
Glade B. Curtis. In this, the third edition of Your Pregnancy After 35, I continue to draw upon the many questions from discussions with my patients and their partners, and my professional colleagues. I have gained new insights and a greater understanding of the joy and anticipation of impending parenthood. I have rejoiced in my patients’ happiness and thank all of them for allowing me to be part of this miraculous process.

Credit must also be given to my understanding and generous wife, Debbie, and our family, who support me in a profession that requires much of them. Beyond that commitment, they have supported and encouraged me to pursue the challenge of this project. Thanks to David Stevens, D.D.S., for his dental expertise. And my mother has always offered her unconditional love and support.

Judith Schuler. Thanks to my son, Ian, for his continued support and encouragement. Special thanks to Bob Rucinski for his help and computer expertise with every book I write or revise. And thanks to the pregnant couples who, through the years, have inspired us. Our books are for you.