So that’s how Zoe and I ended up travelling through a medieval forest with the Knights of Revenge. We were off in search of a deadly dragon that had been causing havoc in the nearby villages. And I was somehow meant to confront this dragon and stop it killing people so that I could prove to the knights that I was really a Time Travelling Adventurer.
Normally, taking on a dragon wouldn’t worry me at all. But normally, I have a bag full of awesome Adventure tools to help me fight. I’d been in such a rush to rescue Zoe that I hadn’t packed anything to help me on my Adventure before travelling back in time.
At least I had Morph. But I couldn’t work out how Morph could help me defeat a dragon – unless I turned it into a jet plane and flew as far away as I could.
I needed my amulet back. I was starting to think that maybe the amulet had powers that I hadn’t discovered yet – why else would Lord Avalon and the Knights of Revenge make such a fuss about it? I didn’t even know why people kept calling it the ‘Talisman of Truth’.
One thing I did know is that I needed the amulet back.
“So, this Talisman,” I asked Barnaby the knight as he beat his way through the forest thicket on his horse. “Why do you call it the Talisman of Truth?”
“If you don’t know that,” said another knight, “then you certainly aren’t the rightful owner.” I sighed.
Zoe and I were sharing a horse. I was at the front and she was sitting behind me. She was still wearing her stupid medieval princess outfit and I was still wearing my pyjamas. Not the best clothes for Adventuring – trust me.
We were travelling through the forest with four of the Knights of Revenge. They each had their own horse. They didn’t have to share.
The leader of the group of knights seemed to be Barnaby. Then there was another guy they kept calling Bert, another called Jack and one called Peter. I couldn’t tell them apart unless they spoke – they were all wearing identical silver armour and didn’t once lift their metal helmets up so I could see their faces.
“So this…dragon…” Zoe said nervously. “Why exactly do you want to get revenge on it?”
“We’re the Knights of Revenge,” replied Jack. “Revenge is what we do best.”
“We were selected by Lord Avalon for being the bravest, wisest, most loyal knights in the whole Kingdom,” said Bert. “Only knights like us can seek revenge and protect the Talisman of Truth.”
“So what has this dragon done that’s so bad?” I asked.
“He’s a dragon…” Peter said simply. “It’s his very nature to destroy and kill. We seek revenge for that which he has destroyed and those that he has killed.”
“Dragons have long been a great threat to us,” Barnaby explained as our horses climbed up a muddy bank in the forest. “They live in caves by the mountains, but when they leave the caves they come to our villages and set alight houses with their fiery breath. This latest dragon has caused a lot of damage and many people have been harmed.”
“So let me get this right,” Zoe said. “You want Will to kill this dragon, and if he does, you’ll believe he’s a Time Travelling Adventurer and give him back his amulet?”
“If he can kill the beast, without a sword, without any weapon at all…” Bert chuckled beneath his helmet.
“But that’s impossible!” Zoe shouted in my ear, so loudly that she startled the horse we were riding on.
“It’s OK,” I said quietly, turning around to look at her. “I’m not going to kill it, I’m going to tame it.”
“Will, have you gone mad?” she whispered back. “You can’t tame a dragon. It’ll barbecue you before you even try!”
“Night is fast approaching,” announced Barnaby. He pointed to a clearing in the forest. “We shall camp here tonight.”
Everyone dismounted their horses and tied them to trees. It was getting mega dark and owls were beginning to hoot around us.
“So, tell me,” said Barnaby, as he began to gather wood to build a fire. “Why do you think we should trust you, a child?”
“I’m the only one here. If an adult had shown up wearing the amulet then you’d trust him.” I always thought knights were pretty cool, but they’re not. Not these knights anyway – they’re moody and rude and arrogant. “Besides,” I snapped, “just because I’m a child doesn’t mean I couldn’t beat any of you guys in a fight.”
“Oh really…” challenged Barnaby.
“Don’t, he’s only a child…” laughed Bert. “We don’t want him dead before we reach the dragon’s cave.”
“No,” I argued. “Give me a chance to prove myself!”
Barnaby put down the firewood he was holding and turned towards me. I wished I could see under his helmet – without seeing his face I had no idea what he was thinking.
“Very well,” Barnaby said. “You may prove yourself in a fight with me. But I will choose the method of fighting.”
“Fine,” I said confidently. I was mega sure that Barnaby would choose sword fighting, and I was ace with a sword – I’d had loads of practice. “If I win,” I said, “then you give me my amulet back.”
There was silence as everyone looked at Barnaby, waiting for him to speak. He nodded his head in agreement. “And if you lose,” he said, “then I keep the amulet and I kill you and your friend right here tonight – then this silly quest can stop wasting my time. There’s no way you are who you say you are – you’re just a boy.”
“I’m not just a boy,” I said angrily. “I’m an Adventurer, and I’m going to prove it to you.”
“Bert!” Barnaby shouted. “Prepare the horses for a joust!”
A joust!
A joust was not part of my plan. Just in case you were wondering, a joust is when two people ride horses and charge at each other with long poles. Whoever falls off their horse first loses.
“You can’t joust,” Zoe said loudly – I could see by the panic in her eyes that she was trying to get me out of this. “You don’t have a lance.”
“We’re in a forest,” laughed Barnaby. “We have hundreds of trees that we can use as lances.”
Great – so there was no way I was getting out of the joust. I’d never jousted before. I didn’t even know the rules. Plus, it was hardly fair – Barnaby was wearing a suit of armour and I was wearing pyjamas!
Before I knew it, Pete had used two fallen tree branches to create lances for me and Barnaby to joust with.
Barnaby climbed on to his large, powerful horse. Zoe gave me a leg-up so I could sit on the back of our horse, who was exhausted from the long journey that day.
My heart was racing as my horse backed up and faced Barnaby’s horse. Barnaby sat on his horse like a king – he was so confident, he must have jousted a million times.
“Not until you’ve defeated the dragon,” he growled at me.
“But you have to give Will his amulet back,” said Zoe sternly. “You promised, remember.”
Without a word, Barnaby stood up and pulled my amulet out from under his armour. He handed it to me.
I had my amulet back.