Chapter 14



Stunned was the only way to describe Octavia’s response to Landon’s musical acumen. He had a whole lot more church in him than she had suspected. Returning from seeing off the last baptismal candidates, Octavia walked back into the tent where Rossi remained praying with a young man and Landon was still on the keyboard, playing a soft melody. Wanting answers, she focused on her target and marched Landon’s way.

“We need to talk,” Rossi said to Landon, intercepting Octavia’s path.

Octavia blinked and whipped her head around. Wasn’t he just praying for someone moments earlier? And now he had said the very words that were on Octavia’s lips, so she could only echo his request. “Yes, we do.” She squinted at Landon and placed her fist on her hip.

“I’m first,” Rossi countered as Landon watched them.

Octavia folded her arms “Well, I’m after you.” Rossi was not only a friend, but a minister of God, so who was she to argue?

Not happy about being dismissed, Octavia marched to a nearby chair, flopped down and waited impatiently for her turn. As she gnawed on her lips, she watched Landon’s body language as he and Rossi where huddled together near the keyboard.

Who was Landon really? He played the selections as if he were the choir director. God had told her Landon needed rescuing, but judging from what she saw tonight, Landon wasn’t a random soul Jesus was calling to salvation. He was a lost sheep that the Shepherd was recovering as in Rossi’s sermon.

Octavia waited and waited until only a few people stirred inside the tent, picking up litter or stacking folding chairs. Rossi stood and walked over to her and took a seat. “Sister, this may take a while. Why don’t you go on home? Brother Sam can escort you to your car.”

“Minister Rossi, I’d rather stay. I want to know what’s going on with him.”

“You won’t tonight. Whatever is on your heart, I’m sure it will be there tomorrow.” He stood and returned to Landon who hadn’t looked her way.

As if he had been summoned, Brother Sam came to her side and offered to walk her to her car. Reluctantly, Octavia gathered her things. Before stepping out from under the tent, she took one final look at the two men who were in deep discussion.

The drive home did nothing to calm Octavia’s heart. She was flustered, confused and angry. The angry part came from feeling “used” like Terri had said, which was ridiculous. Besides treating him to a meal and taking him to Mac’s, she had done very little for him.

She arrived home on autopilot. Parking in her garage, she got out and walked through the door. Octavia disarmed her alarm and dropped to her chair at the table. She sat there motionless. Her house was quiet, but the chaos going on in her head seemed loud enough for her neighbors to hear.

Finally, she stood and grabbed her purse. That’s when she noticed she had two missed calls from Olivia. Octavia sighed. It was about time her sister called her back, but at the moment the only person she wanted to talk to was Landon. She would play phone tag with Olivia later.

She showered, hoping to wash away the confusion along with the perspiration from the heat. Afterward, she moved through her home with no destination in mind. She was restless—a snack, movie or book couldn’t pacify her. She backtracked to her bedroom and knelt by her bed. Octavia had a lengthy petition before God to understand why she felt like an injured party in a relationship that didn’t exist. She hadn’t realized that she had dozed until her back stiffened from the awkward position. “Amen,” she whispered then crawled into bed and turned off the light.

The next morning, Octavia woke early after having a fitful night. She reasoned if she hurried, maybe she would have time to drop by Mac’s Place before church and get an abbreviated version of Landon’s stunt the previous night. Putting her plan into action, Octavia showered and ate a simple breakfast of oatmeal. Although she wasn’t feeling the whole makeup regimen, she applied blush and lip gloss since she did have a showing after church. Her attire was a colorful flowing print skirt and peach sweater.

Octavia itched to call Rossi, who was probably either at his own church or on the way, for any tidbits about Landon’s past. It was a silly notion, because as a minister, Rossi took confidentiality seriously. She got behind the wheel of her own car and seemed to make it to Mac’s Place in record time. Octavia put on a smile and walked into the lobby. Brother McCoy stopped what he was doing and greeted her.

“I’m hoping to speak with Landon,” she said calmly.

“Oh, you missed him. He left about an hour ago.”

Frowning, Octavia felt her heart sink. “Did he say where he was going?” She tried to pump him for information without coming across as desperate to find him.

“Nope.” Brother McCoy shrugged. “I would guess maybe to church, judging by the tie he was wearing, but he avoids worship service here, so I doubt that.” He paused, looking perplexed.

“He might surprise you. Thanks.” She walked out the door thinking Landon was becoming more mysterious by the moment.