Conversion chart

These conversions from metric measures to cups (primarily used in Australia and the USA) for common ingredients are approximate, but should provide an adequate guide for the cook who is more familiar with measurements by volume than by weight.

1 cup (250 ml) is the close equivalent to the following measurements:

120g almonds & other nuts, chopped

140g flour, unsifted

120g almonds, flaked

150g hazelnuts

110g almonds & other nuts, ground

350g honey, golden syrup, treacle

150g almonds, whole

230g lentils

11og beans, cooked

120g pine nuts

220g beans, dried

150g raisins, currants

120g breadcrumbs, dry

150g rice, cooked

55g breadcrumbs, fresh

200g rice, uncooked

225g butter

225g sugar, caster or granulated

220g cheese, cream or curd

125g sugar, icing

120g cheese, grated

220g sugar, soft brown

115g flour, sifted

120g walnuts, pecans

The following measurements are close equivalents:

12g butter

1 level tbs

110g butter

1 stick

12g flour

1 level tbs

15g sugar, granulated or caster

1 level tbs

liquid measures


1 tsp


1 tbs


½ cup less 2 tbs


½ cup


1 cup

500ml/½ litre

2 cups/1 US pint (16 fl oz)