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1 Gotta love that mandatory Fine Arts credit. When Drama 101 calls, you think …
( ) A. If they don’t give me the lead, I don’t know what they’re thinking.
( ) B. Sweet! Wonder if I could pull off that British accent?
( ) C. Every production needs a props person … right?
2 The ref blows the whistle on a dirty defensive play. It’s PK (penalty kick) time. You …
( ) A. Avoid eye contact with the coach and hide behind your teammates.
( ) B. Yell, “Let me at it! I’ll rip a hole through the back of the net!”
( ) C. Think, I’m ready if he needs me.
3 Friday’s the French final you’ve been hearing about all year—academic casualties galore! Your pre-test stress level:
( ) A. Out of this world. I’m so nervous, I’m sure I’ll never remember what I studied.
( ) B. I’ve put in my time. Now I’ve just gotta keep my head clear and do my best.
( ) C. Studying’s overrated. I’ve got this thing covered. Plus, I have Monsieur Stephens wrapped around my finger …
4 Geometry is going from bad to worse. You realize the only thing that’s gonna save this ship is some one-on-one help from your teacher. Your response:
( ) A. I’ve been putting it off for weeks. This is way out of my comfort zone.
( ) B. I deserve an A anyway. It’s the least the teacher could do.
( ) C. So Geometry isn’t my strong point. A little help never hurt anyone.
5 The weekend’s coming up, and you don’t have any plans yet. You feel …
( ) A. It’s no big deal—if something doesn’t come up, I’ll ask the girls to do something Saturday.
( ) B. Stress! What if my friends leave me out?! I don’t want to sit at home all weekend.
( ) C. Duh—I’m the life of the party. There is no weekend without me!
6 You find out you and your friend like the same guy. You think …
( ) A. Shoot—I don’t stand a chance. If only I could be more outgoing like she is around him.
( ) B. I’ve got to be straight-up with her about this. I don’t want anything to wreck our friendship.
( ) C. Step aside, sista! Let the flirting begin! You don’t stand a chance.
7 You know your friend did not get that A on her own … plus, you saw her cheat sheet. What to do?
( ) A. Confront it head-on. You call it what it is (cheating!) and make her face up to it.
( ) B. Go on the offensive. Attack her, tell the teacher, the principal and all your friends. She’s reaping what she sowed.
( ) C. Pretend it didn’t happen. She doesn’t know you know … so why create a controversy?
8 After the homecoming dance, your date is coming in for the goodnight kiss. However, this was not in your plan. You …
( ) A. Take a step back and clearly cut him off. “See ya!”
( ) B. Insult him and tell him to dream on.
( ) C. Get nailed with the wet one. You’re hating every second of it but have no idea how to get yourself out of this mess!
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