
Adaptive codebook, 98, 132. See also Codebook
finding fractional lag, 101
finding integer lag, 101
open-loop pitch period estimation, 99
perceptual weighting filter, 98
search range for pitch period, 101
Adaptive codebook ID, 105
Adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM) system, 65, 69, 114, 116, 154, 156
backward, encoder and decoder, 70
forward, encoder and decoder, 69
speech coding scheme, 65
standard of, 71
Adaptive embedding quantizer, functions of, 72
Adaptive schemes
backward gain-adaptive quantizer, 68
encoder and decoder, 68
forward gain-adaptive quantizer, 66
encoder and decoder, 67
Algebraic codebook
structure, 97
Algebraic code excited linear prediction (ACELP)-based scheme
of speech information hiding and extraction, 104
embedding scheme, 104, 108
extraction scheme, 108
Analogue scrambling
in secure communication methods, 42
Analysis-by-synthesis (ABS) algorithm, 53
information hiding algorithm, 56
Analysis-by-synthesis (ABS) methods, 50
based speech information, 81
speech coder, 41
Analysis-by-synthesis (ABS) scheme, 41
analysis of, 44
coding, procedure, 42
frame similarity, 45
notations and abbreviations, 46
vector codebooks, 45
Analysis-by-synthesis speech information hiding (ABS-SIH), 32, 81
calculation complexity analysis, 58
embedding method, schematic diagram of, 54
experiment analysis, 55
experiment results, 57
hiding capacity and effect, 57
public speech and composite speech in spectrum, 61
of public speech and composite speech in wave, 60
of secret speech in spectrum, 63
of secret speech in wave, 62
traditional information hiding technologies, test results of, 58
extraction algorithms, 52, 81
extraction method, schematic diagram of, 55
filter similarity, 46, 48
information extraction algorithm, 55
information hiding algorithm, 54
linear predictive coefficients (LPCs)
ABS coding based on, 43
coefficients substitution based on filter similarity, 50, 62
error filter, 43
multicodebook, 52
principles, 42
substitution algorithm, 51
flow chart of, 51
LPC-IH-FS and BD-IE-MES algorithms, 63
motivation and, 41
quality analysis, 59
scheme and, 41
secret speech information hiding, 52
selection of test parameters, 56
frame length, 56
performance evaluation, 56
speech parameters, 56
speech scheme, 56
test initial parameters setup, 57
Anonymity, in communication, 6
Antifake, in communication, 8
Aoki, Naofumi
telephony communications, steganography technique for, 15
APCM scheme, 66, 69, 120
Audio data compression algorithm. See also G.729 scheme
Audio signals
human ear characteristic of, 20
Autocorrelation expression, 100
Autoregressive (AR) model, 41, 46
Band-pass filtering, 72
Bark spectral distortion (BSD), 12
Beijing Comsys Technologies Co. Ltd., 159
Bell Telephone Laboratory, 11
Bit error rate (BER), 144
Blind detection technique, 32, 55
Capability of noise tolerance (CNT), 127, 131
analysis of, 134
Carrier speech, 91, 107, 110
spectrum, 111
Cepstrum parameter, calculation, 21
Channel coding technique, 136
Chaos system’s, 3
emergence of, 4
Chaotic secure communication methods, 3, 4
Cipher algorithm, strength of, 5
Closed loop method, 115
encoder of, 116
Closed-loop optimization, 82
Codebook, 82, 88
index, 98
Codebook ID, 88, 89
Code excited linear prediction (CELP), 81
ABS principle, 82
algorithm, 11, 161
based on, 81
coder, 81
based on ABS principle, 82
coding method, 82
coding principles, 82
coding techniques, 88
based on ABS principle, block diagram, 82
generic, block diagram of, 84
key components of, block diagram, 83
operation, 83
essence of, 81
perceptual weighting, 84
scheme, 152
speech production model, 81, 82
type schemes, 56
type speech coding scheme, 89
vector quantization (VQ), 85
Codeword, 75
definition of, 75
channel, 9
source, 9
Coding scheme, 102
decoding operation, 103
encoding operations, 102
Coding standard, 97
adaptive codebook, 98
algebraic codebook structure, 97
Communication, 1
anonymity, 6
antifake, 8
background, 1
copyright marking, 6
copyright protection, 8
covert channel, 5
data confidentiality, 8
data hiding, 7
digital media, copyright protection for, 7
digital watermarking, 6
fingerprinting, 7
information hiding methods
analysis of, 19
labeling, 7
network technology, development of, 1
nonrepudiation, 7, 8
organization of, 23
part of, 1
related work, 14
new technique for, 4
information hiding, applications of, 7
information hiding concepts, 4
progress in, 2
security methods for, 1
speech coding, 9
steganography, 6, 7
Composite speech spectrum, 111
Conjugate-structure algebraic-code-excited linear prediction (CS-ACELP), 56, 97
coding, 12
marking in communication, 6
protection for communication, in digital media, 7
protection in communication, 8
Covert channel, 5
in communication, 5
Covert communication
based on VoIP system, 127
Cover vector, 134
Cryptoanalysis techniques, 153
Cryptographic pseudonumber computer simulation, 4
Data communications equipment (DCE), 144
Data confidentiality, in communication, 8
Data embedding, in communication, 7
Data E.Modem, 157
Data integrity, in communication, 9
Data sending buffer, flow chart of, 149
Data terminal equipment (DTE), 144
Diagnostic acceptability measure (DAM), 12
Diagnostic rhyme test (DRT), 12
Differential pulse code modulation (DPCM), 65
Digital coding, method for, 10
Digital fingerprints, 6
Digital signal processor (DSP), 18, 161
Digital speech communications systems, 15
Digital watermarking, in communication, 6
Digitized encryption
drawbacks of, 3
in secure communication methods, 2
Discrete cosine transform (DCT), 22
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), 22, 44
Discrete wavelet transform (DWT), 154
DMA controller, 163
DSNR, definition of, 132
Dual-tone multifrequency signaling (DTMF), 97
Echo hiding method, 20
schematic diagram of, 20
ElGamal signature scheme, 32, 34
Embedding algorithm, 71, 91, 108, 109, 120
block diagram of, 121
encoder of, 72
flow chart of, 74, 91
model, 109
procedure of, 120
Embedding process, 130, 134, 137
operations of, 137
procedures of, 89
Embedding scheme, 87, 104, 108
Embedding secret speech, experiment of, 77
Encoding, principle of, 132
Encryption algorithms, 2
strength of, 2, 3
Energy balance, 72
Erlang B distribution, 31
Excitation synthesis filter, 92
Extracted secret speech spectrum, 111
Extraction algorithm, 76, 92, 110, 121
block diagram of, 92
flow chart of, 122
procedure, 121
Extraction process, 135, 138
Extraction scheme, 90, 108
Fidelity criterion, 49
Filter similarity, 59
Fingerprinting, in communication, 7
Fixed codebook index, 132
parameters of, 133
Formant synthesis filter, 102
Frames, 47
based adaptive speech information hiding approach, 18
characteristics of, 15
steganography for, 15
G.721-adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM) coder, 71
Gain-adaptive quantizer, 120
backward, 68
forward, 66
G.728 algorithm, 81
G.721-based speech information hiding approach
adaptive schemes, 66
adaptive differential pulse code modulation, 69
backward, encoder and decoder, 70
forward, encoder and decoder, 69
backward gain-adaptive quantizer, 68
encoder and decoder, 68
forward gain-adaptive quantizer, 66
encoder and decoder, 67
classical information hiding technologies, test results for, 80
coding standard, 65
composite speech spectrum, 79
composite speech waveform, 79
differential pulse code modulation (DPCM), 65
encoder and decoder, 66
experiment results and analysis, 77
hiding capacity, 77
speech quality, 78
extracted secret speech spectrum, 79
extracted secret speech waveform, 79
hide secret speech approach, 71
embedding algorithm, 71
extraction algorithm, 76
public speech spectrum, 79
public speech waveform, 78
secret speech spectrum, 78
secret speech waveform, 78
G.728-based speech information hiding approach
code excited linear prediction, 81
coding standard, 85
principle of, 85
composite speech spectrum, 94
experiment results and analysis, 93
performance test result of, 93
extracted secret speech spectrum, 94
hide secret speech approach, 90
embedding algorithm, 91
flow chart of, 91
extraction algorithm, 92
block diagram of, 92
hiding and extraction, CELP-based scheme of, 87
embedding scheme, 87
extraction scheme, 90
speech information extraction, 90
low-delay-code excited linear prediction (LD-CELP)
decoder, block diagram for, 86
encoder, block diagram for, 86
public speech spectrum, 94
secret speech spectrum, 94
G.729-based speech information hiding approach
ACELP-based scheme of, 104
embedding scheme, 104, 108
extraction scheme, 108
carrier speech spectrum, 111
coder, bit allocation for, 103
coding scheme, 102
decoding operation, 103
encoding operations, 102
coding standard, 97
adaptive codebook, 98
algebraic codebook structure, 97
composite speech spectrum, 111
decoder, block diagram of, 104
block diagram of, 103
open-loop pitch period estimation procedure for, 100
signal involved in, 99
experiment results and analysis, 110
extracted secret speech spectrum, 111
hide secret speech approach into G.729, 108
embedding algorithm, 108, 109
extraction algorithm, 110
secret speech spectrum, 111
Generator matrix, 134, 138
Global system for mobile telecommunications (GSM), 56
coding scheme, 116
APCM, 120
characteristics of, 147
excitation generator, 120
LP analysis, 116
block diagram of, 117
filtering, and coding, 117
implementation of, 118
LPC quantization and interpolation, 117
position selection, 119
sampling grids used in, 119
prediction-error filter, 117
preprocessing, 116
weighting filter, 118
impulse and frequency response of, 119
speech encoder, 113
Graphical user interface (GUI), 150
G.729 scheme, 97
adaptive codebook in, 106
implementation of ABS-based algorithm, 18
GSM (RPE-LTP)-based speech information hiding approach
approach to hide secret speech, 120
embedding algorithm, 120
block diagram of, 121
procedure of, 120
extraction algorithm, 121
flow chart of, 122
carrier speech spectrum, 124
carrier speech wave, 123
coding standard, 113
composite speech spectrum, 124
composite speech wave, 124
effect and hiding capacity, test result of, 125
experiment results and analysis, 122
extracted secret speech spectrum, 125
extracted secret speech wave, 125
functions, 126
GSM coding scheme, 116
hiding effects of, 122
RPE-LTP coding scheme, 114
secret speech spectrum, 123
secret speech wave, 123
G.729 source codec, 127
G.72x-based communications, 34
Hadarma transform, 22
Hiding capacity, 33
definition of, 33
Huang, Y F., covert communication, 17
Human auditory system (HAS), 19
Hybrid embedding methods, 130
Identity matrix, n-order augmented, 134
Immeasurability, definition of, 9
Important information bits (IIB), 44
Information concealing. See Information hiding methods
Information extraction with blind detection-based minimum mean square error (MES-BD), 4
Information hiding methods, 3
analysis of, 19
echo hiding method, 20
schematic diagram of, 20
least significant bit (LSB), 19
phase hiding method, 20
anonymity, 6
applications of, 7
antifake, 8
copyright protection, 8
data integrity, 9
speech coding, 9
based on statistics, 21
characteristics of, 9
classification of, 5, 6
concepts in, 4
copyright marking, 6
covert channel, 5
data confidentiality, 8
data hiding, 7
development of, 6
digital media, copyright protection for, 7
digital watermarking, 6
error correction, 9
fingerprinting, 7
imperceptibility, 9
nonrepudiation, 7, 8
security, 9
symmetry, 9
Information-hiding model
application, general model for, 30
Composite Data, 31
Covert Attack, 31
Embedding Algorithm, 31
Embedding Key, 31
Extracted Secret Data, 31
Extracting Algorithm, 31
Extracting Key, 31
important criteria, 30
parts of
communication channels, 27
signal sources, 27
Public Data, 30
Secret Data, 30
for speech secure communication, 27
communication channels, 27
schematic diagram of, 29
Information hiding techniques, 131
Information veiling. See Information hiding methods
International Information Hiding Science Conference 1996, 4
International Telecommunications Union (ITU-T) standard, 65
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF’s), 16
Internet Protocol (IP) networks, 127
Invisibility, definition of, 9
Itakura distance, 35, 36, 53
Japan National Defense Academy
method to embed secret messages, 14
Kerkhoffs principle, 6
Key subliminal channel (KSC), 32
in communication, 7
LCELP-based speech information extraction scheme, 108
Least significant bit (LSB), 19, 153
matching method, 17
Levinson-Durbin algorithm, 47
Linear predictive coefficients (LPCs), 45, 47, 50, 83
ABS codec systems, structure of, 43
ABS coding method, 22, 23, 43
ABS coding scheme, 64
ABS speech coding scheme, 45, 49
coefficient substitution based on filter similarity, 50
error filter, 43
multicodebook, 52
parameters substitution for secret speech information hiding based on filter similarity, 4
principles, 42
quantization process, 45
substitution algorithm, 51
flow chart of, 51
substitution approach, based on filter similarity, 62
Linear predictive coefficients (LPCs)-IH-FS algorithm, 94
Linear predictive filter (LPF) coefficient, 105
Linear spectrum frequency (LSF), 47, 107
Line spectrum pairs (LSPs), 88, 132
coefficients, 156
successive, 156
Logarithm area ratio (LARs), 117
Lost audio packets steganography (LACK), 16, 17
Low-delay-code excited linear prediction (LD-CELP), 12, 56
backward adaptive prediction in, 85
characteristics, 87
speech coding scheme, 81
Man-machine interface, 162
Mazurczyk, Wojciech
VoIP steganography methods, 16
Mean opinion score (MOS), 12, 56
Mean square error, 92
Military systems, 4
Minimum square error (MSE)
rule of, 33, 35, 41
Mixed excitation linear prediction (MELP), 31, 56
coding, 151
encoded secret speech, 136
scheme, 37
speech, 80, 112, 126
speech codec, 131, 137
MODEM method, 145, 146
Modulated complex lapped transform (MCLT), 22
Moulin, Pierre
information-theoretic analysis of, 15
Multicodebooks, 45
Multimedia programming, 147
data sending buffer flow chart, 150
file processing flow chart, 149
implementation levels, 148
schematic diagram of, 148
PC-based speech secure communication experimental system, GUI of, 151
program flow, 148
system realization, 150
data embedding/extraction module, 152
data encryption/decryption module, 152
RCC communication module, 151
speech collecting/playing module, 151
speech encoding/decoding module, 151
Multipulse excitation model, 114
Nonrepudiation, in communication, 8
Normalized correlation coefficient, 57
Normalized cumulative correlation coefficient (NCCC), 56
Objective evaluation method, 12
Open loop method, 114
encoder of, 114
regular-pulse excitation, illustration of, 115
O’Sullivan, Joseph A.
information-theoretic analysis of, 15
Perceptual evaluation speech quality (PESQ) value, 138
Perceptual weighting filter, 83, 84, 98
Petitcolas, Fabien A. P., 15
Phase hiding method, 20
Physical scanning process, 159
Pierre Moulin’s theory, 33
Pitch synthesis, 82
filter, 118
Point-to-point covert communication, 6
p-order predictor
transfer function of, 42
Position index, 98
Power spectrum density (PSD), 78
Prediction-error sequence, 114
Preprocess filter, 116
Private branch exchange (PBX), 1
Protocol data unit (PDU)-based embedding methods, 130
Public information, 5, 6
Public speech, 72
spectrum, 88, 94
Public switched telephone network (PSTN), 1, 27, 34, 93, 127, 152
Pulse coding modulation (PCM), 93
coded files, 149
conversion, 76
sampled speech, 140
signal, preprocessing of, 88
QPSK coded modulation, 156
Real-time control protocol (RTCP), 16
Real-time speech secure communication design design and realization based on PC, 144
coding scheme selection, 147
framework for, 145, 146
multimedia programming, 147
experimental system, 147
work process of, 147
permutator-based encryption scheme, 158
RSA-like encryption scheme, 158
secure communication plan, 143
functional requirements, 145
introduction, 143
requirements analysis, 144
technical indicator, 144
speech information hiding telephone (SIHT), 152
architecture of, 161, 162
computational load distribution, 161
details of, 161
connection, 153
description of, 153
real time, 155
robustness of information hiding, 153
secure encryption, 154
speech quality, 154
steganography, 154
E.Modem, 159
encryption and decryption, 157
hider and extractor, 159
introduction, 152
module, 156
operating modes, 160
speech coder and speech decoder, 156
speech embedding scheme, 155
speech information hiding scheme, 155
Real-time transport protocol (RTP), 16, 128
Redundant audio data, 17
Reflection coefficients (RCs), 116
Regular pulse excitation-long-term prediction (RPE-LTP), 56
coding scheme, 114
characteristics of, 116
multipulse excitation model, 114
closed loop method, 115
open loop method, 114
speech coding paradigm, 113
Regular-pulse excitation scheme, 115
Regular pulse excited linear prediction coding (RPE-LPC) algorithm, 11
Regular singular (RS) algorithm, 18
like approach, for speech encryption, 158
Reliability coding. See Coding, channel
Robustness, definition of, 9
Secret/confidential message, 5
Secret speech information, 163
Secret speech information extraction with blind detection based on minimum mean square error (BD-IE-MES), 23, 55
Secret speech spectrum, 94
Secret speech subliminal channel (SSSC), 18
Secure communication methods, 6. See also Steganography
analogue scrambling, 2
chaotic, 3
cipher algorithm, strength of, 5
digitized encryption, 2
implementation of, 40
information hiding concepts, 4
new technique for, 4
security of, 34
speech secure technology, 2
traditional, 3
Secure Phone, 44
Security, 33
evaluation of, 33
Session initiation protocol (SIP), 7, 16, 128
Shannon’ theory, 157
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 11
Sign index, 98
Speech coding, 161
coefficients, 48
in communication, 9
principles of, 10
coding methods, types of, 11
speech signals, redundancy of, 10
process, 42
standards, 11, 13
MOS levels and descriptions, 14
objective evaluation method, 12
performance comparisons of, 14
subjective evaluation method, 12
viewpoint of, 45
Speech echo hiding method, 21
Speech information extraction, 90
Speech information hiding algorithms, 41
Speech information hiding model, 31
design of, 32
experiments and results analysis, 37
carrier speech, spectrum of, 39
composite speech, spectrum of, 39
extracted secret speech, spectrum of, 39
hiding capacity, 37
secret speech, spectrum of, 39
security, 37
speech quality, 38
test results in, 38
hiding capacity, 33
security, 33
speech quality
segment average Itakura distance DM, 36
segment average SNR, 35
speech energy variation δ, 36
uniform correlation coefficient, 35
Speech information hiding telephone (SITH), 18, 80, 112, 143
architecture of, 161, 162
architecture details, 161
computational load distribution, 161
based on information hiding techniques, 163
block distribution of, 156
connection, 153
description of, 153
real time, 155
robustness of information hiding, 153
secure encryption, 154
speech quality, 154
steganography, 154
design of, 143
E.Modem, 159
encryption and decryption, 157
hider and extractor, 159
introduction, 152
MATLAB soft package, 155
module, 156
operating modes, 160
speech coder and speech decoder, 156
speech embedding scheme, 155
speech information hiding scheme, 155
speech signals in, 155
system, 18
used for, 160
working modes, 160
Speech quality
evaluation of, 35
segment average Itakura distance DM, 36
segment average SNR, 35
speech energy variation δ, 36
uniform correlation coefficient, 35
Speech secure communication
abbreviations used in, 29
information-hiding model for, 27
as communication problem, 29
schematic diagram of, 29
motivation for, 27
notations used in, 28
principle of, 27
real-time speech secure communication, 27
speech information hiding model, 28, 31
Speech security communication test system, 145
Speech signals, 82
redundancy of, 10
determined by, 11
segmentation, procedure, 49
Speech synthesis, 115
Steganographic methods, 129
applications of, 6
in communication, 7
definition of, 6
for G.711, 15
speech information hiding telephone (SIHT), 154
technique for DVI-ADPCM transactions, 16
technique for telephony communications, 15
in VoIP-based covert communication system
classifications, 130
outline for, 128
Steganography algorithm, 138
Subframes, 47
Subjective evaluation method, 12
Synchronization mechanism, 20
Synthesis filter, 115
Synthetic composite speech
vs. normal speech, 93
Synthetic speech, quality of, 12
TCP/IP protocol, 1, 129
expansion of, 129
Tolerant information bits (TIB), 44
Transcoding steganography (TranSteg), 17
innovation of, 17
Vector quantization (VQ), 47, 132
Very large scale integrated circuits (VLSI), 10
Voice over broadband (VoBB), 127
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), 1, 127
covert communication based on, 17
definition of, 127
for embedding, 128
inactive frames of, 17
regular singular (RS) algorithm, 18
session control protocols, 128
sliding window-based steganalysis, 18
stacks and protocols, 128
telephone call, 128
VoIP-based covert communication system, 127
carrier speech and stego speech
DSNR for, 139
PESQ-MOS values of, 139
spectrogram of, 141
cover bits selection scheme, 136
embedding method, classifications of, 129
experiment results and analysis, 138
objective quality, 138
subjective quality, 138
G.729 speech flows, embedding secret speech into, 131
accumulation inversion, DSNR value of, 133
CNT of parameters, 132
embedding approach based on matrix coding, 134
embedding procedure, 136
framework of, 137
single-bit inversion, DSNR value of, 133
IP telephony system, 131
modeling and realization of, 130
spectrum in frequency domain, comparison of, 141
classifications, 130
outline for, 128
voice over internet protocol (VoIP) system, 127
stacks and protocols, 128
waveform in time domain, comparison of, 140
coding technology, 10
in time domain, comparison of, 140
Wavelet transform, 22
Weighting filter, 85
Zhijun, Wu
in secure communication, 18
speech information hiding telephone (SITH), 18