
(a longer reading list in available on my web site)

These are some excellent books or web sites with additional helpful information This site is run by a retired RN, who set it up to help make many of the products that I write and lecture about, available to the public all together on one web site. A great website for information on environmental issues. They are the group that did the body burden studies. Also, please consult their Skin Deep resource list. My professional web site. My Products List can be found in the drop down menu under Additional Resources. It includes many categories such as skin care, cleansers, shampoos, etc. This is a great organization educating the public about pesticide facts. A world expert in IPM (integrative Pest Management) and a good friend of mine, Steve Tvedten. His site sells the great reference book Best Control 2, a phenomenal resource on pest control. He also formulated the product I love called Tweetmint available from his other site,

Our Toxic World: A Wake Up Call by Doris Rapp - A great book.

The Crazy Makers by Carol Simontacchi - Another great book.

Genetic Roulette & Seeds of Destruction by Jeffrey Smith – Two great books on the facts and hazards of GMO foods.

Vaccination is Not Immunization by Tim O’Shea, DC - One of the best books to teach you about the toxic facts that are being withheld from both the public and the medical profession. Some good videos on this subject can be found on my website if you are willing to open you mind to the possibility of massively suppressed information. These poisons are being directly injected into our children and adults every day.

Detoxification by David Getoff – A DVD on how to detox. Produced years before I finally got around to writing this book.

Eat Fat Get Thin by Mark Hyman, MD & The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholz – The two best books that will teach you (and your doctors) the real truth about fats and oils and how we have all been so horribly misled all these years. If you want to help get the toxic chemicals out of your fatty tissues, you MUST get yourself onto a high Good fat/Low Bad fat diet. Understanding the truth will help push you in the right direction.

The Paleo Cardiologist by Jack Wolfson, DO – Jack has written the best book to date about reversing heart disease with diet and supplements and since much of what he recommends is in line with the detoxification I teach, I love to recommend his book as well as he and his wife’s video called Wide Awake on their web site. We lectured together at the 2017 IAACN (.org) clinical nutrition conference in Dallas.

Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies by Neil Z. Miller An excellent book which exposes research on vaccinations that the government and the pharmaceutical industry does not want you to know has been published. A great book in addition to the O’Shea book to convince your pro-vaccination friends that they were lied to.