Some Final Facts

  1. If you look into a mirror and say ‘Slenderman, Slenderman give me a man to Slender’ he will breathe on the back of the mirror and then write you a message in the condensation.
  2. One can speak to the spirit of Slenderman through a Ouija board - but only if there are also children in the room.
  3. Slenderman is incapable of lying, which is terrifying to behold if you ask him what he means to do to you.
  4. If Slenderman’s body were to ever be spoiled he could rebuild himself using the bones of the long dead.
  5. If you kill Slenderman, you become Slenderman.
  6. Slenderman cannot be killed.
  7. Slenderman is, was, and always will be.
  8. It is said that the snake in the Garden of Eden was actually one of Slenderman’s fingers. In Genesis 53.14 it is called ‘Satan’s slim digit’.
  9. Slenderman is looking at you.
  10. Slenderman is behind me.