Seize opportunities so that others do not gain. Take paths and attack locations that are unexpected.


THE PRECEDING TWO SECTIONS address the way of self-awareness while knowing your opponent, for the preparation of competition, as well as measures to give you strategic positioning prior to and during the conflict. In Section III, you will be introduced to strategies that can be used during an event to help you gain the competitive edge. In The Art of War, we learn that time is of the essence, and quick responses are required; these strategies, therefore, will help you to act on instinct derived from your experience. It’s crucial to remember that your opponents’ greatest advantage—their competitive edge—is your lack of belief in your ability to perform your very best. This part of the book will help you to become mentally tough and to believe in yourself by focusing on all aspects of the game that can be controlled. As you have already learned, when you become obsessed with outcomes and results—dimensions that cannot be controlled—you experience tension, anxiety, and pressure that lead to self-doubt, loss of confidence, and a lack of belief in yourself. These chapters will help you to gain the competitive edge by learning the lessons and strategies from champions and the wisdom of Sun-Tzu that will empower you to function at deep levels of satisfaction, while improving your chances for victory as well.