16. Field Manual 30-31B

  1.     Covert Action Information Bulletin 1, no. 1 (July 1978), p. 3.

  2.     Ibid.

  3.     The CIA, in congressional testimony, confirmed that “FM 30-31A exists.” House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Subcommittee on Oversight, “Soviet Covert Action (the Forgery Offensive),” February 6, 1980, 96th Congress, 2nd session, p. 86. Several doctrinal Army publications mention supplement A, including FM 30-31, Department of the Army, January 1972, p. 1-1, https://archive.org/details/1970-fm30-31; also FM 30-17, Counterintelligence Operations, Department of the Army, January 1972, pp. 13-5, 13-6.

  4.     See Army Publications database entry for FM 30-31, October 26, 2018, https://archive.org/details/ARMYPUBS-FM-30-31.

  5.     FM 30-31B “Stability Operations Intelligence—Special Fields,” dated March 10, 1970, as initially surfaced in 1976, U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) FOIA release to John Young, May 2001, p. 11 (KGB pagination), p. 27 (U.S. Army pagination), https://archive.org/details/1976-fm30-31b. A curiosity of this FOIA release is that the U.S. Army “declassified” a forged document, with proper strikethroughs and UNCLASSIFIED stamps, that the KGB had simply marked “TOP SECRET.”

  6.     FM 30-31B “Stability Operations Intelligence—Special Fields,” dated March 10, 1970, as initially surfaced in 1976, U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) FOIA release to John Young, May 2001, p. 11 (KGB pagination), p. 27 (U.S. Army pagination).

  7.     “Amerika dünyayı nasıl kontrol ediyor?” Barış, March 24–May 9, 1975. The 46-part series was announced on March 23, https://archive.org/details/1975-baris.

  8.     “Compromise of Top Secret Material,” Department of State, Ref: BANGKO 26132, October 21, 1976, FOIA release, https://web.archive.org/web/20060104060835/http://cryptome.org/inscom-foia02.htm.

  9.     CIA, “Soviet Use of the Media,” Appendix R, in “The CIA and the Media,” U.S. House of Representatives, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Hearings, December 27, 28, and 29, 1977, January 4 and 5, 1978, and April 20, 1978, p. 535 (4).

  10.   Robert Meade, Red Brigades (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1990), pp. 166–68.

  11.   The article was picked up in several European countries, for instance by a left weekly in The Hague, and by Le Monde in Paris; see “U.S. Army Field Manual Forgery, REF: MADRID 11499 (C),” U.S. Department of State, THE HA 05610 080930Z, October 1978. Charles Vanhecke, “Un hebdomadaire fait état de documents secrets américains sur le travail des agents spéciaux dans les ‘pays amis,’” Le Monde, September 23, 1978, p. 5.

  12.   Corrado Incerti, “Dalle carte del Pentagono,” L’Europeo 34, no. 43 (October 27, 1978), p. 23.

  13.   Sandro Ottolenghi, “Gli USA ‘aiutano’ così,” L’Europeo 34, no. 43 (October 27, 1978), pp. 22–24, https://archive.org/details/1978-10-27-l-europeo.

  14.   Ibid.; see also William Schaap, “The Mysterious Supplement B: Sticking It to the ‘Host Country,’” Covert Action Information Bulletin 3 (January 1979), p. 9.

  15.   Giovanni Valentini, “La riposta degli USA,” L’Europeo 34, no. 44 (November 3, 1978), pp. 20–21, https://archive.org/details/1978-11-03-l-europeo.

  16.   Louis Wolf, interview with Thomas Rid, Washington, DC, August 20, 2018.

  17.   Schaap, “The Mysterious Supplement B,” p. 11.

  18.   Ibid.

  19.   Jeff Stein, “The Trenchcoats Retrench,” Mother Jones, February/March 1981, p. 55.

  20.   Louis Wolf, interview with Thomas Rid, Washington, DC, August 20, 2018.

  21.   John Marks, “How to Spot a Spook,” The Washington Monthly, November 1974, pp. 29–39, archived by the CIA at CIA-RDP78-04722A000300030018-3.

  22.   See also the Covert Action Information Bulletin press release from the same day, “Large CIA Station in Kingston,” July 2, 1980.

  23.   Jo Thomas, “Gunmen in Jamaica Hit Home of U.S. Aide,” The New York Times, July 5, 1980, p. A1.

  24.   N. Richard Kinsman, “Openness and the Future of the Clandestine Service,” Studies in Intelligence 10, Winter/Spring 2001, pp. 55–61, byline, see also “Staff Meeting Minutes of 7 July 1980,” Memorandum for the Record, CIA-RDP84B00130R000600010347-5, July 7, 1980, p. 2.