The Big Day

Hannah looked at herself in the full length mirror and decided that for a wedding, she didn’t look too bad at all. The dress she was wearing was a delicate green in colour and cradled rather than hugged her curves, which was fine with her. She didn’t want to be wearing anything that might upstage the bride or anyone else for that matter, especially as she had only been invited to the ceremony because her boyfriend, Pete was best mates with the groom.

She just hoped there was someone else there she knew other than Pete because knowing him, as soon as he’d ensured she was supplied with a glass of wine and a few nibbles, he’d be off, chatting to his footie mates and totally forgetting he had a girlfriend who just might be interested in talking about something other than the bloody off-side rule!

The ceremony was lovely and the bride, Sally, looked absolutely gorgeous in her wedding dress, attended by three bridesmaids and one cute as a button page boy, whilst her new husband, Paul, beamed proudly throughout, looking pleased as punch that he had landed such an amazing wife.

Hannah was genuinely chuffed for them both and more than a little relieved that Pete, having stood in a church, surrounded by flowers and a choir and elderly relatives dabbing at their eyes, hadn’t suggested they try something similar because she was so not ready for marriage yet and certainly not to Pete. Yes, he was good looking and funny and for the most part fairly reliable when it came to making arrangements and sticking to them, it was just his insane mania for football that put her off. He absolutely adored anything to do with it whilst she thought it was a load of excessively paid rubbish and a total waste of eyesight.

They’d had more rows about that than anything else.

Feeling a hand slip into her own, she allowed Pete to lead her out of the church. Outside it was bright and mercifully dry, a bit of a bonus for July in England, and with everyone gathered together for a series of photos and confetti throwing, it was just over an hour before they headed off to the reception at the very plush Landsmen hotel.

The Landsman was famous. Originally a huge manor house with several additional wings and a south facing tower, the Landsmen had played host to gentry and royalty alike since its earliest construction in the 18th century. Since then, additional construction had resumed, including a huge conservatory and a downstairs function room where the reception was to be held. Outside, four acres of land had been neatly divided into stately gardens, a small woodland area, a massive pond and a wildlife conservation area.

It was extremely beautiful and grand and Hannah would have loved to have had the opportunity to leave Pete and everyone else and just stroll around all by herself.

An hour later, she almost had the chance.

After enjoying the expansive buffet and free bar it wasn’t long before Pete spotted one of his football cronies and true to form, abandoned her, muttering a quick ‘won’t be long’ before leaving Hannah with her glass of wine and a table full of strangers.

It was hugely embarrassing and even though she could have put money on it happening, she still felt disappointed and let down and totally awkward at being left by herself with absolutely nothing to say to the elderly couple or the pair of spotty teenagers she had been left with.

Which left only her handbag for solace and for want of something better to do and desperate to look busy and not as if she had been totally forgotten, which she had, she lifted it onto her lap and started to sort through the contents.

“You as well eh?”

The voice made her jump and dropping her lipstick; she glanced up and saw Pete’s place had been taken by another woman about the same age as herself.

“Men,” the woman sighed, taking a sip from the wine glass she had carried with her. “Why do they always think its okay to just swan off and leave us to it?”

“I don’t know.” Hannah replied, sighing heavily herself and looking across the room to where Pete stood in deep conversation with four others. “But it doesn’t stop them from doing it.”

“Sure doesn’t and I don’t know why we put up with it. I’m Karen by the way and that lump over there with the red tie is my other half, Jamie.”

“Hannah.” Hannah said and they tipped their glasses towards each other. “Are you a friend of Paul or Sally?”

“Neither. Jamie knows Paul. They play snooker together and I know exactly one other person in the room, the girl over there in the blue dress. She works at the same place as I do and I hear, has recently started a relationship with another woman.”

“No. Really?”

“Oh yes and good on her I say. At least her other half won’t rattle on about bloody call of duty all day. Sally looks lovely though, doesn’t she? Love the dress and what she’s done with her hair. Gorgeous.”

“It is. Are you and Jamie married?”

“God, no!” Karen snorted. “He’s nice enough, but not long term. How about you and..?”

“Pete.” Hannah finished for her. “And no, we’re not married either. Not likely to be either. He’s too into his football for all that.”

“Poor you.” Karen said sympathetically, “A sports widow at your age. I’m more an X box widow myself. Don’t know what he sees in all that stuff, but apparently the world will not go round without it.”

“I know what you mean.” Hannah laughed. “Football is the be all and end all in Pete’s eyes and woe betide anyone who says otherwise.”

“Indeed.” Karen nodded, “So how about you and I go and find something a little more exciting to do rather than sit here like a pair of lemons.”

Hannah smiled, “what do you have in mind?”

“Exploring.” Karen replied, raising her eyebrows. “This place. I mean, it’s huge! Wouldn’t you like to have a poke around some of the rooms? See what we can’t afford.”

“Well, sure, but what if we get caught? How bloody embarrassing is that going to be?”

“Well, we’ll just have to make sure we’re not and if we are we’ll just make up some excuse about trying to find the toilets or something. Come on. Anything has got to be better than sitting here slowly decaying.”

Together they left the main reception room looking for all the world as if they were off to the ladies. Outside it was quieter, the heavy Oak doors blocking out most of the hubbub coming from within. It was also a lot cooler and Hannah felt the wine she had consumed swirl lazily around her head and turn some of her inhabitations a little softer around the edges.

Grinning, Karen fanned a hand in front of her chest. “That’s better.” She smiled. “Was beginning to think I might bake in there. So, where shall we start?”

They chose the staircase. Crafted from a dark wood with a wide expanse of expensively carpeted risers, mahogany banisters and newel posts topped with giant acorns, it resembled something out of a classic movie. It also smelt heavily of polish and Hannah felt almost guilty running her hand along the banisters gleaming surface.

“So how long have you and Pete been together?” Karen asked her as they reached the top of the stairs to be faced with a long expanse of corridor leading off in both directions. “Long?”

“Bout seven months.” Hannah said, eyeing a life size portrait of some dark haired dandy with a whippet at his feet. “How bout you and Jamie?”

“Too bloody long. In truth, I’m a bit bored with him now. I mean, he’s okay and everything, just not really my type.”

“So why did you go out with him?”

“Fancied a change I guess. Let’s try this one.”

Hannah glanced up nervously. So far, they had met no one, but in a hotel this size it was surely only a matter of time before they ran into a member of staff somewhere and it had just occurred to her that there might be cameras, although she didn’t see any, but that didn’t mean anything, they might be very discreetly hidden.

Karen though, didn’t seem to care and twisting the ornate handle, she opened the door in front of her.

It led into a bedroom and one that didn’t appear to be occupied even though the bed was still neatly made ready to be slept in. The lack of suitcases and the unopened welcome pack still sitting on the dresser was enough for Karen to conclude that they were not about to run into anyone coming out of the bathroom and she stepped inside gleefully, gasping at the opulence of it all.

“Amazing.” She breathed, taking in the ornate surroundings. “Bet it costs a bloody fortune to stay here for the night.”

“Probably.” Hannah agreed. The room was gorgeous, light and airy and ridiculously clean, as was the en suite bathroom. The sight of a neat row of toiletries lined up on a glass shelf almost tempted her to sneak a few into her handbag.

A thought that clearly had crossed Karen’s mind too because at the sight of free shampoo, conditioner and hand cream she wished aloud that she had brought a bigger bag.

“You know what we should do?” She giggled, picking up the free bubble bath and reading the label. “We should have a bath.”

Hannah gaped at her. “Are you kidding me!” She exclaimed. We’re at a wedding! We can’t just hop into the hotel’s bath like we own the place!”

“Why not? We can lock the door. No one will know. We’ve even got towels!”

“But.. but...”

“But nothing! Where’s your sense of adventure girl? If nothing else, think what a brilliant story it’ll be to tell your grandkids. Come on, it’ll be fun.”

The door to the hotel room was locked from the inside as was the door to the en suite, yet still Hannah’s heart was beating nineteen to the dozen as she watched Karen unscrew the lid of bath foam. She no longer knew why she was here or what the hell she thought she was doing. Pete was bound to miss her soon and then he would start looking and then, when he couldn’t find her, he would call a general alert and everyone would start looking and they would be discovered, illegally and fucking embarrassingly having a bubble bath! It was insane!

Karen, however, didn’t seem to give a shit. She had the water running already and the entire contents of the bubble bath upended into the steaming water. If they heard someone coming, she said, they would both pretend to be outrageously drunk and pretend they didn’t really have a clue what they were doing and yes, it would be embarrassing for a little while, but they would get over it and really, what harm were they doing, aside from giving the housemaid an extra tub to clean?

Hannah still had her doubts but she watched her undress, marvelling at the way she had no qualms about getting naked in front of a complete stranger. Off came her dress, slipped smoothly over her head, followed by her slip, stockings and bra. Now she stood in just her panties, leaning over the bath to swirl the water, her breasts hanging inches from the rim, her nipples dark against the porcelain white.

“Care to join me?” She asked when the water and foam were to her satisfaction. “Come on, don’t be shy. I’ve seen it all before.”

Not mine you haven’t, Hannah thought and her hands fluttered to her throat. “I’m sorry,” she reiterated, “I’m still not sure we should be doing this.”

“We already are babe. Look. If you really don’t want to join me, fine, but stay, okay. Sit on the loo and talk to me at least.”

Hannah sat and Karen, pulling down her panties and flinging them onto a chair to join the rest of her clothes, stepped into the bath and slid under the bubbles. She had, Hannah had to admit, a very nice body. Her breasts were firm, her body toned and her hair, neatly piled up on top her head was clearly naturally blonde. She was almost tempted to join her. Almost.

“Tell me about yourself.” Karen said, closing her eyes and sinking lower down until nothing could be seen but her head. “What do you do?”

“Receptionist,” Hannah said, glancing around the room so she didn’t have to look at the naked woman languishing in the bath. “You?”

“PA to a prick of a director. Thinks God laid down the earth specifically for him to walk on, when he’s not walking all over me that is.”

Hannah laughed. “Not the best job you’ve ever had then.”

“Does it show?”

“Maybe just a little. Why do you stay if it’s so awful.”

“Because I’m fucking his son.”

“Right.” What else was there to say?

The conversation dried. Hannah got up and examined the remaining lotions and bottles whilst Karen, totally at ease in the hotel’s bath, rubbed sparkling bubbles into her skin and told Hannah she was really missing out.

“You know what?” Hannah suddenly declared, thumping down a bottle of shampoo. “You’re right! Stuff it! You only live once. Shove over I’m coming in!”

Raising herself up, and with water and foam sliding over her chest as she scooted up to give Hannah enough room to climb in at the opposite end, Karen congratulated her on a very wise decision and made no effort to cover herself when her breasts suddenly became free of their soapy cover.

Fortunately for Hannah, the taps were placed in the middle of the bath against the wall so neither of them had to suffer cold and hot metal pressing against their backs and it wasn’t long before Hannah was naked and stepping gingerly into the warm water.

“Nice, isn’t it?” Karen said once Hannah had got herself settled. “Glad you changed your mind?”

Sighing, Hannah closed her eyes and smiled dreamily. “It’s very nice.”

“Give me your foot.”


“Your foot? I’m brilliant at massage.”

Offering her right foot, Hannah giggled as Karen took hold of it and began squeezing her toes.

“Ticklish?” Karen asked.

“Just a little, but don’t stop, it’s nice.”

“Want to feel something even nicer?” Karen smiled and guiding Hannah’s foot back down into the bubbles, Hannah felt her toes brush against warm, soft skin that could only be Karen’s thighs.

Surprised, she tried to pull her foot away then tugged when Karen didn’t let go. “What are you doing?” She cried, tugging harder when Karen refused to relinquish her foot. “Let go of me!”

Karen held fast. “Relax.” She soothed. “I’m not going to hurt you for Heaven’s sake. Let me try something on you and if you really hate it, I will let go, get out of this bath and you’ll never see me again. Fair?”

Hannah nodded. She wasn’t sure about any of this and she was beginning to rue ever getting into the bath at all. But unless she really wanted to fight Karen and risk water going everywhere she would have to go with it, at least for the moment.

Her foot brushed against softness, guided by Karen’s hand. Further up it went, forcing Hannah to shuffle forwards a little or else lose her balance. Her toes brushed against something crinkly and with a gasp she realised it was Karen’s pubic hair. Again, her foot brushed over it and she stared at the water as if the bubbles would suddenly burst and disperse and she would have visual confirmation of what was happening.

Her foot slid down still further and then seemed to sink into something soft and warm.

I’m touching her pussy, Hannah thought. Bloody hell! She’s got my toes buried in her pussy!

But she didn’t pull away and even though some distant part of her sanity was telling her to yank back her foot, get out, grab her clothes and get the hell away from this mad woman, she didn’t want it to stop because it felt amazing and her heart was beating just a little too quickly and she couldn’t drag her eyes away from the creamy layer of foam that was concealing what she now so desperately wanted to see.

Her toe disappeared. Of course, she didn’t see it, but she felt it, the digit pushing through folds of wet softness until it disappeared into somewhere altogether warmer and tighter and totally wonderful as Karen sighed deeply and began to move Hannah’s whole foot back and forth, back and forth, screwing herself with Hannah’s toe whilst warm waves of water washed up and down their bodies and foam clung fitfully to both sets of erect nipples.

“Lovely.” Karen sighed, feeding Hannah’s toe into her cunt one last time before withdrawing it. “Would you like to try?”

Hannah nodded. In truth, she wasn’t entirely sure what was going on or how she had got here, but now that she was, she was feeling curiously turned on and sexy. Maybe it’s the wine, she thought, spreading her legs and at Karen’s bidding, holding onto the edge of the bath for support. Maybe I’m having some sort of psychotic episode and will wake up sprawled on the floor with everyone dancing around me. Maybe.. oh!

Karen’s foot brushed her thigh. It was only a tentative touch but it was enough to make her tingle and before she knew what she was doing, she was taking hold of it and guiding it towards her waiting pussy.

At least I’m wet, she thought as she pressed Karen’s toes against her fluff. At least that won’t be a problem like it is with Pete. He did try in bed but God, he stretched her patience sometimes, mainly because his was so very limited and instead of waiting until she was properly turned on before sticking it in, he would kiss her a few times, suck on her nipples and then go straight for the main prize, irrespective of whether she was wet enough or not.

Not like now. Now she was amazingly wet and amazingly turned on and even though a little voice inside her head kept on asking what the hell she thought she was doing, she repeatedly thrust it away. She didn’t need to analysis the moment. She was turned on. She wanted a fuck and she was not going to waste the opportunity.

Licking her lips, she guided Karen’s foot closer to her pussy whilst at the other end of the bath, Karen sighed softly and when Hannah looked up found her fondling her breasts, her nipples hard and erect.

I wonder what they taste like, Hannah thought, then inwardly smiled. What the hell was she thinking?

She didn’t know. She had never done this before or anything even remotely like it and so had nothing to compare it with. She wasn’t even gay, or at least, she didn’t think she was. But here she was sitting in a bath with another naked woman, about to feed her toe into her own cunt!

“It’ll be okay.”

Karen’s voice startled her. “It’s just sex Hannah,” she said, when Hannah looked up at her. “That’s all. We aren’t about to ride off into the sunset together or start picking out furniture. We’re just having a bit of fun, that’s all.”

Hannah frowned. “How did you know that’s what I was thinking?”

“Your face says it all sweetie, but don’t worry. Let’s just enjoy ourselves. Put my toe to good use girl.”

Hannah did as she was told. Taking Karen’s foot in both hands, she slowly pressed it against her pussy and felt Karen’s toe push against her clit.

It felt wonderful and she kept it there for a while, allowing Karen to gently stroke her pussy lips until ripples of desire started to turn her insides molten and her hands started to tremble as cunt wide open, she guided Karen’s toe inside herself and sighed deeply as Karen worked it in and out until she was squirming with pleasure. This, she had to admit, was a totally new experience for her, and not anything she had never done with Pete who only ever wanted to put his cock inside her, and she relished the feel. Of course, it didn’t go in far, it couldn’t, the rest of Karen’s toes were in the way, but it felt glorious and she suddenly had the urge to completely fill her cunt, whether it was with toes or fingers or tongues.

“I want to fuck.” She breathed harshly as she held Karen’s toe firmly inside her. “This is not enough. I want to feel full! I want to fucking come!”

“No problem.” Karen smiled, “it will be my pleasure. Release my toe from your gorgeous insides and climb out. Be easier on the floor, unless you feel really adventurous and fancy fucking in that lovely, soft bed.”

Hannah climbed out of the bath, feeling slippery bubbles course down her naked body as she stepped onto the bath mat and reached for a towel.

Spreading it out on the floor, she lay down and spread herself, inviting Karen to do whatever the fuck she wanted with her.

“I like.” Karen smiled, stepping out of the bath herself. “I like that you’re still all lovely and wet.”

“Dry me off then. What the fuck?!”

The sound of a key being slid into the hotel room’s door made them both freeze and they stared at each other, the realisation that they were seconds from discovery and from being caught naked and from being the only thing people ever talked about when it came to this particular big day, gluing them in place.

“Shit!” Karen swore, grabbing a couple of towels. “Get dressed!” And wrapping one of the towels around her dry hair and the other around her body, she hissed “wait here,” and made for the door.

Getting up, Hannah nodded numbly and reaching for her dress, slipped it on over her head, just as Karen stepped boldly into the bedroom.

The couple standing just inside were as surprised to see her as Karen pretended she was to see them.

“Can I help you?” Karen asked in an intimidating posh accent. “Are you meant to be in here?”

“I..we.. we have a key.”

“So I see. But I can assure you this room is already taken.”

“Reception gave it to us.” The woman said, holding up the key so Karen could see it. “We didn’t know.”

“Clearly not. I don’t imagine you make a habit of barging into other people’s rooms. But really! A hotel of this calibre shouldn’t be making such mistakes. It’s unforgivable.”

“We’ll go back down.” The woman’s male companion offered. “Sort it out. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s quite alright.” Karen smiled. “You just gave me a bit of a shock, that’s all. I do hope they can sort you out another room.”

“Fuck me.” Hannah exclaimed when Karen hurried back into the bathroom, “you’ve got some balls!”

“I sincerely hope not,” Karen replied, pulling on her clothes, “or we’re not going to have half as much fun as I’d hoped.”

The corridor was blessedly empty when they crept out, tugging at their dresses and running hands through their hair and as they rushed back downstairs, they could hear faint sounds still coming from the reception leaving Hannah to wonder if Pete had missed her yet?

“Probably not.” Was Karen’s opinion when she mentioned it. “If he’s anything like mine he won’t notice your absence until he’s either drunk enough to want to slow dance or drunk enough for someone else to want to find you.”

“So where do we go now? Back to the party?”



“On whether you want to finish what we started.”

They were downstairs now in the lobby, having met no one on their way down other than a single member of staff, who barely glanced at them as he hurried towards the kitchen. They still kept well away from the hotel’s reception and walking down a short stretch of corridor to their right they soon came to a closed door marked ‘Private, staff only’.

“End of the line.” Hannah said. “What now?”

Karen opened the door. “It’s empty.” She said. “Come on.”

Pulse racing, Hannah followed her. She had never done anything so reckless in her life and felt sad at the truth of the statement. This was hardly reckless! Walking along a staff corridor, but before Karen, she would never have considered such a thing. Private meant just that and even if her destination had been at the end of this passageway, she probably would have walked right round the outside of the building in the pouring rain rather than risk violating the privacy rule. She was such a wimp!

“How about this?” Karen said, stopping outside a door marked ‘linen’.

Inside it was cool and dark and smelt of fabric conditioner and holding open the door so she could see, Karen felt for the light switch, flicked it on and then pulled both of them inside.

On either side, lining the walls, wooden shelves were piled high with folded sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers, whilst down the narrow strip of flooring in front of them, a red foot stool used for reaching the higher shelves stood next to an empty laundry basket on wheels.

“Perfect.” Karen said, pulling down a couple of pillow cases and using them to wedge the door. “Now if anyone disturbs us in here I will pretend to be insanely drunk and you are the poor sap trying to convince me to go back to the party. Ok?”

Hannah nodded. “Sure.”

Karen pulled her to her, “Floor or standing up?”

“Standing up.”

“Good choice,” Karen said and kissed her, her tongue hot in Hannah’s mouth, her hands holding her firmly around the waist before reaching for the hem of her dress and sliding it up until it was bunched around her middle.

Her knickers followed, slid over stocking clad thighs until they were down at her ankles. Then her hand returned, working its way slowly up her leg until it could cradle Hannah’s pussy.

“You’re still wet.” Karen whispered, squeezing Hannah’s mound, “How lovely.”

Hannah spread her legs. “Are you surprised?” She asked. “Fuck me and I want to feel everything. I want to feel your fingers inside me, I want to feel full. I want to know what it’s like to be fucked by another woman.”

“Like this you mean?” And Karen slid a single finger deep inside Hannah’s cunt.

Hannah gasped and it suddenly struck her that aside from herself, no other woman had ever touched her there or penetrated the soft velvet of her insides or moved their finger so she was could feel herself being fucked, gently and without haste, the finger wanting to give her pleasure rather than merely trying to stir her juices sufficiently for a cock to be inserted.

“Ok?” Karen asked and Hannah nodded, looking down at herself being screwed by another woman and finding it deeply erotic.

“Harder.” She said, “Another finger.”

Karen slid another inside her and worked them both back and forth. Hannah’s cunt was slippery and warm and her fingers moved with ease, caressing the muscles as she they slid in and out of her hole, juicing her up and eventually creating enough room for her to insert a third finger and then a fourth.

“You’re full now my sweet.” Karen purred. “You have all my fingers inside you and it is amazing. May I fuck you a little harder now?”

“Yes.” Hannah sighed and looked down to see Karen’s fingers start to move a little quicker. Her cunt was now tingling and pulsing with pleasure and Karen fucked her harder still, increasing the momentum until her fingers were slamming in and out of her cunt, rocking her back and forth against the shelving whilst she groaned with desire.

“Play with your clit.” Karen urged her and Hannah reached down, parting her swollen and sopping pussy lips to find her hard and sensitive clit, as aching to be rubbed as her cunt was to be fucked.

“That’s it.” Karen urged her, her hand and wrist now slick with pussy juices. “Fuck yourself Hannah. Harder! Make yourself come. Tell me when you’re nearly there and I’ll slam my fingers so deep into your cunt you’ll think they’re coming out of your throat!”

“God, yes!” Hannah cried and rubbed her clit. She was close, she could feel it. Her legs were shaking and her cunt felt huge! She would have done anything Karen asked at this moment, just to prolong this wonderful feeling and she rubbed herself harder, a huge shudder of pleasure tightening around her clit and driving itself deep within her groin.

Gasping for breath, every atom of her being centred upon what was happening between her thighs, she felt her orgasm starting to build and knew that if someone stepped into the room right now, she wouldn’t care.

“Nearly there!” She cried and drove her finger into her clit as tidal waves of pleasure built in her groin and surged up her cunt and into her pussy.

“Coming!” She gasped and Karen immediately shoved her fingers hard inside her vagina whilst Hannah, her head thrown back and her eyes shut tight, rubbed her clit until she could take it no longer and her orgasm took over and shuddered through her cunt.

Afterwards, Karen helped her dress, carefully pulling up her panties for her before licking her fingers clean of Hannah’s juices.

“Lovely,” she smiled, sucking the last drop from her little finger. “I do so love the taste of pussy. Are you ok?”

“I think so.” Hannah smiled shakily, “other than the fact I think I’ve lost the use of my legs. Christ, I didn’t think fucking another woman could be so...”

“Amazing? Satisfying? Better than any man?”

“Yes, something like that.” Hannah laughed. “It was so intense.”

“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed. Fancy returning the favour?”

“Of course, but I’m not sure I know what to do. I’ve never...”

“Hey, don’t worry about it. Just enjoy me and if you do anything I don’t like, I’ll soon tell you. Not that I think you will.”

Slipping off her dress to leave her wearing nothing but her bra, panties and stockings, Karen turned round until her back was to Hannah and braced herself against the shelf opposite. “Thought you might find it easier if you can’t see my face,” she explained, “that way you won’t feel like I’m watching you.”

“Ok, but what do I do now?”

“Anything you like.” Karen offered. “Want to take off my bra, then do it. Likewise my panties. I hope you do take those off!”

Nervously, Hannah moved forward and placed her hands on Karen’s sides. Her own body was still buzzing from the mind blowing orgasm Karen had given her, but this didn’t seem to be fuelling her confidence and with trembling fingers, she reached up and unclasped her bra.

Karen sighed in appreciation. “Now take it off.” She said. “Take the weight of my breasts in your hands and play with my nipples. Make me shudder.”

Hannah did it all, closing her own eyes as she cupped Karen’s heavy breasts in her hands and allowed her thumbs to run over her rapidly stiffening nipples. Squeezing them, she heard Karen sigh and drop her head to the ground. “Lovely.” She smiled, spreading her legs a little. “My cunt is already sopping. Touch me Hannah.”

Carefully, Hannah peeled down her panties. There was a damp spot on the crotch and the sight of it excited her. She had done that! She had made Karen wet enough to leave a mark and it gave her confidence the boost it needed. Now she felt like she could do anything. Touch her anywhere. Make Karen come as fiercely as she had been made to.

Dipping her head, Hannah kissed Karen’s back and allowed her hands to trail down her sides and across her stomach. Stopping at her fluff, she lingered there a while, applying pressure to the top of her mound before cupping her pussy and relishing the heat that warmed her palm.

Then she withdrew and sliding her hands over Karen’s buttocks, cupped her again but this time from behind, noticing how her pussy had seemed to swell in the short space she had been away. Now it felt heavy and damp, the light hairs that covered it moist with the stirrings of her lust.

“Fuck me.” Karen whispered and spreading her legs still wider, gasped when Hannah’s hand sank into the soft folds, her fingers moving over her pussy and clit and then back towards the entrance to her cunt.

Lacing two fingers together, Hannah entered her, amazed at how easy and sensual it was to feel another woman’s body close around her and draw her in as slowly, she began to move her fingers in and out, savouring the warmth and the stickiness and the gently undulation of cunt muscles sucking at her hand.

“That’s nice.” Karen said. “Can I have more?”

Hannah fed her another two, the same as she had been fucked with, and Karen sighed with pleasure. “Yes,” she said, “That feels lovely and full. Now fuck me sweetie and don’t worry about hurting me, ‘cos you won’t. Just give it to me, as hard as you like.”

Hannah wanted to. Karen’s words had excited her and as she began to move all four of her fingers in and out of her juicy cunt, she was a little surprised to discover that some deep, dark part of her actually wanted to fuck Karen so hard it made her scream. “Is this okay?” She finally asked before she allowed herself to get too carried away, “I’m not hurting you?”

“No!” Karen insisted. “I like it hard, Hannah. I like to be really taken, you know. Go for it! Please.”

Hannah fucked her. Hard. All four of her fingers driving themselves in and out of Karen’s cunt with so much force it made her rock back and forth and her breasts to swing with her. But instead of complaining or begging her to stop, Karen urged her on, practically begging her to go faster, harder, to ram her cunt until she could take no more. And all the time she grew wetter and plumper, covering Hannah’s fingers and hand with sticky juices as her cunt opened up to suck her in.

Fucking her, Hannah felt her own lust beginning to rise again and reaching around with her other hand, she found Karen’s clit and pushed a finger deep into the centre of it. Immediately Karen shuddered and gushing liquid from her cunt told Hannah not to stop.

Hannah wasn’t about to. Karen’s cunt felt amazing and her clit was actually throbbing beneath her finger as she continued to rub it round and round, feeling Karen’s body first stiffen and then increasingly start to tense as her orgasm first built and then rushed towards its ultimate end.

“I’m..going.. to come!” Karen gasped and gripping the shelf in front of her, pushed her backside towards Hannah in an effort to take even more of her fingers inside her.

Hannah fucked her, slamming her fingers, now glued together with pussy lube, into Karen’s hole whilst her other hand stuck to Karen’s lovely clit as she fucked and fingered her, telling her she was lovely, beautiful, that she was going to come so hard it would leave her gasping for breath.

“” Karen replied and then let out a groan as her orgasm ripped through her and her cunt practically sucked Hannah’s fingers inside, holding them fast as wave after wave of pure pleasure coursed through her cunt and left her panting.

“Perfect.” She said, when at last she could speak again, “that was bloody perfect, thank you.”

Karen had been right, neither her boyfriend nor Hannah’s had even noticed their absence and they didn’t care. Grabbing drinks, they settled themselves at an empty table and whispered surreptitiously together, sharing verbally the highlights of their love making and planning to do it again.

Just as soon as they’d finished their wine.