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3. William S. Stoney, ‘Interview with Alden H. Harken’:
4. Harken, ‘Administrative and basic … ’, Coates (ed.), op. cit.
5. Lael Wertenbaker, To Mend the Heart (New York: Viking Press, 1980), 41
6. Nicholas L. Tilney, Invasion of the Body: Revolutions in Surgery (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2011), 165
7. Stoney, op. cit.
8. Stephen L. Johnson, The History of Cardiac Surgery, 1896–1955 (Baltimore, London: Johns Hopkins Press, 1970), 12
9. Sir Gordon Gordon-Taylor (ed.), The British Journal of Surgery: War Surgery Supplement no. 3: War Injuries of the Chest and Abdomen (Bristol: John Wright & Sons, 1952), 399
10. Stephen Paget, The Surgery of the Chest (Bristol: Wright & Co, 1896), 121
11. B. M. Ricketts, The Surgery of the Heart and Lungs (New York: The Grafton Press, 1904), 146
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70. Charles A. Ballance, The Bradshaw Lecture on the Surgery of the Heart (London: Macmillan & Co, 1920), 68–71
71. Birkbeck, Lorimer and Gray, ‘Removal of a bullet …’, op. cit.
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74. Matas, op. cit., 728–9
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76. Matas, op. cit., 713
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2. William P. Longmire, Alfred Blalock: His Life and Times (unknown publisher, 1991), 97–8
3. Robert M. Freedom, The Natural and Modified History of Congenital Heart Disease (Oxford: Blackwell, 2004), 190
4. ‘Kirkcaldy Has a Blue Baby’, Dundee Courier, 12 November 1947
5. ‘Interview with William Longmire’, in Pioneers of Cardiac Surgery (ed. William S. Stoney; Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 2008)
6. Longmire, op. cit., 101–04
7. Vivien T. Thomas, Pioneering Research in Surgical Shock and Cardiovascular Surgery: Vivien Thomas and his Work with Alfred Blalock. An Autobiography (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1985), 44
8. Joyce Baldwin, To Heal the Heart of a Child: Helen Taussig, M.D. (New York: Walker, 1992), 39–40
9. ‘Interview with Denton A. Cooley’, in Stoney (ed.), op. cit.
10. Thomas, op. cit., 92–3
11. ‘Interview with William Longmire’, in Stoney (ed.), op. cit., 68–70
12. Longmire, op. cit., 104
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17. ibid.
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19. Renée Matthews, obituary, Cardiology News 6, no. 3 (2008), 39
20. Blalock and Taussig, op. cit.
21. ‘Interview with William Longmire’, in Stoney (ed.), op. cit., 70–71
22. Freedom, op. cit., 186
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24. Alfred Blalock and Michael Ravitch, The Papers of Alfred Blalock (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1966), xliii
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28. Blalock and Ravitch, The Papers of Alfred Blalock, xlviii
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57. Rashkind (ed.), op. cit., 173–4
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64. Hardy Hendren, op. cit.
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66. Boston Children’s Hospital Archives Oral History Project, ‘Interview with Betty Lank OH’ (1999)
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71. Boston Children’s Hospital Archives Oral History Project, ‘Interview with Dr Hardy Hendren’ (2000)
72. Robert Gross, ‘Surgical management of the patent ductus arteriosus …’, op. cit.
73. Alfred Blalock, ‘Recent advances in surgery’, New England Journal of Medicine 231 (1944), 261; 293
74. Gross and Longino, op. cit.
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87. Russell Brock, ‘In memoriam: Alfred Blalock’, Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 36, no. 1 (1965), 62–5
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2. ibid.
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5. Henry Mason, Lectures upon the Heart, Lungs, Pericardium, Pleura, Aspera Arteria, Membrana Intersepiens, or Mediastinum (Reading, 1765), 37
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8. William Osler, Bibliotheca Osleriana (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1929), 40
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12. Ambroise Paré and Thomas Johnson, The Workes of that Famous Chirurgien Ambrose Parey (London: T. Cotes and R. Young, 1634), 224–5
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38. Cooley, 100,000 Hearts, op. cit., 34–5
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41. National Library of Medicine, ‘Oral history interview of Michael DeBakey by Donald A. Schanche’, tape 13, cited 28 July 2015:
42. Cooley and DeBakey, ‘Surgical considerations of intrathoracic aneurysms of the aorta and great vessels’, op. cit.
43. ibid.
44. DeBakey and Cooley, ‘Successful resection of aneurysm of thoracic aorta and replacement by graft’, op. cit.
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47. National Library of Medicine, ‘Oral history interview of Michael DeBakey by Donald A. Schanche’, tape 7, cited 27 July 2015:
48. National Library of Medicine, “Oral history interview of Michael DeBakey …’ op. cit., tape 13
49. W. S. Edwards, Alexis Carrel: Visionary Surgeon (Springfield, Illinois: Thomas, 1974), 13
50. Theodore I. Malinin, Surgery and Life: The Extraordinary Career of Alexis Carrel (1st ed.; New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979), 4
51. Steven G. Friedman, A History of Vascular Surgery (2nd ed.; Malden, Mass., Oxford: Blackwell Futura, 2005), 21
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60. National Library of Medicine, ‘Oral history interview of Michael DeBakey by Donald A. Schanche’, tape 1, cited 17 July 2015:
61. Michael E. DeBakey and Antonio M. Gotto, The New Living Heart (Holbrook, MA: Adams Media Corp, 1997), 216
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64. National Library of Medicine, ‘Oral history interview of Michael DeBakey …’, op. cit., tape 1
65. National Library of Medicine, ‘Oral history interview of Michael DeBakey …’, op. cit., tape 7
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