“An elegant and thoughtful dismantling of perhaps the most dangerous ideology at work today. Modern social-justice thinking tears away at our most cherished ideals and institutions. Noah Rothman has done a tremendous service in cutting through the sloganeering and getting to the heart of the matter—the elevation of crude identity politics at the expense of decency, merit, and truth.”

Ben Shapiro, editor in chief, The Daily Wire

“Reading Noah Rothman is like a workout for your brain, and this book also tugs at your heart. Noah calls upon all of us to remember our common identity first—we are Americans. He suggests we start acting like it.”

Dana Perino, press secretary to President George W. Bush

“Noah Rothman makes it clear that Americans have just two choices before them. They can fulfill the beautiful principles that were outlined in the Declaration of Independence and were then extended by those who fought for the right to their ‘promissory note,’ or they can descend into grievance-mongering, identity politics, and sectarian strife.”

Charles C. W. Cooke, editor,

“Identity politics is corrupting the American ideal of e pluribus unum. ‘Out of many, one’ has been replaced by ‘from one into many.’ In this robust endorsement of our nation’s timeless founding principles, Noah Rothman says the things that need to be said but that too few people have the courage to say.”

James Kirchick, author of The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues and the Coming Dark Age

“Noah Rothman examines a movement more focused on political retribution than the search for justice, explaining with great insight how it has poisoned our politics, coarsened our culture, and turned us into a nation of victims.”

Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe

“Noah Rothman’s pointed, eloquent, powerful, and necessary Unjust marks the distinguished beginning of what will surely be a remarkable career as an author of books.”

John Podhoretz, editor, Commentary

“Noah Rothman’s first book (of many, I hope) shows how social justice ideologues, left and right, are rejecting the uniquely anti-tribal nature of the American experiment that has allowed us to rise above the tit-for-tat tribal temptation that has marked—and wrecked—so many past civilizations.”

Jonah Goldberg, author of Suicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics Is Destroying American Politics