
“Oooh, I got a strike!” Marcy squeals with glee, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet like a kid in a candy store. She twirls around, her brown locks flying in a gorgeous semi-circle. Then, the curvy girl does a little victory dance that involves her shaking her ass and wiggling her shoulders.

I can’t help but laugh at her joyous enthusiasm. “Lucky roll,” I tease.

Marcy bites her bottom lip, a naughty gleam in her eye. She struts toward me, shaking her hips as she walks. “Face it, Jared, I’m just better at bowling than you.”

“Oh?” I raise an eyebrow and lunge at her playfully. Marcy squeals once more and darts away in a flash, but I still manage to smack her ass before she can get too far. She giggles again and then bumps her bottom once more because we both know her ass was made to be worshipped. But first, bowling and drinks. We both lean back against the hard plastic seats and grab our lemonades before taking long, refreshing sips. I watch Marcy surreptitiously, appreciating her lush figure and sassy attitude.

Fuck she’s hot, I think for the tenth time today.

After all, the woman is curvy in all the right places. Her tiny booty shorts ride up her ass every time she bends over to roll her ball down the lane. And her bra-like crop top leaves very little to the imagination. It’s clearly a size too small because those creamy swells are practically spilling out the top. But we’re on Sanctum premises, so it’s par for the course. The ladies here dress skank, and when I glance around, I see that some of the other women are wearing even less than Marcy. In fact, there’s one woman who’s just pulled off her bikini top, and she’s laughing as she rubs a bowling ball between her tits. What she’s going to do with it, I have no idea, but the man she’s with is certainly enjoying himself.

I’m not complaining either because Marcy is incredible, and the other night at my place was hot. We had mind-blowing sex right there on my living room couch before going up to the master suite and continuing the shenanigans. Goddamn, I’m good at fucking, but I’ve never been so alive as when I pound Marcy. Maybe it’s her eagerness to please, or maybe the sweet moans she lets out as I hit that spot deep inside. But I definitely think it’s because of how enthusiastic she is in everything she does.

“Hey, you’re up,” she giggles, pointing to my ball that has just popped out of the chute. “Unless you just want to quit now and let me win.” She blinks her lashes rapidly, shooting me a seductive smile.

“I’m no quitter,” I growl before picking up the ball and heading towards the lane. I can sense that Marcy is smiling at my back, and it’s a nice feeling. It feels great to be the center of this woman’s attention, even if I am technically paying for it. But that’s what Sanctum guys want, right? Hot sex with no strings. I shake my head, packing that away for later before tossing my ball down the lane. It hits the pins with a satisfying crack, and Marcy squeals behind me.

“Oooh spare!” she giggles happily. “But not as good as me.”

“Did it ever occur to you that I might be letting you win?” I ask with a smirk.

She pretend-frowns. “Oh no you aren’t, are you?”

I grin devilishly. “No, I’m not. You just suck at bowling,” I confess while heading back to the plastic seats.

“Well, why did you want to do this then, you crazy man?” Marcy asks while throwing her curls back for another giggle.

I run a hand through my dark hair and chuckle in turn. Why did I, come to think of it?

“Well, I wanted to show you that I can be a good sport but more importantly, if we aren’t careful, all we’d do is fuck and sleep and then fuck some more. You wouldn’t be able to walk if we didn’t get out of the house once in a while.”

Marcy’s pretty eyes widen. “That doesn’t sound so bad,” she says in a coy tone. “You could push me around in a wheelchair. I wouldn’t mind.”

“No, you wouldn’t want that,” I growl before leaning in for a kiss. “Because I wouldn’t even let you use a wheelchair. Instead, I’d just keep you in bed. God, the things I want to do to you,” I whisper against her neck.

Marcy leans into my touch, mewling as she speaks. “Again, that doesn’t sound so bad, Jared. But you’re right, it’s nice to spend some time getting to know one another. Plus, I’m winning so there’s always that,” she adds in a coo. “But how did you end up at Sanctum in the first place, may I ask? Don’t get me wrong,” she says, holding up her hands in a defensive gesture. “I’m happy you showed up, but the belly dancing event was the first time I saw you.”

I nod slowly. “It’s kind of a weird story actually.”

She squeals.

“Oh now you have to tell me!” she giggles before cupping her ears and flipping her palms forward. “I’m all ears,” she jokes.

I roll my eyes, but secretly, I love her corny lines.

“Well, I’m part of a Facebook group for single dads,” I admit sheepishly. “I know, I know. Facebook is for geezers and millennials use TikTok now, so make fun of me all you want, but honestly, that group has been a life saver ever since my divorce.”

“Oh, I would never make fun of you for that,” Marcy says immediately. “But that doesn’t explain how you ended up here,” she gestures around the room, “at the club.

I nod.

“Through the group. I become friends with a couple of the guys in real life, and we bonded. It wasn’t hard because we were all single dads with young children in Manhattan, and a couple of them had been divorced for a while, so they knew what I was going through. Anyways, they eventually told me about the club and convinced Sanctum to extend a membership invitation.” I glance up at the screen, which has begun to flash a warning. “You better go bowl before it times out,” I say gruffly.

Marcy hops up and sashays her way toward the lane. “No staring at my ass, mister,” she sasses at me over her shoulder.

“I make no promises,” I growl. Marcy bends over far lower than she needs to and looks back at me before winking suggestively. Then, with a heave-ho, she chucks the ball down the lane and it bounces immediately into the gutter.

“Drat,” she says with a mock-pout before coming back to sit once again. “So you joined Sanctum… when?” she asks, continuing our conversation.

I think for a moment. “About a year ago? At first, I mostly just used the gym as way to get out of my house. I wasn’t into the parties yet. But after a couple months, I started going to a few of the special events, and it was good. It was a way to jump back into living life once more.”

Marcy nods before looking back up at me with those big brown eyes. “You mean, you started meeting lots of women through the club, right?” Her tone is carefully neutral, but there’s something in it that almost sounds… jealous? Is that possible, coming from a hostess?

I want to lie but there’s no point in doing that because it would be too obvious.

“Yes, I met a lot of women,” I agree in a careful tone. “It was helpful because my divorce threw me for a loop. You don’t get married expecting it to end one day, so when it all came crashing down, I was lonely and well, kind of desperate actually.”

Marcy shakes her head, a small laugh escaping her lips.

“Jared, please. I honestly can’t even imagine a guy like you being desperate. There must have been ladies breaking down your door!”

I shrug.

“Maybe, but I wasn’t into it,” I say in a light tone. “You can have the Queen of Sheba wanting to date you, but if you’re not ready on the inside, then it really doesn’t matter. Yeah sure, I’m rich and powerful and whatever alpha adjective you want to add in, and it would be true. But trust me, I was lost back then and the dads’ group helped. Frankly, being able to let go here has helped too because it made me feel human again. At first, I thought it was just the adrenaline rush of the parties, but then I realized that I actually like them. I enjoy myself at Sanctum events, and it’s become a significant part of my life.”

To be honest, I’m a little surprised that I’m being so open with Marcy because obviously, it’s not every day that you’d bring up your ex and your penchant for sex parties while on a date. Still, the beautiful woman’s not like other girls, and she nods thoughtfully.

“I see. So Sanctum helped you through your divorce, hmm?” she asks gently. I nod.

“Yes, and it’s a good fit too. After all, here, I can have a great time with a woman and yet there are zero expectations for anything long-term. The no-strings attached set up has given me the best of both worlds: hot sex and good company, without the aggravations of a real relationship.”

But then I pause because I’m not sure, but I think I see Marcy’s face fall slightly. Just as quickly, she smiles brightly and stands up. It must have been my imagination because no hostess would ever be upset hearing a statement like that. It’s just the truth, and what the girls get paid for. She smiles brightly again and speaks.

“Yeah, I can see why it would work. Plus, I like that about this place, too. I mean, I meet tons of handsome men and get paid to have fun. Besides, I’m way too busy between my three jobs to have much of a social life, so working here handles that part for me.”

I nod, frowning a little. “But you’re what, twenty-two? Twenty-three?”

“Twenty-four,” she shrugs, a little too casually.

I nod.

“Shouldn’t you be out exploring and enjoying life, going on bad dates, and making those kinds of memories? It’s a little young to be so jaded.”

But Marcy just shrugs. “Trust me, I do not need to spend my days dating the weirdoes of New York City,” she assures me with a small laugh. “Besides, that’s just the way it is. Some girls have to work for a living, and I happen to be one of them. Unless you’re offering to be my sugar daddy?” she jokes with a mischievous grin.

But what Marcy doesn’t realize is that it’s a possibility, if she really wants it. “Well I am happy to pay for your time, sweetheart,” I say in a casual voice. “I understand how the club works.”

Marcy flushes. “Oh no, I didn’t mean it,” she responds quickly. “I was just teasing.”

I shake my head. “No, it’s fine,” I growl. “I mean, I’ve never thought of myself as a sugar daddy, so it’d be new to me. But honestly, I have more money than I know what to do with and spoiling you is something I’d like very much.”

She bites her lip. ”

Marcy looks surprised. “But you could do so much— travel, start a new company, anything you want. Or you could save it for Vivi. It’s her inheritance, after all.”

I pull Marcy to me, and slowly run my fingers along her bare arms. She shivers beneath my touch, and it only makes me want to touch her more. “No sweetheart,” I breathe in her ear. “I don’t think you realize how much I have. I sold my company last year for over ten figures, so I’m swimming in it now. I’ve got Vivi set up for life and then some, and I’ve been bored out of my mind for almost a year now, so yeah, I’d say spoiling you is very much a priority. It works for both of us, so why not?” I whisper into her sweet shell of an ear. “You get what you want, and I get what I want,” I say, reaching one big hand up to squeeze a luscious tit. Fuck, it feels so good and she moans as I twist her nipple through her thin top.

“I like spending time with you too, Mr. Michales,” she pants breathily. “Mmmm.”

I feel my cock jerk. “Good,” I decide. “Then it’s settled. We’ve got our little deal, and you won’t have to worry about money anymore, sweetheart. It’s taken care of. You’re taken care of.” Then, I kiss the curvy girl hard on the mouth, sealing our agreement. After all, Marcy is mine, bought and paid for now, and that’s how I like it. Or is it? Only time will tell, I suppose.