“That’s an interesting outfit that you have on.” 

Those were the first words Jay said to her. When Paulette heard him speak, she started not to look up because she was certain he was not speaking to her. 

Paulette had been seeing Jay in this same building for over two months now. She started working there in August as the head of ticket sales and room rentals; Jay was one of the many donors who often came to the connected offices for weekly meetings. For the first month while being trained and learning the ins and outs of the facilities, Paulette would always speak to Jay—that was just her character. Then there was the fact that she thought that he was hot—how could she not go up to him? He would never speak back first, though.  

Or speak at all, come to think of it.

The first time Jay looked at her quickly, avoiding eye contact, Paulette brushed it off as he being shy. The second time Jay ignored her. That following week Paulette came to the conclusion that he just was not into black women. He’s Hispanic, Paulette would later tell her best girlfriend, Vera, at dinner one evening. How is he going to be prejudiced against another minority? 

That following week, Paulette made it a point to not even acknowledge him at all; it seemed to have a reverse effect because he started making eye contact as if he expected Paulette to say something to him; she refused. 

That is when she asked some of her coworkers for some background information on him. Jay Garza was a 30-something entrepreneur who had started his own organization there in his hometown catering to fellow minorities in developing career opportunities for them. The organization was now 20 years strong and had gained exposure not only in Michigan, but also in 9 other states in the US. 

Jay had become a sought-after speaker and consultant promoting the organization and assisting in the beginning of affiliates in major cities. He loved his own community, though, and had decided to stay close, not only for his family but also to help the community grow. Jay had started a scholarship in honor of his mom at the community foundation that was housed within this building that was also the workplace of the beautiful Paulette Harris.

All around a stand-up guy, Paulette thought.  So what was his problem?


Jay noticed her from the very beginning, but was thrown off by her beauty. 

That first day she looked him in the eyes and said hello as he headed into his meeting that afternoon. She seemed very direct and confident, which was a turn on for Jay, but because of his busy schedule it had been quite some time since he had been aroused so suddenly by a woman in passing like this. He was left speechless, so instead he just remained quiet. 

When Jay made it to his meeting, he found out that Paulette would be the new rental and sales lead for the part of the building that rented out rooms and galleries for meetings and events. When the meeting ended, Jay was ready to go introduce himself to Paulette when he headed out of the building, but she was nowhere to be found.

The next time he came to the building, Jay was ready to introduce himself to Paulette again, but then he got an unexpected telephone call; he was so distracted by the call he did not notice until seconds later that Paulette had passed him and spoken again; when he realized it Paulette had disappeared around the corner. 

“Damn,” Jay had said aloud, forgetting he was still on a call; she must think I’m an asshole, he thought. 

And he was right. From that point on he noticed that Paulette did not speak anymore, and he could not blame her. Jay found it to be a little entertaining, though, because he could tell she was trying to avoid him. When Paulette avoided looking at him, he would stare back at her intensely hoping it would make her speak. 


Paulette contemplated over Jay staring at her at times, obviously interested even though he had barely acknowledged her earlier. Men, she thought to herself—do they know what they want?

This particular evening, Paulette was working the first half hour of a mixer taking place in the main lobby of the gallery that patrons saw first before going upstairs to any of the various meeting rooms that were available. She was looking over the guest list when she heard Jay’s voice, but, again, she just knew he was speaking to someone else. Paulette did look up because she was curious to see whom Jay had the nerve to be checking about their wardrobe—he was indeed speaking to her.

“Excuse me?” Paulette glanced up at him noticing his smile for the first time.

“I was just saying that is an interesting outfit you are wearing. And before you go off on me, I’m just referring to the tights and colorful heels. It’s interesting but I like it.” Jay cleaned up his comment nicely.

“Thank you, I guess,” Paulette responded attempting to politely smile back. She had already written him off as a well-to-do jerk so this exchange was strange to her at first.

“I’ve been meaning to introduce myself to you but every time I’ve seen you I’m so distracted. I want to apologize if I came across as rude. I noticed you stopped speaking to me and started ignoring me.”

“Who, me?” Paulette said quickly, regretting the response and the grin that had escaped. I’m sounding and acting like a schoolgirl lost for words, she thought.

“By the way, I’m Jay—your name is Paulette, right?” he said, extending his hand.

“Yes, that’s right. Nice to officially meet you, Jay,” she said as she stood up and shook his hand.

As Paulette checked out Jay, noticing his tall stature and handsome rugged features, Jay was also checking out Paulette and her beautiful caramel skin, the thickness of her legs, and her curvaceous figure. His admiration did not go unnoticed, either. 

I guess I was wrong, Paulette thought to herself, because this man’s demeanor right now was far from prejudiced—she had his complete attention.


Shortly after the brief exchange with Jay at the mixer, Paulette headed out with Jay by her side. 

His plan had been to come show his support by passing through for a few minutes. He’d wondered if Paulette would be there, and he’d been delighted to see her sitting at the entrance greeting guests. 

She looked so sexy, Jay thought to himself. He had to make things right with Paulette and show her he was not the asshole that he was coming across as. His opening line to her about her outfit almost blew it for him too, but he cleaned that up real quick. 

After leaving the mixer, Paulette and Jay found themselves strolling down the beautiful streets of the downtown area exchanging stories of their upbringing and how they ended up where they were in their lives at this moment. Jay was impressed to hear that Paulette was a couple of semesters away from her Master’s degree, attending classes two evenings out of the week after she got out of work. With her schedule, no wonder she was single, but there had to be more to it, Jay thought.

“You’re 28 years old, single and without kids—why is that?”

“I hate when men ask me that. It’s either men or old people who assume something must be wrong that I am single,” Paulette said in a frustrated tone while trying to force a smile on her face.

“I didn’t meant to offend you, I just can’t believe such a beautiful, smart woman who appears to have her shit together is not taken,” Jay said as he looked her in the eyes, hoping that he had not said the wrong thing again in his attempt to get closer to her.

“Thank you, Jay, and I apologize for my tone. It’s just that I get that response so many times. One guy that I met on my last blind date even started an argument with me about this subject. When I told him I had not had children yet because I had not yet met my Mr. Right, it was as if such a thing was unheard of for me to make that choice for myself.”

“Really? Well I think the way you have been doing it is the right way to do it. It’s your choice and your life, anyway. Lucky me that your blind date did not work out.”

As soon as Jay said it, he wondered if he had said too much. When he looked at Paulette her face showed that she was surprised by the comment, but her smile made him think that maybe she was flattered. Even so, he wasn’t expecting her to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Jay asked through some light chuckling, trying to keep his confident appearance up even though he was nervously anticipating her response.

“It’s so funny because I thought you had a thing against black women when you weren’t responding to me and acting all weird. So to hear you sound interested and even flirting…this is just something I was not expecting at all from you,” Paulette explained as she smiled back at Jay.

Paulette was actually nervous as well because she was starting to like Jay. She was impressed with all that he accomplished at such an early age, and how he still managed to stay humble. They were alike in more ways than she ever would have guessed. Jay was also single—his last serious relationship ended over a year ago. Although he did not have any children, he had grown attached to his ex-girlfriend’s two kids. As time passed and he moved on, he only communicated with them via social media and telephone, still supporting them for school fundraisers and such.

“How can I be prejudiced when I’m a minority, too?” Jay asked.

“Same thing I said but come on—some people are prejudiced against their own race at times, so don’t even go there!” Paulette said as Jay nodded his head in agreement and chuckled at how sharp she was.

“Ok true, but not me! You just had me distracted and awkward.”  Jay smirked.  “It’s your fault, as a matter of fact.”

“Oh, you’re not going to blame that on me, mister!” 

They joked back and forth with each other for a few minutes more before Paulette had to surrender and give her feet a rest in those heels. They had been walking and talking for almost an hour already.

Before they parted ways, Jay asked if they could exchange phone numbers. Paulette gladly agreed and Jay suggested they check out a performance at the symphony that upcoming weekend. 

Paulette had never been to a symphony performance before, so Jay thought that would make a great first date. Although it’d be a new experience, it was one that Paulette was open to, especially while accompanying Jay. 

He was the perfect gentleman, walking Paulette to her car and making sure it was started and that she had taken off before he headed to his own car. 

Jay only lived minutes away from downtown and most days could walk from his condo to the downtown area without breaking a sweat. He could not take his mind off of Paulette as he drove the short distance home, and he was trying to decide if he should anxiously call her that night like he wanted to or wait until the next day.


Paulette, on the other hand, had made up her mind that she was going to let him initiate the first phone call since he asked for her number first. She was hoping that he would call her that night because Paulette liked Jay already and she was excited about the possibility of a date with him the weekend. 

She immediately called up Vera to tell her of the change of events that had taken place that night. 

Vera sounded pleased.  “Well it is about time, girl, because it's time for you to get the dust knocked off…”

“Wait, hold up,” Paulette interrupted Vera before she started encouraging her to pursue sexual escapades, something Vera always talked about. “It’s too early for that, Vera. Let’s see if he even calls first.”

“Oh, he’ll be calling. I’m sure of it. And when you get a piece, I can’t wait to hear all the details,” Vera said as she turned the conversation back to her favorite subject.

Paulette and Vera had met many years back when they were high school age but they hung in different circles at that time. A few years back, though, they ended up at the same bridal shower for a mutual friend. They remembered each other from attending the same school. After conversing at the shower, and then connecting online, they became fast friends and started hanging out. 

Vera was always trying to encourage Paulette to take some time from her busy schedule to date more. Sure, she wanted Paulette to find her Mr. Right, but Vera was not against a “Mr. Right Now” until the right one came along. Vera was thrilled to hear the update on Jay because she knew from the first mention of him that Paulette must have been attracted to him. Things were starting to look up for her friend’s love life, and she could not wait to hear what was in store.


It was a month later and things with Paulette and Jay had progressed quickly. Jay ended up calling Paulette that following day after their downtown stroll and conversation. Jay was strong that first night and did not give in to calling Paulette, but he had to hear her voice that next day. The rest of the week was spent having late night conversations with both of them having to wake early the next day to work.

Although Paulette was going into work on little amounts of sleep, the high she was feeling from this thing with Jay had her feeling on top of the world. People seemed to notice this light in her too; those around Jay also noticed. 

Their first date at the symphony was a night that both would always remember. Jay picked Paulette up from her apartment complex on the other end of town that Saturday afternoon. They drove to the performance taking place about 30 minutes away, starting the date with dinner at a restaurant near the performance center. 

They had made an attractive couple, both dressed fitting the occasion: Paulette in a sexy black cocktail dress that she found in the back of her closet waiting for another occasion to be worn; Jay in one of his custom made suits with light pinstripes and mint green accents. Paulette already saw how good he looked in business wear, but imagined that he may have looked just as handsome in casual, everyday clothing. She was hoping that she would have the opportunity to see after they made it through this first date. She had no reason to worry because their first date night was awesome.

Paulette was now a fan of the symphony, as well as her introduction to tapas cuisine. Jay started their relationship showing her new things and new sides to herself, and now a month later she was excited about what more was to come. 

Each weekend on from that first date was spent on exploring something that was a favorite activity or hangout for each of them, giving each a dose of the other’s world. Jay even went to Sunday morning church service with Paulette in that first month, followed by dinner at Paulette’s childhood home. The Harris’ loved their daughter’s new beau and silently hoped that this relationship had some potential. It was not often that Paulette brought anyone home, so this looked promising. 

Paulette had met Jay’s younger sister when she had arrived to Jay’s home for a home-cooked meal he had planned one Friday evening after Paulette got off of work. His sister, Lydia, had graciously helped out her brother with the meal and had not left fast enough, giving Jay the chance to take all of the credit. Lydia had heard so much about Paulette from the very beginning, and from those first few minutes Lydia knew Paulette would be good for her brother; the two women hit it off immediately and were getting along perfectly before Jay rushed his sister out the house so his date could begin.

That was the third week and both were trying to hold their sexual tension back. Jay had been involved sexually with someone since his relationship had ended, but it was nothing but a booty call—they probably hooked up about every couple of months. Rosie was actually an ex-girlfriend from his teenage years that grew up with him in his hood. Their lives took different directions, with her wanting to live the fast life and chase after the things that were not so good for her. Once they connected as adults the only thing that seemed to work for them was their sexual chemistry. 

It had been over two months since he had heard from Rosie, and she happened to call him just days before he had gotten up the nerve to officially introduce himself to Paulette. As a matter of fact, one of those incidents early on in which he’d unwittingly ignored Paulette was because he was distracted on the phone with Rosie. That was the last time he had sex—after he agreed to meet up with Rosie at her place that evening. 

Jay remembered how that night went:

In usual fashion, Rosie had opened the door in nothing but her short, burgundy satin robe that was already half open and easily accessible: the better to get this session started fast and over with just as quickly. It was not the least bit romantic, but it fulfilled their needs and held them over until the next time. 

As soon as the door shut behind Jay, Rosie opened her robe and let it fall to the floor. She stood in the middle of her small living room, nude, with her bronzed skin shining from the oils she usually rubbed herself in each time they were together. 

Jay was turned on by Rosie’s thick but fit dancer-like figure, and usually she had his full attention. That night was different though; each stroke Rosie gave his dick while he lay on the couch, he imagined it was Paulette’s hand pleasing him; each suck and in-and-out motion Rosie used to suck his dick, Jay imagined it was Paulette’s lips and tongue tasting him; when Rosie got on top of him and eased her hairless, wet pussy down on his long, thick dick and rode him like a cowgirl, Jay imagined it was Paulette. 

After their half-hour tryst, they did their usual where Jay would go dispose of his condom and get cleaned up, coming back out to find Rosie lying naked on the couch smoking a cigarette with a beer for Jay to take out the door with him. There was not much conversation or concern for what was going on in one another’s lives, but this time Rosie did notice that something seemed different with him.

“So, who else are you fucking?”

“Excuse me?” Jay turned to look at Rosie as he grabbed his coat.

“No need to lie to me, papi. You don’t owe me any answers but I’m trying to figure out if I need to stop calling you or not. I can tell by the way you fucked me that there is someone else, women can always tell these things.”  Rosie looked at Jay for confirmation while taking puffs from her cigarette. 

Jay was shocked by Rosie’s comments because he had been thinking of Paulette all of that time.

“Look, Rosie, really there isn’t anyone else, but I will be honest and tell you that I don’t think we need to be doing this anymore.”

“So, there is someone who has caught your eye, though?” Rosie continued with the questions.

“Yes, there is. It’s that obvious huh?” Jay asked as he smiled thinking he had been playing it cool.

“Very much so. Well, Jay, I know if it was me I would appreciate you not interfering so you don’t have to worry about me doing any pop-up calls or visits trying to cock block. And boy, what a cock it is.”  Rosie eyed his crotch as if she could see his penis through his pants.

“I appreciate that, Rosie,” Jay said as he walked over and kissed her on the forehead. Just as he did that, there was a knock on the door.

“I’ll get out of your hair now, Rosie. Do you want me to stick around until you get decent?” Jay asked, watching her bounce off the couch.  She was still completely in the nude.

“No need papi, my guest loves for me to answer the door like this.”

Jay just stared in shock as Rosie passed him to get to the door. She opened it wide enough for the whole unit to see her in her birthday suit, if they had been looking, but what was most shocking to Jay was in walked another sexy, Hispanic woman probably in her early 20s whose figure was just as tight as Rosie’s. 

As soon as the door closed, Rosie pulled the young woman in for a deep tongue kiss as the woman wrapped her arms around Rosie’s nude body grabbing her ass.

“Papi, you sure you don’t want to stick around for one last fuck?” Rosie said in between kisses with the young woman who eyed Jay seductively, silently inviting him in to join the fun.

“Um, no thank you, Rosie, but I will let you two ladies get back to it. Take care Rosie,” Jay said as he rushed out the door before he changed his mind. It was a very tempting offer, but he was ready for something more real than this.


Paulette, on the other hand, had not had sex in over two years. Her toy box was full of goodies that were holding her over until the real thing came along. That is why the temptation may have been a bit stronger for her because now when she used her toys all she could think about was Jay being the one making her cum and scream out at night before she fell off to sleep. Paulette was now ready to take that next step with Jay, but she needed to make sure that they were on the same page. 

What she did not expect was that Jay was way ahead of her and ready to take that next step himself. 

Paulette had invited Jay over for their next date, deciding that she would treat him to a nice, romantic dinner followed by a pay-per-view movie through her cable provider. She was going to play the evening by ear and decide if it was the right moment to bring up their future and where they were going. 

It had only been a couple of months total that they knew each other, and there was still much to learn about one another, but Paulette was afraid of putting her all into Jay if he did not have any intentions of settling down and wanting to be in a serious relationship. 

When Paulette heard the doorbell, she checked herself in the mirror one last time to make sure she still looked sexy after working hard in the kitchen. Even in her apron, Paulette looked good, so she kept it on while she dashed off to the door to let Jay in. 

When she opened the door, Jay was standing there, smiling with some roses in hand and a bottle of Paulette’s favorite sweet red wine. Paulette still got butterflies when Jay came around, and especially when he surprised her with such gestures as this. After Jay stepped in and handed the gifts over to Paulette, she led them to the kitchen, setting the gifts down on the kitchen island without saying a word. Then she slowly turned back around to face Jay and gently kissed his lips while wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Thank you for making me feel like such a woman,” Paulette said after pulling herself away from his lips, which she could have kissed all night.

Jay was speechless because this was the first real, seductive kiss that he had shared with Paulette. He had wanted to initiate this for so long but he was determined to not rush her or make her feel uncomfortable if she was not ready.

“Jay, did you hear me?” Paulette questioned him as she began wondering if she had made a mistake making this first move on him.

“Yes, baby, I heard you. Excuse me but I was just a little taken aback by that kiss. Man, you have the softest lips ever—I want to taste them again.”

With that being said, Paulette smiled as Jay leaned in lightly grabbing her chin and moving in close for an even more intense and erotic kiss. They stood in that same spot for about a minute more before Paulette found herself getting weak and needing to pull away.

“Jay, as much as I’m enjoying this we really need to stop.”

“Maybe you’re right, especially if you are not feeling me the same way I am feeling you.”

This made Paulette turn back to Jay and look him in his eyes. Was he saying he felt the same way as she was feeling about him?

“Why are you looking so shocked?” Jay asked as he stepped closer to Paulette, reaching for her hand. “You do realize how much I care about you, don’t you?”

“Well, I guess I do now. So are you saying that you want to see where this can go with us? I need to know, Jay, because you know how busy my life is, just like yours; I don’t have time for games. I’m not a dater—you’re the one I’m interested in. I want the same from you.”

“Good…that’s exactly what I wanted to hear,” Jay said before he pulled Paulette in for another kiss. This kiss went on a little longer than the last and was just as erotic. Paulette felt Jay’s hands messing with the apron strings trying to loosen as he continued kissing her, lightly tongue wrestling hers.

“Ooh wait Jay, let me check the food—I almost forgot!” Paulette pulled away again forgetting she had left the oven on with the roast she prepared. 

No wonder it was so hot in there, she thought, but it could have been more than the oven that was making her feel like this. 

Once she turned off the oven and checked the roast, she finished taking off the apron and turned around to find Jay behind her just staring at her.

“You are so beautiful,” he said to her as he admired her legs in her above-the-knee red skirt she had chosen for this date with her black off-the-shoulder fitted top that hugged her figure just right. “As good as your dinner smells, and I’m sure tastes, I would rather taste you.”

Those words immediately made Paulette wet and weak in the knees. She immediately kicked off the heels she had on her feet, trying to be sexy, and she grabbed Jay’s hand, leading him to her bedroom where she had left her iPod shuffle playing from when she was getting dressed earlier.

That night, their first night making love to one another, Paulette was treated to the best oral sex encounter that she had ever received. Jay had gently pushed Paulette back on her bed, started pulling her skirt down to reveal her sexy red thong that he simply pulled to the side with his finger to make way for his tongue. 

For the next 15 minutes straight, Jay licked and sucked Paulette’s clitoris while finger fucking her, which made her experience the most intense pleasure she had ever received. As she grabbed his head, running her fingers through his freshly cut dark hair, she moaned out his name begging him for him to enter her. Paulette could not take it anymore—she had already climaxed a couple of times, shaking uncontrollably.

“Baby, you ready for this dick?” Jay asked, as he lifted himself from her to finish undressing and to put on the condom Paulette had passed to him.

“Yes, I am—give it to me, daddy.”

And give it to her he did. 

As Jay entered her, Paulette pulled her top over her head to reveal the sexy red bra that held in her perfect breasts that fit right in the palm of Jay’s hands. As he grabbed them he could feel how erect her nipples were. 

As he continued pumping in and out of Paulette, making her moans grow louder with each motion, he pulled her breasts from out of the cups they were already trying to escape from and started licking her hard brown nipples that were anxiously awaiting attention. 

Jay was so turned on by how beautiful Paulette’s body was, which made everything more intense and exciting. He kissed her passionately, letting Paulette get a taste of her own sweetness that was left over on his lips from earlier. As Jay got closer to climaxing, his grip on her soft hair on her head became stronger, but it turned Paulette on even more. 

They finally came together with both of them yelling out obscenities at the same exact moment, and their bodies embraced each other in a rumpled mess of love.

“Damn baby, that was so good,” Paulette said aloud before she even realized it. She had never been so vocal while getting sexed, but this was obviously different than any sexual experience she had ever had. What Jay had just done showed Paulette a new side to herself and how enjoyable sex could be. 

I’m afraid he has turned my ass out, Paulette thought to herself, but what she did not realize was that Jay was just as whipped.

“Yes, it was.” Jay responded as he continued to lay on top of Paulette, exhausted. He lightly kissed her on the neck as he lifted himself up to caress her face before going in for another taste of her lips.

Although it had not been as long for Jay as it had been for Paulette, he felt like it had been an eternity since he felt this way after having sex. His encounters with Rosie were routine and all about busting a nut, but this was more intense with Paulette—it had meaning. 

After cuddling for a few more minutes, Paulette and Jay continued their date in the dining room that she had already set up for a romantic evening. 

Paulette, in a long t-shirt and undies, and Jay, in his undershirt and boxers, enjoyed a nice cozy evening over a home-cooked meal chatting, flirting and enjoying one another’s company. 

The evening continued with more love making and intimacy as they both delighted in the start of what was sure to be a promising relationship for them; a perfect evening that continued into the next morning and the rising of the sun—this was just the beginning of what was in store for Paulette and Jay, and they were ready for the journey.