello???" I say which makes him blink and he shakes his head like he's a dog.
"I uh. Look, Ms. Vern wants you to come inside. Like now?" Matthew waits for me to reply but all I do is scoff at him and pick up my bag and walk away from him.
"Genesis! Come on! What the hell is wrong with you?" Oh hell no. I get so mad that I turn around and I walk until I'm an inch close to his face.
"You know. You're a monster. You don't think through stuff, don't you? You just say what comes out of your stupid mouth and think that "oh, it's fine if I say that" right?" I'm boiling right now, and I don't care. Matthew takes a step back and looks down on the ground.
"I'm sorry. My fault. Just please, please come back to class. Ms. Vern wants you to come back. Please?" He says with a sincere tone that makes me confused. Huh, I guess he's different, but still the same dumb boy I hate. I take a step back and walk back to the school. I can feel him smiling, thinking that he just made "crazy girl" come back to class with his "fake" words. I don't care. I don't wanna care, all I want is some food and my bed, but no, somehow I can't have that. Food is the only choice I have right now, and it's a good choice. I walk back into class and I know for sure that Ms. Vern is straight on pissed at me, but eh, what can I do about it? I walk to my seat and sit down with my head held high. I bring out my books and my pencil and I hear Matthew laughing.
"Well? are we gonna learn or not?" I say to Ms. Vern and all she does is sigh and turn her back to the blackboard and writes some notes on the board. I copy them down and tell myself the words I wanna hear every day.
"One more day was gone. Another day will be the day that death may come, or may not." And I whisper those words under my breath as I copy down the notes.