I CAN’T EVEN BELIEVE I get to do this! As a reader, one of my favorite things to do is read the acknowledgments page. I love seeing authors reflect on their journey and thank the ones who helped them get there. As a writer, I now realize that behind every book is a village of professionals, mentors, friends, family, and supporters who, whether they know it or not, have made a writer’s dream come true. How unbelievably cool is it that I get the chance to acknowledge them now?
Lane and Charlie’s story would not be in your hands right now without the hardworking and diligent team at Revell. My editor, Andrea Doering, saw this story in its infancy and believed, even back then, it was worth telling. Amy Ballor, Hannah Brinks, and Gayle Raymer, y’all are amazing!
Tamela Hancock Murray, agent extraordinaire—I’ll never forget telling you I had an appointment to pitch this story to Steve and you told me no. I’m so grateful I’ve been listening to you ever since. You champion not only the words of my heart but also my spirit when doubt begins to cloud my vision. Thank you for everything!
Tom R. and familia—talking drugs, cartel, and international trafficking wouldn’t have happened without you. Let’s do it again! Aaron F. and Tim F. Thank you for your assistance on police procedure. Any errors are my fault alone.
To my BWF, Emilie Hendryx—girl. Where would I be on this journey without you? Your friendship extends beyond the giddy brainstorming sessions, the extremely long voxes, the equally long video chats, and the invaluable story edits that have made this moment possible. Your words of encouragement and prayers have carried me through some of my darkest moments and there aren’t enough words to express how grateful I am for you. Love you, friend. You’re next!
One of the best things about this writing journey has been the amazing friendships that have come through it. Jaime Jo Wright—you keep sending me Poe-ish snippets of your work so I have to sleep with the light on and I’ll keep sending you cute GIFs of you-know-who! Christen Krumm, I couldn’t imagine living the #bookballer life without you! I wouldn’t be the writer I am today without the guidance I’ve received from DiAnn Mills and Ronie Kendig—thank you! There are so many more who’ve gathered me into the folds and encouraged, prayed, and cheered me on. I wish I could name you all, but apparently these pages have to be shorter than the actual novel . . . who knew? Please know that even if your names are not here, they are never far from my grateful heart.
To my Newsies, street team, and readers—thank you. What’s the point in writing if no one reads your story? I appreciate every one of you and the sweet notes of love and encouragement you send me. Some days those very things keep me going. I hope you enjoyed my debut novel and I can’t wait for you to see what’s coming next!
I wouldn’t be able to thank any of the above mentioned individuals if it weren’t for the greatest blessings of my life. To my G.I. JOE—you won my heart with a single look and have been winning my heart every day since. Thank you for being the hero of our family and of my life. I love you oodles to the oodle power. To my three precious treasures—out of all the stories in the world, being part of yours is my favorite. More than anything else, I hope my stories make you proud.
Finally, Lane’s story came to life through the heartache and devastation our family experienced with depression. Topics such as depression, anxiety, suicide, and mental health facilities had never even crossed our minds when suddenly they became reality. I didn’t realize how traumatizing the stigma surrounding mental health was until we were drowning in it. My hope is that Living Lies will open up a conversation surrounding the disease and offer the kind of hope we need to be speaking daily to those fighting to live.
You are loved.
You are wonderfully made.
You have purpose.
Dear Lord—thank you for the gift of writing this story. I pray that through these words your gifts of love, hope, and mercy reach those who desperately need them.