We Humans

The first thing we need to grasp is that this situation is bigger than what we understand, it is on a larger scale than anything we have ever faced before. It makes our human wars, our economy and social issues seem like such small irrelevant problems which, in the face of what is heading our way, they are.

Let me ask you this: what use will your smart car be when there is no longer any clean air to breathe because we have cut all the trees down? What use will a ‘successful’ job be when there are simply no more resources? We are all still so stuck in all of our human problems and issues; fighting wars against each other; trying to keep our economy afloat; but what use will any of that be when food and water begin to run out or when there are sudden devastating weather outbursts and consistently rising sea levels and the remains of what used to be ice caps, when all the soil is too toxic to grow on any more from all the pesticides that have been sprayed on it for so many years, when all the rivers and water sources are also contaminated with toxic chemicals. This is heading our way.

This is imminent and absolutely real.

Something that the majority of people still fail to understand is the fact that everything is connected. Everything. Our planet is like one big organism, it’s one huge ecosystem and an ecosystem, like the mechanics of a watch, has exactly all the right pieces for it to keep running smoothly. Change one tiny cog, put one tiny part out of place and the whole system collapses.

Everything is part of everything and we humans are not somehow separate. We rely on nature, on our environment just as much as everything else, and what got us into this mess in the first place was the lack of understanding of this; us thinking that we as humans are somehow superior and deserve to take whatever we wish and as much as we wish from our environment without giving anything back. We humans thinking we are superior is the root of the problem.

Things we would never consider doing to ourselves, things that we view as horrific and barbaric, toxic or destructive, we happily do to everything else without a second thought.

Nicola Espitalier Noel, 16