catacombs (KAT-uh-kohmz)—an underground cemetery consisting of many tunnels and rooms

charisma (kuh-RIZ-muh)—powerful personal appeal

cryptic (KRIP-tik)—mysterious or puzzling

egotistical (ee-guh-TISS-ti-kuhl)—obsessed with oneself

elude (i-LUDE)—to escape or get away from someone

henchmen (HENCH-muhn)—thugs or criminals who are obedient to, or take orders from, a leader

masquerade (mass-kuh-RADE)—to pretend to be something you are not, or a party at which all the people dress up and wear masks

mausoleum (maw-zuh-LEE-uhm)—a large building that houses a tomb or tombs

silhouette (sil-oo-ET)—a dark outline seen against a light background

sinister (SIN-uh-stur)—seeming evil and threatening

testimony (TESS-tuh-moh-nee)—a statement given by a witness who is under oath in a court of law

vigilante (vij-uh-LAN-tee)—any person who takes the law into their own hands