What would happen if Elijah drank from the cup? Not in terms of the messiah but on a physiological level. Would the wine pass through him, ghost-style, and end up on the rug? How much wine would it take to make Elijah drunk? Is that even possible? Presumably, if the messiah is coming, Elijah has got to put in an appearance at every single Seder in the world, which—aside from being a logistical nightmare—means a lot of wine. Kind of like Santa Claus with the milk and cookies, though obviously there are fewer of us (Jews) than there are of them (cookies). Make a collage that answers these questions.
How come the Angel of Death needed lamb’s blood to know which houses the Israelites lived in? You’d think that would be the kind of thing the Angel of Death would just know, right? Also, doesn’t it seem weird that the slaves would live in houses next to and indistinguishable from the people enslaving them? Make a papier-mâché sculpture that answers these questions.
According to scripture, Elijah wore a hairy coat with a leather belt, called down fire from heaven to scorch his enemies, presided over the raising of the dead, put an end to the worship of the Canaanite god Baal, and left earth in a chariot of fire pulled by horses of fire. Why has there never been a major motion picture or video game about Elijah? Is that anti-Semitic? Should Bruce Willis play Elijah, or can you think of someone better? Definitely not Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. What about Jeff Goldblum? That would be kind of interesting. He hasn’t done much lately, has he? Make a friendship bracelet that answers these questions.