
I write and live by the three P’s: patience, perseverance, and putting in the time. Writing is a coffee-laden, research-heavy, hone-the-craft, dust-yourself-off, and try-again kind of career. And I love it. Through college, graduate school, job changes, parenting, and all the nooks and crannies I could find, writing has been my constant. I’m grateful for my husband’s support as I shifted to full-time dream-realizer. My children have been patient and now are at the age where they ask more about my books with genuine interest: The volcano book, Mom? Yup, honey, that one (again, still…).

Every journey is filled with bumps and bruises, but there are also friends beside us helping each step of the way. I could not be where I am without the friends and fellow writers who’ve supported me on all levels. Beta readers, critique partners, and writing groups…thank you to all who’ve helped me by giving your time and providing feedback with this book and others past or future: Lorraine, Rachel, Jill, Barbara, Briar, Miranda, Keri, Jen, Piper, Marte, Stefani, Christine, Natasha, Alex, Allison, Jess, and the Central Massachusetts Christian Writers Fellowship. I’d also like to thank the authors and the editors of The Wild Rose Press, especially my editor, Eilidh MacKenzie, who took a leap for this new(er) author and helped me chase down that dream a wee bit more!