Mary, Martha or somewhere in between?

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You love to…

( ) A. Plan events like holiday parties, school dances, ultimate sleepovers, etc.

( ) B. Go to events like holiday parties, school dances, ultimate sleepovers, etc.

( ) C. Spend one-on-one time with a friend.

A perfect day for you involves …

( ) A. “Ace”-ing a test, winning the lead in the school play or finally completing an assignment that took forever.

( ) B. A half-day of school, a movie or two with friends then out for coffee.

( ) C. Fresh air, sunshine and time to just be.

During a big holiday get-together with friends or family you usually …

( ) A. Help cook, serve or clean.

( ) B. Have fun and help out when you’re needed.

( ) C. Hang out and talk.

In your mind, a satisfying time with God would be …

( ) A. Serving in some way, like helping out at a homeless shelter or organizing a youth group activity.

( ) B. Reading a Bible passage or singing praise songs with your small group.

( ) C. Taking a nature walk to check out the magnificence of God’s creation.

What pushes your frantic button?

( ) A. Too much down time

( ) B. Too much to do, too little time

( ) C. Not enough chill time

At school, you’re usually …

( ) A. Busy, busy, busy—juggling classes, friends and several extracurricular activities, like yearbook, sports, clubs (you get the picture!).

( ) B. Trying to get to class and be with your friends at the same time.

( ) C. Just doing stuff that floats your boat—whether it’s trying out for the school play, being in art club or playing a sport.

What makes you feel down?

( ) A. When your efforts aren’t appreciated

( ) B. Bad news of any kind

( ) C. When you feel like you can’t be yourself around someone

Besides a relationship with Jesus, what do you treasure most?

( ) A. Your reputation or GPA

( ) B. Life and health … and cool stuff you own

( ) C. Times spent hanging out with family and friends

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