Thanks to the many who took time out of their busy schedules to speak to me as I conducted research for this novel, as well as the many whom I met as a child (and yes, I was listening and taking notes all those years back, though I didn’t let on): Dr. Anadalakshmi, Ms. Amba, Mr. and Mrs. Azaraiah, Dr. Indu Balagopal, Sister Catherine, Ms. Shantha Gandhi, Mr. David Hosburgh, Ms. Rita Kapoor, Ms. Amuktha Appa Rao Mahapatra, Dr. Vasuda Prakash, Ms. Nandana Reddy, and Ms. Mina Swaminathan.
In writing, I elicited the help of several incredible and generous beta readers (doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, teachers, and many people with many diverse backgrounds, some of them writers themselves), among them Lyn Miller-Lachmann, first and foremost; Samuel Stockwell; Cindy Rodriguez; Laurie Rothenberg; Celina Pereira; Amitha Knight; Morgan Goodney; Susan Dubowski; Kristy Dempsey; Betty Cotter; Carrie Banks; Armin Arethna; Haley; Joanne; the Mutotas and the Bajajs; and the Generations Sangha. Others helped immensely but asked not to be named, and I thank them for their time, attention, and sensitivity.
Profound thanks to my most important readers of all—my brilliant editor, Nancy Paulsen, for her steadfast support of me, unshakable faith in this story, spot-on suggestions, thought-provoking questions, and incredible patience; my agent, Rob Weisbach, for always helping me overcome anxiety and stay cheerful and for providing insightful comments as this story was sculpted into shape; Sara LaFleur, Eileen Kreit, Carmela Iaria, Venessa Carson, Alexis Watts, and the entire team at Penguin Young Readers, who work so hard and with such love and dedication to spread the word about each new book; Jennifer Bricking for the lovely cover; and my husband and daughter, who will, I hope, soon read and love this book (but whom I promise I’ll love even if they don’t).