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1» Your friend’s failing a class. You say …
( ) A. “Oh yeah, my brother failed a class once. That was tough.”
( ) B. “How ‘bout I come over and help you study?”
( ) C. “Oh, that’s not good … So anyways—what do you think of my new jeans?”
2» What would your best friend say about you?
( ) A. “She’s fun to hang out with, but I wouldn’t go to her with any major problems.”
( ) B. “I really like her, but I don’t feel like she knows me that well yet.”
( ) C. “She’s always there for me—I can tell her anything, anytime.”
3» Someone’s bad-mouthin’ your friend. You …
( ) A. Stick up for her—don’t go messin’ with my sista!
( ) B. Fidget nervously and try to change the subject.
( ) C. Laugh along with them—now is not the time to pick a fight.
4» Your best friend’s crush starts grilling you about her. You …
( ) A. Tell him she’s not interested and start flirting with him.
( ) B. Start describing her, but you can’t keep your eyes off him. He’s such a hottie!
( ) C. Talk her up and give him her #.
5» Your best friend is having a bad day and snaps at you. How do you react?
( ) A. Blow her off and give her some space for a couple days.
( ) B. Forgive and forget—you’ve had your off days, too.
( ) C. Want an argument? Bring it on!
6» Your friend is captain of the soccer team, and you’re pretty good at keeping the bench warm. She just scored the game-winning goal. You …
( ) A. Run out and hug her—you’re genuinely happy for her!
( ) B. Downplay it—you could have done the same thing if you were in the game.
( ) C. Slap her five in the locker room—sometimes you wish you could share in the glory.
7» It’s been three months since your friend moved away (sad!). You …
( ) A. Called her two weeks ago, and she was doing okay then.
( ) B. Totally lost her address (whoops!). Was it North Carolina or South Carolina?
( ) C. Text her every day ‘cause you know she must be lonely.
8» You’re starting to become friends with some cooler girls, and they asked you to sit with them at lunch.
( ) A. You say “no thanks”—you know where your loyalties lie.
( ) B. You say “Sure, great!” and invite your friend to join you (knowing she won’t have the guts to come).
( ) C. You say, “Good-bye, anonymity; hello, popularity!” Suddenly your best friend doesn’t seem so cool anymore.
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