The images of the planets and stars are so real I almost feel like I can reach out and touch them. So I do! As soon as my finger lands on one of the glowing spheres, the air around the object fills with information. I touch a wormhole (which, invisible or not, I can clearly see), and words pop up to tell me that a wormhole is a tunnel connecting two distant points in space.

I look at Dad in amazement. “How does this… what… why…?” I can’t seem to make the words come out right.

Dad laughs. “You see it now, don’t you?”

“I see… everything! The whole universe, I think.”

“It must be quite amazing.”

“Can’t you see it, too?” I ask, surprised.

He shakes his head.

“Why not?” I ask.

“I’ll explain later,” he says, speeding up again. “Right now I need you to guide me to the third wormhole. Make sure it’s the third, and not the fourth.”

My heart thumps loudly again as I try to sort out the different wormholes. They all look the same. “What happens if I choose the fourth by mistake?”

Dad shudders. “Let’s hope we never find out.”