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Abbott, Maude 41—2; Atlas of Congenital Cardiac Disease 42
ablation 309, 311; cryoablation 309; radiofrequency ablation 308, 310—11
Abrams, Leon 175
accessory pathways 308, 309
adrenaline 125, 156, 332
Airbus (company) 334
Akutsu, Tetsuzo 256, 271
aldehydes 145
Alfred, Lord Tennyson (cow) 272
Allan, Lindsey 320
Allbritten, Frank 102
Allen, Duff 124
α1, 3—galactosyltransferase 337—8
American Association for the Advancement of Science 218
American College of Surgeons 128, 164, 268
American Heart Association 103, 241
American Journal of Cardiology 236
American Medical Association 81
American Society for Artificial Internal Organs 255—6
Ameuille, Pierre 288
Amundson, Philip 118—19, 136, 139—40
amyl nitrite 188
anaesthesia 6—7, 15, 29, 46—7, 66, 216; and hypothermia 105, 106; local 21—2
anastomosis 202, 203, 204, 211
Andersen, Henning Rud 316—17, 318
aneurysms 57, 59—61, 72—3; and blood clotting 63—5; of brachial artery 65, 66; and endo-aneurysmorrhaphy 66—7; popliteal 61—2; see also aortic aneurysms
Angelini, Gianni 210—12
angina pectoris 185—90; and surgical procedures 190—99, see also angioplasty; coronary artery bypass grafts
angiograms 291
angiography, selective 291—2
angioplasty 212, 283—4; percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) (balloon) 296—9, 300—1, 302, 303, 304; and restenosis 301, 302; transluminal 293—4, 295, 296, 300
animal-rights movement, US 37
animal transplants see xenotransplantation
Ankara, Turkey: Guven Hospital 328
Anna (dog) 37—8
annuloplasty 147
anticoagulants 73, 94, 95—7, 101, 102, 132, 146
antisepsis/asepsis 6, 7, 17, 216
antivivisection campaigners 36—8
Antyllus: On Medicine 59—60, 61, 65, 66
aorta, the 50, 51, 52, 58, 84, 221; and angina 187; coarctation of 50–51, 52–4, 68–9, 74, 86, 142; overriding 40, 41; and pulmonary artery 42, 43, 44, 48; thoracic 81–2; and see below
aortic aneurysms 57–9, 60, 62–5, 67, 68, 69–70, 84; and Dacron prostheses 81–2; first repair 71–2; and homografts 73–5, 78; types 72–3
aortic dissection 82–4
aortic regurgitation 315–16
aortic stenosis 124, 128—9, 313–15, 318, 320
aortic valve 120, 121; artificial 134–5; and homografts 143, 144; replacing 143, 145–6, see also transcatheter aortic valve implantation; and rheumatic heart disease 122; transplants 142; and xenografts 144–6
aortograms 72, 73, 74, 199, 292
Aristotle 7–8
arrhythmias 154, 162, 178, 179, 182, 183–4, 307, 308—11; see also tachycardia
arteries: innominate 33–4; prosthetic 78–81; replacing sections of 77–8; subclavian 32; suturing 76—7; see also pulmonary arteries
artificial hearts 250, 251–4, 256–7, 259; bioartificial 343; as bridge to transplantation 278; Cooley’s and Liotta’s 264–9, 272; DeVries’s and Jarvik’s 271–7; nuclear-powered 270–71; 3D printed 344; tissue-engineered 342–3, 344–5; total 252, 254–5, 259, 264, 281, 333–4; water-powered 256; see also left ventricular and ventricular assist devices
ASD see atrial septal defect
Assada, Messieurs 75
Associated Press 34
Association of American Physicians 189
Astrid (sow) 336
asystole 159, 162
atheroma 292
atherosclerosis 80, 189–90, 292, 293, 295–6, 299, 303, 318
Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell 176–7
atrial appendage, left 127
atrial fibrillation 311
atrial septal defect (ASD) 86–7; and HLHS 321–2; surgical procedures 87–8, 100–3, 104, 107, 111, 306
atrial well 88
atrioventricular node 154
atrium, the 120
auricle, left 127n
‘autojector’ 93–4
azathioprine 235
azygos flow principle 108–9
baboons 225, 243—4, 335, 338
‘Baby Fae’ 243–4
Babylonian tablet 39
Bachmann, Dölf 297–8, 300
Bacon, Kevin 162n
Bailey, Charles 106, 129–30, 131, 132, 200
Bailey, Leonard 243
Baker, Carl 168–9
Bakken, Earl 167–8, 169, 172
Baldwin, Eleanor 288–9
Ballance, Charles 16, 21
balloon pumps 262–3
Baltimore: City Council 37; Sinai Hospital 180; see also Johns Hopkins Hospital
Bangalore, India: Wockhardt Heart Institute 328–9
Barnard, Christiaan 142, 208, 221, 228–30, 235, 236, 239, 249, 264, 330, 332n; first heart transplant 84, 214–15, 230–34, 249, 346; second heart transplant 237; subsequent transplants 241–2, 248–50; xenotransplant 243, 334
Barnard, Deirdre 229
Barnard, Marius 229, 230, 231, 233, 243
Batelli, Frederic 159, 160
Bavolek, Cecelia 100–3
BBC 234; Tomorrow’s World 235–6
Beauclair, Stephanie Fae 243–4
Beck, Claude 125, 131, 132, 162–3, 178, 179, 192–4, 195–6, 198
Benetti, Federico 209–10
Berkowitz, Baruch 175, 178
Bernard, Claude 284–5
Best, Charles 96
Bichat, Marie François Xavier 109
Bigelow, Wilfred 104–6, 107, 163–4, 169
Bigger, Ivan 68
Binet, Jean-Paul 144–5
bioartificial hearts 343
‘bioprosthesis’ 146
bioptome 245
bioreactors 343, 344
Björk, Viking 112
Björk–Shiley valve 140–41
Black, Edith 230
Blackie (dog) 138
Blaiberg, Philip 237; Looking at My Heart 237
Blair, Tony 307–8
Blakemore, Arthur 65, 79
Blalock, Alfred 26—7; and antivivisection campaign 36—8; and Bigelow 104; ‘Blue Baby’ operations 27–8, 29—35, 36, 50, 55, 86, 104; and Cooley 29, 33n, 55, 69, 70; in England 35—6; and Gross 49, 50; and Lillehei’s cross-circulation operations 110; and Shumacker 69; and Smithy 328—9; and Starr 137; treatment for circulatory shock 26
‘Blalock–Taussig shunt’ 31–5, 54, 305
Blalock, Mary 35, 36
Block, Dr 13, 14
blood see circulation; cross-circulation; oxygenating blood; and below
blood bags 5
blood banks 75, 255
blood clotting: and aneurysms 60, 62, 63—4, 66, 72; and coronary thrombosis 189, 190; fear of 276, 289; and foreign objects 64—5, 78, 102, 146, 316; and grafts 81; preventing 90, 91, see anticoagulants; and plastics 259, 300; removing with Fogarty catheter 292; and stitches 138, 239
bloodletting 11–12, 63, 65
blood-plasma transfusions 26
blood transfusions 5, 91, 99, 221
blood vessels 59; and aneurysms 59–60; animal 75, 77–8; artificial 78–80, 340–41; suturing 75, 76–7, 202, 207, 209, 215, 216; transplanting 77–8
‘Blue Babies’ 27; see tetralogy of Fallot
Boerema, Ite 108
Bonhoeffer, Philipp 317
Boston, Mass.: Beth Israel Hospital 164–5; Brigham and Women’s Hospital 323; Children’s Hospital 45, 322, 323; Peter Bent Brigham Hospital 134, 178, 192
Bovie, William 309–10
bovine pericardial bioprostheses 146
Boyle, Robert 39
Bradley, Bill 236
bradycardias 311
Brailsford, Dave 330
brain, the 86, 218
brain death 238, 240, 331
Braunwald, Nina Starr 41, 136, 140
Brewer, Lyman 236
British Medical Association 36
British Medical Journal 65
Brock, G. S. 19
Brock, Russell Brock, Baron 36, 38, 45, 55, 70, 107–8, 114, 130–31, 222
Brown, Philip 191
Brown-Séquard, Charles 91–2
‘bruit’ 60
Brukhonenko, Sergei Sergeyevitch 93–4, 98, 111
Brunhilde (dog) 176
Brunton, Sir Thomas Lauder 123, 188
Bucharest: Coltea Hospital 191
Budde, Thomas 310
Buffalo: Veterans Administration Hospital 172
Buffolo, Enio 209
bullet wounds, early xi, 6, 9, 10–11, 19–22, 23, 24
Burstein, Charles 4, 5
CABGs see coronary artery bypass grafts
Cabrol, Barthélémy 9
caffeine 154n, 156
Cairo: Kasr el-Aini Hospital 121
Callaghan, John 164, 165, 175
Callender, George 12–13
Calne, Sir Roy 235–6, 247, 335
calves see cows and calves
Cambridge University 342
Campbell, Gilbert 111
Campbell, J. Moore 134
camphor 156
Canadian National Research Council 163
cancer 58, 69, 74, 105, 223, 247, 271, 318
Cape Town: Groote Schuur Hospital 229, 230, 231–4
Cappelen, Axel 17
cardiac arrest 158–9; temporary 165
cardiac cycle 120–21
‘cardiac neurosis’ 3
cardiac tamponade 15
cardiogenic shock 263
cardiologists 284; interventional 284, 304, 312
cardioplegia 115–16
cardiopulmonary bypass 94, 109, 116, 124, 135
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 178–9
cardiopulmonary system, the 288
cardioscope 124, 130
cardiovalvulotome 125, 126, 131
cardioversion 152, 178
cardioverter-defibrillators 182
Carnot, Marie Sadi 75–6
Carpentier, Alain 144–5, 146, 147–8, 324, 326–7, 334
Carrel, Alexis 75–8, 203, 217–18, 253–4
Castle, Keith 246–7
catecholamine storm 332
catheter electrodes 164, 309–10
catheterisation/catheters 284–7, 288–91, 293; angiographic 291–2; with balloon for clot removal (Fogarty catheters) 292–3, 295, 296; with balloon pump 262–3; and congenital heart defects 304–7; with drill 303; for foetal cardiac surgery 319–24; and stenosis 306–7; with stents 302, 303; and transluminal angioplasty 293–4, see angioplasty; for treating arrhythmias 307–12; for umbrella closures 306; see also transcatheter aortic valve implantation
Caves, Philip 245–6
cephalin 95
Cernan, Gene 281
Chardack, William 172
Charles I 14
Charles and Diana (calves) 272
Chauveau, Auguste 285
Cheney, Dick 183
Chesterman, Judson 135
Chicago: Edgewater Beach Hotel 136; University 217
chimpanzees 218, 225—6, 227, 243, 288, 334, 335
chloroform 6–7, 12, 17, 47
Churchill, Edward D. 89
circulation 13–14, 86; artificial 91–2; foetal 43; pulmonary and systemic 30, 42–3; stopping with hypothermia 104
circulatory shock 26
Clark, Barney 272–6
Cleveland Clinic, Ohio 162, 192, 199, 201, 205n, 255, 256, 278–9, 290, 326
Clinton, Bill 207
clotting see blood clotting
Coffey, Walter 191
Cohen, Maroley 109
collagen 144, 342, 344; bovine 81
congenital heart defects and diseases 38–9, 41–2, 50, 304–7; see also atrial septal defect; patent ductus arteriosus; tetralogy of Fallot; ventricular septal defect
conscious heart surgery 328–30
Cooley, Denton 70–71, 140, 264, 279; aneurysm repairs 69–70, 71–2, 81, 82; at Blalock’s first Blue Baby operation 29, 33n, 55, 69; cures aortic dissection 83; and DeBakey 70–71, 72, 99, 264–9, 281–2; heart transplants 236–7, 264; and implantation of artificial hearts 264–8, 272, 273, 276; refines Blalock–Taussig shunt 54–5; and Smithy 129; and xenotransplantation 242
Cooper, Sir Astley 52n, 62–3, 67
Cooper, David 335–6, 338, 339
Cooper, Theodore 136
Corday, Eliot 149
Cornell University, Ithica 171, 344
Cornish, Robert 158
coronary arteries 187, 189–90, 199–200, 208; patch-grafting 201; X-raying 199–200, 202; see also angina pectoris; and below
coronary arteriography, selective 199–200
coronary artery bypass grafts (CABGs) 77, 202–9; on conscious patients 328–9; off-pump 209–12; robotic 327–8
coronary care units 179
coronary endarterectomy 200–1, 202
coronary perfusion 261–2
coronary sinus, the 196
coronary thrombosis 189
cortisone 220
Corunna, Battle of (1809) 10
Cosgrove, Delos 326
counterpulsation 262
Cournand, André 288, 290
cows and calves: artificial heart experiments 265, 268, 271–3; pulseless 278—9; valves from 144, 146, 317
CPR see cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Crafoord, Clarence 50, 51–3, 54, 69, 86, 96, 169
Crawford, Stanley 258
Creppel, Suzette 306
Cribier, Alain 317–19
Crisp, Norman 111
cross-circulation 109–11, 112, 114, 166
cryoablation 309
Cushing, Harvey 310
Cutler, Elliott 124–6, 128, 129, 132, 134, 162, 192
cyanosis/cyanotic heart defects 27, 33, 87, 304–5
cyclopropane 47
cyclosporine 245, 247–8
d’Abreu, Alphonsus 23
DaCosta, John 16
Dacron grafts 79–80, 81–2, 274
Daily Mail 36
Dale, Henry Hallett 252–3
Dalton, Henry 15, 16
Darmstadt, Germany: Ratschow Clinic 295
Darvall, Denise 231–2
Darvall, Mrs 231
Davies, Hywel 315–16
Davis, Jefferson 225
death: definition of 240, 331–2
DeBakey, Michael 70, 71, 83–4, 140, 204, 258–9, 276, 279, 282; aortic aneurysm interventions 58–9, 72–4, 75, 82; aortic dissection repair 83; blood vessel experiments 75; and Cooley 70–71, 72, 81, 82, 83, 99, 281–2, 264–9, 281–2; Dacron grafts 79–81, 82, 83; operation on Yeltsin 207; patents roller pump 99; VADs and LVADs 258–61, 263–4, 279–80
Declaration of Sydney, the (1968) 239–40
defibrillation/defibrillators 150, 152, 159–63, 164, 178, 232; implantable cardiac defibrillators (ICDs) 177, 179, 180–83
del Valle Vasquez, Esperanza 263–4
Del Vecchio, Simplicio 16–17
Demikhov, Vladimir 203, 205, 220, 229, 254
Dennis, Clarence 99–100
DeRudder, Marcel 260
DeVries, William 272–7
DeWall, Richard 112; oxygenator 112–13, 114
Dhoka, Mithalal 207
dialysis, artificial 113, 255
diastole (phase of cardiac cycle) 120
‘diathermy knife’ 310
dilators 132
Disney, Walt 129; Winnie the Pooh 257
Ditzen, Gerda 286
dogs: experiments on 36, 37—8, 51—2, 76—9, 90—4, 98, 105—6, 109, 111, 133—4, 138, 157, 163—4, 181, 194—5, 203, 254—9; head transplants 217, 220, 229; heart transplants 218—19, 221—2, 227; kidney transplants 216, 335
Dolaeus, Johann 9
Dolly the Sheep 337
donors, human: and cross-circulation 109—11; hearts 224, 227–8, 231—4, 235–6, 237—41, 242, 246, 267, 280–81, 330–31, 334; kidneys 224—5; non-beating hearts 331—3; ovaries 217; see also xenotransplantation
Dotter, Charles 283–4, 291–2, 293—5, 296, 300, 311
Doyen, Eugène 124
Dubost, Charles 132
Duchenne de Boulogne, Guillaume-Benjamin-Amand 188
ductus arteriosus 42–3, 48, 321; see patent ductus arteriosus
Duke Hospital, North Carolina 309
Duke University, North Carolina 114
Dumas, Jean-Baptiste 91
Dupuytren, Baron Guillaume 12
Duran, Carlos 142–3
Duval, Pierre 22
Ebers Papyrus 186
ECGs see electrocardiograms
Edinburgh: Roslin Institute 337; Royal Infirmary 44, 50, 179
Edman, Tom 81
Edwards, Arthur Tudor 3, 4
Edwards, Lowell 119, 136–8, 140
Effler, Donald 199, 200, 201, 202, 205n
Egyptian texts, ancient 7, 186
Einstein, Albert 67
Einthoven, Willem 153
Ekland, Britt 149
Electra (dog) 157
‘electric scalpel’ 309–10
electricity/electrical cures 151–2
electrocardiogram (ECG) 152–3, 155, 262, 285
electrocution 159, 169
Ellis, Henry 138
Elmqvist, Rune 169, 170, 171
Elsberg, Charles 16
embolisms 89, 90
emotions 154n
endocarditis 45
endocrine tissue, transplanting 216
endomyocardial biopsy 245–6
endothelial cells 80, 341
endothelium 133, 341
endotracheal tubes 31
Engle, Mary Allen 34
English, Terence 246–7, 277
ether 6–7, 29, 47
ethics 75, 84, 215, 227, 236, 237–40, 250, 267—8, 273, 331–2, 339, 343n
Evening Standard 176
Evens, Private Samuel 10–11
Experiments in the Revival of Organisms (film) 94n
Fallot, Étienne-Louis Arthur 40–41; see tetralogy of Fallot
Fantastic Voyage (film) 283
Farina, Guido 17–18
Fariñas, Pedro 290
fascia lata 87, 145
Favaloro, René 201–3, 204, 205–7, 208, 212–13
Fay, Temple 105
Feinberg, Adam 344
Fernel, Jean 60
fibrillation 106
fibrin 64, 79, 91, 344
fibroblasts 79
Flack, Martin 153–4
Flatliners (film) 162n
Flexner, Simon 218
fluoroscopy 23
foetuses 43, 109; with congenital abnormalities 228–9, 319–24
Fogarty, Thomas 292–3, 294–5
Folkman, Moses Judah 174
Fontan Procedure 321n
Food and Drug Administration 272
foramen ovale 43, 305, 321
foreign objects: and blood-clotting 64—5, 78, 102, 146, 316; removal of 2–3, 4–5, 6, 12–13, 20, 21–2, 23–4
Forssmann, Werner 285–7, 289–90
Fossebridge, Gloucestershire: The Inn 1
Fothergill, John 187
Foudroyant, HMS 9–10
François-Franck, Charles-Émile 190
Frankenstein (film) 158, 254
Frazier, Bud 279
freeze-drying valves and grafts 143
Frey, H. P. 247
Frey, Max von 92–3
Friedberg, Charles 207
frostbite 104
Fuge, John 10–11
fusiform aneurysms 72–3
galactose-α-1, 3-galactose 336
Galen 8, 9, 14, 42, 43, 60
Gallard, Roger 35–6
Garrett, Edward 204–5, 206
George II 82–3
German Surgical Society 13
Gershlick, Tony 302–3
Gibbon, John Heysham, Sr 88–9
Gibbon, John Heysham, Jr 88, 94, 96–7, 110–11, 133; heart-lung machine 88, 89–90, 93, 97–104, 106, 112, 116, 150, 253, 255
Gibbon, Mary 90, 97
Gibson, George Alexander 44
Glenn, John 67
Glenn Shunt 321n
Glidden, Gregory 110
glutaraldehyde 145
Godber, Sir George 241
Godlee, Sir Rickman 7
Goetz, Robert 204
Gore-Tex grafts 82
gorillas 144
Göttingen, Germany: University 299
Grace, Andrew 311
grafts see homografts; xenografts
Graham, Evarts 44–5, 124, 130
Gray, Henry 21–2
Greatbatch, Wilson 171, 172, 173, 175, 177
Greeks, ancient 7–8, 59–60; see also Galen
Green, George 207, 209
Greenhill, Catherine-Sophie 152
Gribilar, Michelle 332
Griswold, Herbert 139
Gross, Robert 42, 45–9, 50, 52, 54, 74, 86, 87–8, 142
Gruber, Max 92–3
Grüntzig, Andreas 295–9, 300, 301, 304, 306
Grüntzig, Sonja 298
Guardian (newspaper) 238
Gunning, Alfred 142–3
gunshot wounds see bullet wounds
Guthrie, Charles 217
Guthrie, George 10
haemolysis 90
haemorrhage 5, 49, 62
Haldane, J. B. S. 94n
Hanisch, Arthur 80–81
Hardy, James 223–4, 225–6, 227, 242, 334
Harefield Hospital 247, 248, 331, 333
Harken, Dwight 2–6, 24, 25, 98, 130, 131, 132, 165, 178, 195, 262
Harmel, Merel 28, 29, 31, 34
Harris, Manuel 65–6
Harvard: Medical School 28–9; University report (1968) 240
Harvey, William 13–14, 43; De Motu Cordis 14
Haupt, George J. 111
Hearse, David 115–16
heart, the 7–8, 16, 85–6, 119–21, 211; see also hole in the heart; and below
heart attacks 159, 179; and coronary artery disease 189, 190
heartbeat 85–6, 120–21, 150–51, 153–4, 285, 311; ectopic 85; stopping 115–16; see also tachycardia
heart-lung bypass 94, 109, 116, 124, 135
heart-lung machines 82, 92–3, 109, 114, 117, 139–40, 209, 210, 229; DeWall’s 112–13; Gibbon’s 88, 89–90, 93, 97–104, 106, 112, 116, 150, 253, 255
heart-lung transplant 237
heart operation, first successful 18–19
heart transplants: between animals 217, 218–19, 220, 221–2, 230, 335, 338; animal-to-human (xenotransplantation) 225–6, 242–4, 334–9; ‘bridges to’ 277, 278; heterotopic and orthotopic 220; human to chimpanzee 227; human-to-human 214–15, 223–4, 227–8, 230–35, 237–42, 246–7; non-beating 332–3; paediatric 245; see also donors, human; rejection
Heberden, William 186–7
Hemopump, the 279
Henefelt, Frank 172
Henry II, of France 60
Henry IV, of France 9
heparin 73, 94, 95–7, 101, 102, 132
Hepburn, Katharine 93
Herrick, James 189, 190
Herrick, Richard 223
Herrick, Ronald 223
Heyard, Dick 162–3
Highmore, Nathaniel 43
Hill, Lister 259
Hill, Luther Leonidas 19, 259
Hine, Lily 126–7
His, Wilhelm 153
HLHS see hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Hoffa, Moritz 159
hole in the heart 86–7; see atrial septal defect; ventricular septal defect
Homans, John 192
Home, Sir Everard 62n
Homeland (TV series) 183
homografts 74–5, 78, 144, 145–6; freeze-drying 143
Hooke, Robert 90–91
Hooker, Donald 93
Hopps, Jack 164, 165
Houston: Baylor University College of Medicine 264, 267–8; Methodist Hospital 58–9, 70–71, 74, 260, 264; St Luke’s
Hospital 264, 266—7; Texas Medical Center 70
Howell, William 95–6
Hufnagel, Charles 54, 136, 142; valve 134–5, 138
humours, four 11
Hunter, John 61–2, 185–6, 187–8
Hunter, William 58, 61
Hutson, Charles 62–3
hydrogel 344
Hyman, Albert 156, 163; pacemaker 157–8, 160–61, 164
Hyman, Henry 157
hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) 321–4
hypothermia/hypothermic surgery 104–8, 114, 163, 221
IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) 98, 101
ICDs see defibrillation
immune system, the 122, 144, 145, 219, 223, 227, 234, 341; and xenografts 244, 335, 336, 338; see also rejection
immunosuppressive drugs 219, 220, 223, 227, 233, 235, 241, 245, 247–8, 267
Imutran (firm) 336
infection 7, 57, 118, 122, 170, 234; cardiac 45; post-operative 17, 22, 53, 62, 169, 227, 233, 234, 235, 267, 276—7, 318; trans-species 336—7; see also rheumatic fever
insulin 96
intestinal atresia 228–9
intimal hyperplasia 303
in vitro tissue growing 339–40
Ionescu, Marian 146
Ionescu, Thoma 190–91
Isuprel 166
Jaboulay, Mathieu 76, 77, 217
Jahangiri, Marjan x
Jallabert, Jean 151
Janson, Victor 11
Jarvik, Robert 271, 272, 277; artificial hearts 271–6, 277
Jawali, Vivek 328–9
Jenner, Edward 185, 187–8, 189
Jepson, Edgar: ‘The Rejuvenation of Bellamy Grist’ 218
Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore 26–7, 35, 36, 38, 42, 70, 95, 180, 181, 306; medical school 160
Johnson, President Lyndon B. 249
Jönsson, Gunnar 291
Journal of the American Medical Association 17–18, 34
Journal of the Minnesota Medical Association 103–4
Judet, Robert 144
Julian, Desmond 179
Kan, Jean 306–7
Kantrowitz, Adrian 168n, 227–8, 230, 234–5, 236, 258, 260–63
Karloff, Boris 158, 254
Karp, Haskell 266–7, 269
Karp, Shirley 267, 268
Keats, Arthur 266
Keith, Arthur 153–4
Kelling, Georg 325
‘keyhole’ surgery 23, 325–6
kidneys: and artificial dialysis 255; perfusing 92, 93; transplants 216–17, 222–3, 224–5, 230, 235, 238, 247
King, Terry 306
King’s College, London: Gordon Museum of Pathology 63
Kirklin, John 112
Kolesov, Vasilii 205
Kolff, Willem 113, 255, 256, 257, 262, 270, 271, 272
Kölliker, Rudolf von 152
Konno, Souji 245
Kouwenhoven, William 178; defibrillator 160, 161, 162, 164
Krchmar, Joseph 193–4
Kusserow, Bert 257–8
Kwan-Gett, Clifford 271
Kyoto University 341
Ladd, William 46, 47, 49
Ladell, Constance 176
Laennec, René 58
Lambourne, Clifford 135
Lamont, Austin 27–8
Lancet, The 121, 123, 289
Langer, Robert 340
Lank, Betty 46, 47
Lanman, Thomas 46
laparoscopic surgery 325–6
Large, Stephen 331, 332, 333
Larrey, Dominique 10
Larsson, Arne 170–71
Larsson, Else-Marie 170
Launay, M. 20
left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) 259–61, 263–4, 278; continuous-flow 279–80
Legallois, Julien Jean César 91
Leonardo da Vinci 151
Lerner, Max 269
Leroudier, Madame 75
Lev, Maurice 166
Levine, Samuel 86, 125
Lewis, Hod 139
Lewis, John 104, 106, 108, 221
Lidwill, Mark 155–6
Life magazine 37–8, 241, 269
Lillehei, C. Walton 38, 108, 109–11, 112, 113, 140, 166–7, 168, 169, 200, 229
Lindbergh, Charles 253, 254
Liotta, Domingo 258, 264–5, 266, 267, 268
Lister, Joseph 7
liver: perfused 92; transplants 235, 247
Loeb, Leo 339–40
Lollobrigida, Gina 249
London hospitals: Brompton 3, 131; Great Ormond St 38; Guy’s 35, 36, 62, 315, 320; London 132; National Heart 238; St Bartholomew’s 12, 122–3, 188; St George’s x, 185; St Mary’s 153; St Thomas’ 116, 239, 313
Longmire, William 26, 27, 29
Longmore, Donald 236, 239, 242
Loren, Sophia 249
Los Angeles: Cedars of Lebanon Hospital 149–50
Lovette, James 245
Lower, Richard (physician, 1631—1691) 91, 221
Lower, Richard (surgeon, 1929—2008) 221–2, 227, 228, 230, 234, 241, 242
Lown, Bernard 178, 180
Ludwig, Carl 92, 159
lungs: artificial 90, 96, 98–9; perfused 92; transplants 217, 223, 237; see also heart-lung machines
LVADs see left ventricular assist devices
lymphocytes 219
Lyon, University of 75, 76
McCafferty, John 248
Mackenzie, Sir James 189; Diseases of the Heart 38
McLean, Jay 94–6
McMichael, John 289
malaria 251
mammary arteries 197, 198–9; bypass grafts 197–8, 200, 202, 204, 207, 209, 210, 211
Mann, Frank 218–19
Manteuffel, Werner von 20
Marey, Étienne-Jules 285
Maryland: National Heart Institute 136
Mason, Henry 58
Massachusetts Medical Society 49
Matas, Rudolph 19–20, 24, 65–7, 123
Mauretania, RMS 35
Medawar, Peter 219
Medical Society of the State of California 345
Medrad (company) 180
Medtronic (company) 167, 172
Melrose, Denis 115
Merendino, Alvin 136
methyl methacrylate 134
metronomes, electronic 167–8
Mills, Noel 306
Milton, Herbert 121
Minnesota: Mayo Clinic 112, 138, 218–19; University 104, 343, 221
Mirowski, Mieczysław 179–83
Mississippi, University of 223
mitral regurgitation 121, 131; surgery 126, 127, 132, 136, 147
mitral stenosis 123; surgery 123, 124–7, 128, 129–32, 139, 307
mitral valve 119, 120; diseased 122; missing 321; repairing with grafts 132–4; repairing with keyhole surgery 326; repairing robotically 327, 328; replacing 118–19, 134–41, 145–6, 319; see also above
mitral valvotomy 131–2
Mohr, Friedrich-Wilhelm 327
monkeys 112, 225, 244, 335
Monro, Alexander 63
Montreal: McGill University 41–2; Royal Victoria Hospital 197
Moore, Charles 64
Morgagni, Giovanni Battista 56; The Seats and Causes of Diseases Investigated by Anatomy 56–8
Moritz, Alan 193
Morris, Robert Tuttle 217
Moscow: Academy of Medical Sciences 220; Institute of Surgery 203
Mower, Morton 180–81, 182
Muggeridge, Malcolm 236
Muller, William H. 29, 33n
Munro, John C. 44
murmur, heart 44, 121
Murray, Gordon 87, 96, 132–4, 142, 203
Murray, Joseph 222–3
Mustard, William 111–12
myocardial infarction 190
myocardial revascularisation 192–3
myocardium, 187, 190; and damage from heart attacks 341–2, 342n; and stem cell technology 342; and tissue-engineering 343; and see above
myocytes 341, 342
myoglobin 43–4
Myrick, Henry 19
Napoleonic Wars 10
NASA 279
Nathan, David 174
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) 280
Navia, José 326
New York: Heart Association 260; Maimonides Medical Center 235; Mount Sinai Hospital 109; Rockefeller Institute 76–7; Rockefeller Medical Center 253
New York Post 269
Nicholas II, Tsar 20
Nobel Prize winners 77, 153, 223n, 251, 290
Norwood Procedure 321n
nylon 79
Ochsner, Alton 72
omentum 74; grafts 194, 195
open-heart surgery 55, 88, 98, 103–4, 106, 107, 109, 114, 117, 121, 163, 166, 229, 325–6
Organ Care System see Trans Medics Organ Care System
Orlon grafts 79, 80
Orwell, George 195
O’Shaughnessy, Laurence 194–5
Osler, Sir William 42, 59
Ott, Fritz 297
ovarian transplants 216, 217
Owens, Sharon 307
Owens Pulmonary Valvuloplasty Balloon 307
Oxford: John Radcliffe Hospital 210
oxygenating blood/oxygenators 89, 90–91, 92–3; Brukhonenko 93–4; DeWall 112–13, 114; Gibbon 97, 98–9; Kolff 113; see also cross-circulation; heart-lung machines
Oyer, Philip 278
Ozinsky, Joseph 232
pacemakers, artificial 149–50, 155, 156–8, 159, 160–61, 163–7, 183, 311; first portable 167–9; implantable 169–75; nuclear-powered 175–7
Padua, University of 56
Paget, Stephen: The Surgery of the Chest 6, 107
Papworth Hospital, Cambridgeshire 246, 247, 311, 331, 332–3, 336
Paré, Ambroise 7, 9, 60
Paris: Hôpital Broussais 147
Parry, Caleb H.: An Inquiry into the Symptoms and Causes of … Angina Pectoris 188
Parsonnet, Victor 174–5, 176
patent ductus arteriosus 43–9, 52, 86
pathogens 122
Paul of Aegina 8–9
percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) 304
percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) 296–9, 300–1, 302, 303, 304
perfusion 92; coronary 261–7
perfusion pumps 252–4
pericardium, 15, 17, 57
Perlman, Itzhak 54
PERVs see porcine endogenous retroviruses
Petit de la Villéon, Dr 23
Pevsner, Nikolaus: The Buildings of England 313
Pfizer (company) 141
Philadelphia: Academy of Surgery 44; cat population 97; Episcopal Hospital 130; Hahneman University Hospital 106, 129
pigs’ hearts and valves 144–5, 146, 335–8, 343, 344
Pink Floyd: Atom Heart Mother 176
Pitcairn, David 122
Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University 344; University of 338
placebo effect 61, 198–9
plaques 187, 190, 303
platelets 64
Plavsona, Marie 20
Playboy magazine 277
Pliny the Elder: Natural History 8
pneuma 59
pneumonia 110, 126, 234, 275–6
polymers 79, 134, 257, 296—7, 334, 340, 344; ‘scaffolds’ 145, 340–41, 342, 344; stent 304; suture material 203
popliteal aneurysms 61–2
porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs) 337
Portner, Peer 278
‘post-perfusion syndrome’ 116
potassium citrate 115
Pottenger, Eugene 206
Potts, Willis 54
Poynton, Frederick 38
Prendergast, Bernard 314–15
Prévost, Jean-Louis 91, 159, 160
primates 225, 335, 336, 338, 339; see chimpanzees; baboons; gorillas; monkeys
PTCA see angioplasty
Puel, Jacques 301n
pulmonary arteries 30, 31, 32, 40, 42, 48, 221, 222; embolism 89
pulmonary circulation 30
pulmonary stenosis 40, 41, 107, 289, 306–7
pulmonary valve 120, 121, 124; replacement 317
pulmonary veins 43, 120, 221, 222, 232
pulse, the 278–9
‘pump, the’ 113–14
pumps 254–5; balloon 262–3; perfusion 252–4; roller 99
radiofrequency ablation 308, 310–11
radiography 22–3
radiotherapy 223
Randomized Evaluation of Mechanical Assistance for the Treatment of Congestive Heart Failure (REMATCH) trial 280
Rashkind, William 304–6
Reemtsma, Keith 224–5, 334
regurgitation see mitral regurgitation
Rehn, Ludwig 18–19, 121, 123–4, 345
Reiner, Jonathan 183
rejection, post-transplant 144, 145, 216, 219, 220, 222, 223, 227, 234, 237, 245–6, 247–8, 265; hyperacute 335, 336, 337–8
REMATCH see Randomized Evaluation … restenosis 301, 302, 303
rheumatic fever/heart disease 121–3, 125, 126, 127, 132, 134, 208, 253, 263
rheumatism 122
Richards, Dickinson 288, 290
Richmond, Calvin 111
Ricketts, Benjamin Merrill 37; The Surgery of the Heart and Lungs 6
right ventricular hypertrophy 40, 41
Roberts, John 14–15
Roberts, Julia 162n
Robinovitch, Louise 159–60
robotics/robots, surgical 324–5, 326–8
Rohrbach, Leroy 2–3, 4–5, 24
Röntgen, Wilhelm 22
Rose, Eric 244–5
Ross, Donald 142, 143, 145–6, 238–9, 242
Ross, John 290–91
Ross, Ronald 251; ‘The Vivisector Vivisected’ 251–2
Ross Procedure 143
Rostropovich, Mstislav 54
Royal College of Surgeons, London: Hunterian Museum 61
Royal Society 91; Philosophical Transactions 39
Rubio-Alvarez, Victor 306n
Rush, Boyd 224, 225—6
Russell, John Richard 223
Rutherford, Barry 302
Ryan, Patrick 239
SA node see sinoatrial node
Sabiston, David 204
sacciform aneurysms 72
St Laurent, Robert 278
St Louis: Children’s Hospital 45; Washington University 44, 124
St Thomas’ solution 116
St Vitus’s Dance 122
Salisbury, Peter 256
Samways, Daniel 123
Sanders, Samuel 54
Sandoz (company) 247
saphenous vein grafts 204, 205, 209, 210
Saucier, Dave 279
Sauerbruch, Ferdinand 287
Saxon, Eileen 27–8, 29–33
scar tissue 193, 266, 303, 341, 342n
Scarfe, Gerald 239
Scheinman, Melvin 309, 310n
Schlumpf, Maria 297
Schlumpf, Walter 297
Schmidt, A. 92
Schneider, Richard 285, 286, 287
Schrire, Velva 230
Schröder, Waldemar von 92
Schroeder, Bill 276–7
Schuster, Edgar 252–3
Scott, Donald 238
Seattle: University of Washington 198
Sellers, Peter 149–50, 249
Senning, Åke 145, 169, 170, 201, 215, 296, 297, 304
Sewell, William 255
Shaw, George Bernard 94
Shaw, Laura 293–4
Sherman, Harry 345–6
Shiley, Donald see Björk–Shiley valve
shock, circulatory 26
Shumacker, Harris 69, 73
Shumway, Norman 220–21, 223, 226, 235, 245, 246, 248, 255; collaboration with Lower 221—2, 227, 228, 230, 234, 241, 242; on DeVries’s artificial heart 276, 277; interest in hypothermia 114, 221; on xenografting 339
‘shunts’ 31, 82, 87, 196, 211
Siddons, Harold 171
Sigwart, Ulrich 300–3
Simon, André 333
Sinha, Sanjay 342
sinoatrial node 154, 155, 174
sirolimus 303
skin, artificial 340
skin cells: conversion to stem cells 341
skin grafts 215–16, 219
Smithy, Horace 128–9
Søndergaard, Lars 319
Sones, Mason 199–200, 202, 206, 291
Souttar, Henry 126–8, 130, 131, 132
stab wounds, early xi, 11, 15–19
Starling’s law 259, 271
Starr, Albert 118, 119, 136–40, 293
Starr–Edwards Valve 140, 144
Starzl, Thomas 248
stem cell technology 341–2
Steno, Bishop Nicolas 39–40
stenosis 121; see aortic stenosis; mitral stenosis
Stent, Charles 300
stents/stenting 212, 300, 301, 302–3, 316–17; bioabsorbable 304; drug-eluting 303–4
stereoscopic radiography 23
sterilisation 7; see antisepsis/asepsis
sternotomy 325–6
steroids 220, 241
stethoscope 44, 48, 100, 121, 128, 139, 285
stitches/stitching see sutures
Stockholm: Karolinska Hospital 169; Sabbatsberg Hospital 51
Stokes–Adams attacks 165, 170
Stowell Park, Gloucestershire 1–2
Streptococcus pyogenes 122
stress 154n
strychnine 15
suramin 94
Sushruta 186, 215
Sutherland, Kiefer 162n
sutures/suturing: blood vessels 75, 76–7, 202, 207, 209, 215, 216; in the heart 13, 14–15, 17; polymer 203
SVT see tachycardia, supraventricular
Swan, Henry 75, 106–7, 114
Sweeney (Nicoli), Lorraine 46–9, 54
Sydenham’s chorea 122
Sydney: Crown Street Women’s Hospital 155, 156; St Vincent’s Hospital 332
sympathectomy 190, 191
syphilis 57–8, 59, 67, 190
systole (phase of cardiac cycle) 120, 121
tachycardia 152, 178, 182, 308–9, 310; supraventricular (SVT) 308; ventricular 179
Tagliacozzi, Gaspare 215–16
Taussig, Helen 28–9, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 41, 42, 110, 180, 305; see also ‘Blalock–Taussig shunt’
TAVI see transcatheter aortic valve implantation
Taylor, Doris 343
Ted E. Baer (sheep) 272
Teflon: grafts 79, 80; chordae tendineae 136
Templeton, John 133
Terylene see Dacron
tetralogy of Fallot (‘Blue Babies’) 27, 30, 35, 38, 39, 40–41, 55, 86n, 87, 110, 289; first successful operations 27–35
TGA see transposition of the great arteries
Thomas, Henry 9–10
Thomas, Vivien 28, 29, 31n, 32, 36, 37
Thompson, Thomas 241
Thomson, James 341
3D printing 344, 345
thyroid transplants 216, 217
thyroidectomies 191–2
Time magazine xii, 71, 98, 103, 305
Times, The 238
tissue engineering 339–44
Todd, Silas 151–2
Toronto: Hospital for Sick Children 111–12
transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) 314–19, 329
transistor radios 169–70
transluminal angioplasty 293–4, 295, 296, 300
Transluminal Angioplasty (film) 283–4
TransMedics Organ Care System 331, 332, 333
transplantation see heart transplants; kidneys; lungs; ovarian and thyroid transplants; xenotransplantation
transposition of the great arteries (TGA) 305
triage 10
tricuspid valve 120, 133, 145
Tuffier, Théodore 68, 124
Tworetzky, Wayne 323
Ullmann, Emerich 216–17, 219
ultrasound scans 320
Ulucan, Huseyin 333
Unger, Ernst 217
United States Atomic Energy Commission 176, 270
Vacanti, Joseph 340
VADs see ventricular assist devices
valves: freeze-drying 143; homografts 143, 144, 145–6; 3D printing 344; tissue-engineering 342—3; see aortic, mitral, pulmonary and tricuspid valves
‘valvulotomes’ 128, 130
VanDerwerken, Angela and Jay 322–3
VanDerwerken, Grace 322–4
vasodilators 188
vein grafts 202–3
venae cavae 102, 221, 222, 232
venereal disease 60; see also syphilis
venesection 11–12
ventricular assist devices (VADs) 257–8, 259, 276, 278, 280–81, 333, 339; see also left ventricular assist devices
ventricular fibrillation 159, 160, 161, 162, 163
ventricular septal defect (VSD) 40, 41, 86–7, 288–9; surgical procedures 110, 166, 306
Vesalius, Andreas 60
Villafana, Manny 141
Vineberg, Arthur 197–9, 200
vinyon-N 79
Voorhees, Arthur 78–9
VSD see ventricular septal defect
Wada, Juro 240
Walking Dead, The (film) 254
Waller, Augustus 152–3
Wallstén, Hans 301
Walpole, Horace 82
Wangensteen, Owen 229
Ward, Grant 69, 70
Wardrop, James 115
Warren, James 289
Wasastjerna, Osvald 44n
Washington, DC: National Heart Institute 265, 267
Washkansky, Ann 214
Washkansky, Louis 214, 230–34
Watkins, Levi 181
Waters, Roger 176
Watkins, Elton 174
Watson, Thomas 98
Weiner, Bobby 305
Wellens, Hein 308
Wells, William Charles 122
Wesley, John 151–2; The Desideratum: or, Electricity Made Plain and Useful 151
West, Frederick 238–9
Westaby, Stephen 116
whiskey 15–16
Wiggers, Carl 261
Williams, J. B. 138
Winchell, Paul 257
Winnie the Pooh (film) 257
Wisconsin, University 341
Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome 308, 311
Woolridge, Betty Lee 128
World Health Organisation: report (2004) 345
World Medical Assembly, Australia (1968) 239–40
World War, First 6, 21, 22, 93, 219, 300
World War, Second 1–2, 3–4, 6, 26, 78, 94, 96, 98, 108, 137, 195, 205, 219, 255, 289
wounds, cardiac: early surgery 8–11, 12, 16–20
WPW see Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome
xenografts 144—6, 244, 338—9
xenotransplantation 225–6, 242–4, 334–9
X-rays/X-ray machines 22, 23, 59, 72, 100, 199–200, 285; and catheterisation 286, 287, 288, 290, 291–2
Yacoub, Magdi 247, 248
Yamanaka, Shinya 341
Yeltsin, Boris 207
Zeitler, Eberhard 296
Zimmerman, Henry 290
Zoll, Paul 164–5, 166, 169, 178
Zorzetto, Pietro 281
Zyl, Dirk van 241–2