The Pharaoh who hired Joseph and welcomed the Israelites to Egypt seems like he was pretty chill, but his son turned out to be a major putz. This kind of thing seems to happen a lot. Look at Han Solo and Kylo Ren, for example. Or Martin and Charlie Sheen. And there are also putzes whose kids turn out cool, like our friend Caitlin, whose dad is a real putz. What were we talking about again?
Would you store grain in a bathroom? Why or why not?
According to scripture, Moses had a speech impediment. Some scholars believe that Adonai chose a leader with a handicap to prove that he does not require perfection. Others argue that all the other Israelites had even worse speech impediments. And still others hold that Moses just had a slight lisp you could barely notice and it was no big deal. Which group of scholars do you think is the most fun at parties?