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Top 10Things to Avoid

1Driving Downtown

One-way streets, heavy traffic, and hordes of pedestrians in the downtown area make it difficult to navigate by car, especially during rush hour. It is much easier and safer to park the car and then walk or take a streetcar.

2Driving at Rush Hour

The Loop 410 freeway can be very frustrating during the morning or afternoon rush hour. Consult a map before driving any distance as some of the major freeways, including Interstates 10 and 35, change direction in the downtown area.

3Speed Limits

The highway speed limits in the San Antonio area are very generous, and Texans drive fast. Speed limits are often lower at night, and can change suddenly near small towns. Speed traps are common in the small towns surrounding San Antonio as well as in the Hill Country.


San Antonio is a friendly city and most crime is limited to theft and car break-ins. The River Walk area is heavily patrolled by city police, but the poorer areas south and west of downtown are not. It is wise to observe a few guidelines to minimize the risk of crime. Don’t walk around at night, and never carry large amounts of cash, wear expensive jewelry, or keep your wallet in your back pocket. Sling hand-bags and cameras over one shoulder with the strap across your body. Keep your passport separate from your cash and traveler’s checks, and store valuables in hotel safes when available.


The sun is very intense in this sub-tropical climate. Apply sunscreen liberally when outdoors, and wear a wide-brimmed hat for added protection. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the glare.

6Temperature Change

Temperatures can change rapidly here and it is common for the nights to be cold and the days hot in spring, fall, and winter.

7Violent Weather

Though infrequent, thunderstorms, tornados, and hailstorms are part of the Texas weather pattern. Check weather reports daily for early storm warnings.

8Flash Floods

The area along the San Antonio River is low lying, and when heavy rainstorms occur, some areas may flood. Check with the rangers at the National Park about road conditions. Avoid driving on unfamiliar country roads during heavy rains.


Cactus and sharp scrubby plants are common in the Texas countryside. The thorns may scratch or get caught in your clothes if you walk too close. Wear long sturdy pants and high boots for protection while hiking.


Of all common insect bites, a fire ant’s bite is the most painful. They can be encountered in the city as well as in the country, so be very careful when walking in grassy areas and parks, such as the San Antonio Missions National Historical Park. In the country watch out for snakes and scorpions. Rattlesnakes have diamond-shaped markings and their bite is poisonous enough to be life threatening. They may be encountered in the morning and evening when they seek a warm and sunny ledge or path. Rattlesnakes generally do not strike unless threatened, so give them a wide berth. Scorpion stings can also be very serious, especially for children. If bitten or stung by rattlesnakes or scorpions, seek medical help immediately.