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Internet addresses and telephone numbers given in this book were accurate at the time it went to press.
© 2009 by Rodale Inc.
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Recipe photos on front cover (clockwise, left to right): Eight-Grain Sprouted Wheat Bread (page 557);
Israeli Couscous with Lime & Mint (page 458); and Roasted Root Vegetables with Thyme (page 440)
Recipe photos on back cover (clockwise, left to right): Broiled Shrimp, Ceviche-Style (page 165); Potato
& Greens Frittata (page 338); and Pappardelle with Asparagus and Oyster Mushrooms (page 361)
Color photos by Kate Mathis
Interior design by Christopher Rhoads
Portions of this book were previously published © Rodale Press, Inc. in 1984
as Rodale’s Basic Natural Foods Cookbook.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
The Rodale whole foods cookbook : with more than 1,000 recipes for choosing, cooking & preserving natural ingredients.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN-13 978–1–60529–543–5 hardcover
ISBN-10 1–60529–543–4 hardcover
1. Cookery (Natural foods) I. Rodale (Firm) II. Title: Whole foods cookbook.
641.5’636—dc22 2009038552
Distributed to the trade by Macmillan
2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1 hardcover